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" Walking Me Home " " Walking Me Home "

<BGSOUND SRC="images/WalkingHerHome.mp3" LOOP=INFINITE>

When I look back to the day you entered my life
At times it seems like only yesterday
And at other times it seems like so many years ago
But some things never change
Like the love I feel
At the memory of that wonderful day

We were so young…
Still in High School
But there was something about you
Something that called out to me
Something that told me I needed to get to know you

I remember the day you met my parents
How you asked them if you could take me out
It was really my first date
And I can remember my Dad
Telling you not to bring me home late
How we better be on time

I think at times when we did go somewhere
That maybe he didn’t feel comfortable with
He would even tell you not to leave me alone
That you better stay right by my side
It’s funny how this song goes so well
With the way things actually happened for us

I wonder if he knew all those years ago
That even to this day
You have never left my side
God knows there were reasons you could have
But you didn’t
You have stayed right here with me
Through some very rocky times

You have loved me when I was most unlovable
You have picked me up when I didn’t want to stand
You have seen me at my worse
And you have seen me at my best
You have seen many, many tears
Tears that you didn’t understand
Yet you have wiped them away
And loved me through it all

You gave me three precious children
To brighten my life on so many levels
You made me into the woman that I am today
Teaching me about life as we traveled along
Showing me that is was ok to love unconditionally
Because when I loved you like that
You never let me down
I always felt it returned to me

You gave me wings in so many ways
Letting me fly for a time
You gave me the strength to try to do that
When the fear of uncertainty kept me from soaring
Always encouraging me to follow my heart
Having enough faith in my heart
To believe it would never lead me wrong
Believing more in me
Than I believed in myself

So many years have passed since the day we met
And maybe our lives have not been exactly as we planned
I’m sure there have been times that I have let you down
It’s true we have struggled for everything we have
Life has not been easy for us
And we have lost a lot of things over the years
But I love you more than you can ever imagine
My love for you just grows stronger
And we still have each other
And as each day passes, that means more to me
Than anything else in the world

I have come to know that life can change in a moment
One day you are on top of the world
And the next you are sinking in a sea of despair
“Goodbye” is a word that is used often
People move on and leave you behind
Our paths have to separate from those we love
And that can be very hard to go through

When the time comes that our paths must separate
And the road that we have traveled together has to end
I know in my heart you will be there
Just like you have been since we met
I know that you won’t leave me alone
You will see me through until the end

It moves me to tears to think about it now
I know you will be telling me it’s not the end
And you will see me in awhile
Comforting my fears…
Assuring me of the time we will be together again
I would not be able to take that last journey
Without the strength of your love
I will need you there
Just like you have always been
Holding my hand…
Walking me home for the last time.

I love you so much, My Husband, My Love, My Life!


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