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Response Ratings and Contest Winners

This is the page were you can check up on how many times you or someone else is responding and the winners of contests. WARNING: Due to e-mail complications your scores may be off by 1 or 2 points. No more.

here is the latest creative response winner :This was in response to Pepsio and Cokeliet

I love it! She's gets a bunch of gold stars and some cookies. Here it is:
I thought your story was clever, but seeing as that I am a HUGE coke fan, I do NOT think that pepsi is better and that you pepsi lovers and INSANE! I go to entirely pepsified campus and it sucks!! But needless to say:

your story was clever,
and you wit was quite grand,
but everyone knows that,
Coke rules this land

So just sit right back,
as I school you on rhyme,
because I'd loved to debate,
but I haven't got the time

So I will end this ditty
on a good note,
I love you Megan Hart
and all the things that you wrote!!

Responses Out of 155stories. updated 6/2/06 10:02am


Reasons to Respond