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"Some Memories.." "Some Memories.."

<BGSOUND SRC="images/Ellsworth.mp3" LOOP=INFINITE>

These days she sits at the window
And just stares out at the trees
The vacant look in her eyes
Is painful for her loved ones to see

Years ago she stopped
Remembering their faces
She no longer recalls their names
Her life is filled with empty spaces

But there is one that she remembers
And longs to see his face again
He was her one and only true love
Her constant companion, her best friend.

She sees the pictures
Of all the times they shared
It calms her spirit
No longer is she scared

Memories flood her mind
As joy fills her soul
And she begins to talk of life
So many years ago

She knows every detail
From the pictures she sees
Her eyes are so alert
The vacancy flees

She remembers their first kiss
Out on the porch swing
Him on his knees
In his hand , a ring

The tears gather in her eyes
As she remembers his touch
She wonders where he is now
She misses him so much

She has every letter
That he ever sent
From every distant place
That he ever went

When she pulls them out of that old trunk
To once again read
The memories never fail her
They return to her mind with speed

Some memories even time
Can not steal from our mind
It can't erase the memories
Of a love that was one of a kind.

We may lose some memories
As time pulls us apart
But we can't forget the one we loved
The one we gave our heart.

Tina White

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