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"Till We Meet Again.." "Till We Meet Again.."

<BGSOUND SRC="images/Homesick.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

We all have friends and loved ones
Who have gone on up above
But we will never stop missing them
Or remembering their love.

They came along and touched our lives
In some unique way
We often mourn and miss them
Wishing they could have only stayed.

At times , it's hard to face the morning
Knowing they're not there
We go through so many emotions
Even believing life is so unfair.

But they were here for a purpose
And now that purpose is complete
We shall see them again some day
In a place with golden streets.

They say there will be no sorrow there
No tears will dim the eyes
I accept that with all my heart
Though, I can't explain why.

But one day I will see them again
And joy will fill my soul
We will all be happy together
A place where no one grows old.

There will be no pain or sorrow there
No darkness and no night
The Heavens will be full of music
The days all shining bright.

So, I won't say goodbye, my friend
That's much too final a word
I will just say,"Till we meet again"
And join the sweetest song ever heard.

Tina White

I miss you... but see you again real soon!

Marvin Guest, Jr.
8/29/41- 3/27/92

Lessie Guest
8/30/20 - 9/15/05

Jesse Clint White
3/17/37 - 6/13/06

Stephen Clint White
1/23/60 - 3/30/93

Florence Broussard Tucker
4/11/25 - 11/93

Joseph Curwood Tucker
1/20/21 - 8/98

"Till We Meet Again..."

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