Title: Now And Again
Summary: Buffy Has Her Own Personal Groundhog Day
Author: slayer_uk (Dave A)
Rating: PG-R
Feedback: PLEASE
Spoilers: Season 5 Characters. They haven’t found out Dawn is the key yet.
Disclaimers: Joss is the man, everything belongs to him. The idea of Groundhog Day is not mine, except in the context of this story.
Distribution: The Buffy guide, The Hellmouth And Beyond and A Slayer’s World. If you want it just ask.
Notes: Please send Feedback. I thrive off it.
Dedication: To HRC. For educating me.

Chapter One

The vampire was very strong. No matter how many times Buffy knocked him down, he kept getting up, and Buffy was getting very tired.

“Slayer.” The vamp said.

“What?” Buffy asked in frustration as she landed a roundhouse kick to the vamp’s throat. Again he got up.

“I hunger for you slayer.” The vampire lunged at Buffy. She blocked a few punches and tried to snap kick him in the chest. He was too quick. Somehow he had got behind her. His hands clamped around her chest, pinning her arms to her sides.

“Can’t we talk about this?” Buffy asked quietly.

“Afraid not.” The vampire bit into Buffy’s neck. Buffy struggled against the vamp, but he was too strong. Buffy knew without a doubt that she was gonna die.

“Please don’t turn me.” Buffy gasped as she started to feel light-headed. Then the pain went away.

Buffy died.

“Giles, I don’t want to patrol tonight.” Buffy said sulkily. She stomped to the research table in the magic box and sat down. “It’s Dawn’s birthday.”

“I know Buffy, but there has been a lot of vampire activity recently and your needed out there.” Giles said. He was used to dealing with Buffy’s moody spells by now.

“I want to be needed elsewhere.” Buffy mumbled under her breath. “Fine.” She said out loud. “But only a short one.”

“Do you want to take some of the group along with you?” Giles asked. Now he had won the argument he was happy.

“Nah. Bound to be a quiet night tonight.” Buffy said lightly. She stood up and walked towards the door. “I’m gonna help my mum get ready for the party.” She said as she left the magic box.

“Are you sure you be home early tonight Buffy?” Joyce asked as she placed the candles on Dawn’s birthday cake.

“Yeah, quick sweep then home for cake.” Buffy said smiling.

“Ok.” Joyce mumbled distractedly.

Buffy walked out of the back door to go on patrol.

The vampire was very strong. No matter how many times Buffy knocked him down, he kept getting up, and Buffy was getting very tired.

“Slayer.” The vamp said.

“What?” Buffy asked in frustration as she landed a roundhouse kick to the vamp’s throat. Again he got up.

“I hunger for you slayer.” The vampire lunged at Buffy. She blocked a few punches and tried to snap kick him in the chest. He was too quick. Somehow he had got behind her. His hands clamped around her chest, pinning her arms to her sides.

“Can’t we talk about this?” Buffy asked quietly.

“Afraid not.” The vampire bit into Buffy’s neck. Buffy struggled against the vamp, but he was too strong. Buffy knew without a doubt that she was gonna die.

“Please don’t turn me.” Buffy gasped as she started to feel light-headed. Then the pain went away.

Buffy died.

“Giles, I don’t want to patrol tonight.” Buffy said sulkily. She stomped to the research table in the magic box and sat down. “It’s Dawn’s birthday.”

“I know Buffy, but there has been a lot of vampire activity recently and your needed out there.” Giles said. He was used to dealing with Buffy’s moody spells by now.

“I want to be needed elsewhere.” Buffy mumbled under her breath. “Whoa.” Buffy said and sat up straight. “I just got the strangest feeling of Deja vu.”

“Hmm?” Giles asked distractedly.

“Déjà vu.” Buffy said again.

“Oh. Yes I’ve had that same feeling all day.” Giles said turning to Buffy. “Very strange.” He mumbled

“Anyway, I have to go help mom with the party.” Buffy said as she started to walk towards the door.

“Buffy, are you going to patrol tonight?” Giles asked firmly.

“Yes. Fine.” Buffy said. “I’ll do a quick patrol, ok?” She asked.

“Acceptable.” Giles said and turned back to his receipts.

“Are you sure you be home early tonight Buffy?” Joyce asked as she placed the candles on Dawn’s birthday cake.

“Yeah, quick sweep then home for cake.” Buffy said smiling.

“Ok.” Joyce mumbled distractedly.

Buffy walked out of the back door to go on patrol.

Willow wandered into the kitchen and saw Joyce shake quickly.

“Something wrong?” Willow asked concerned.

“No. No. Just Déjà vu.” Joyce replied.

The vampire was very strong. No matter how many times Buffy knocked him down, he kept getting up, and Buffy was getting very tired.

“Slayer.” The vamp said.

“What?” Buffy asked in frustration as she landed a roundhouse kick to the vamp’s throat. Again he got up.

“I hunger for you slayer.” The vampire lunged at Buffy. She blocked a few punches and tried to snap kick him in the chest. He was too quick. Somehow he had got behind her. His hands clamped around her chest, pinning her arms to her sides.

“Can’t we talk about this?” Buffy asked quietly.

“Afraid not.” The vampire bit into Buffy’s neck. Buffy struggled against the vamp, but he was too strong. Buffy knew without a doubt that she was gonna die.

“Please don’t turn me.” Buffy gasped as she started to feel light-headed. Then the pain went away.

Buffy died.

“Giles, I don’t want to patrol tonight.” Buffy said sulkily. She stomped to the research table in the magic box and sat down. “It’s Dawn’s birthday.”

“I know Buffy, but there has been a lot of vampire activity recently and your needed o-.” Giles stopped. “Buffy have we done this before.”

“What? Argue?” Buffy asked.

“No.” Giles said. “This conversation.”

“Maybe” Buffy said. Buffy got up to leave and fell over.

“Buffy are you ok?” Giles asked, rushing to her side.

“I don’t know.” Buffy said quietly. “I just had a Slayer dream.” she said.

Giles helped her into her chair. “Buffy, that’s not possible, your awake.” He stated.

“Look, all I know is that I just had a dream, while falling. And it was the weirdest thing.” Giles handed Buffy a glass of water. “Thanks.” She took a sip. “It felt like it was about the past, and the future.”

Giles sat down. “Hmmm.” He got a pad and pen and began to make notes.

Buffy started to mumble to herself. She had found it was the best way to make sense of Slayer dreams. “Vampire.” She concentrated. “Loop.” “Déjà vu.” “Tonight.” She stopped and looked at Giles.

“What is it Buffy?” Giles asked.

“I know what it means.” Buffy said. “The Déjà vu, everything.”

“What?” Giles asked again.

“We’re living the same day over and over again.” Buffy said. Giles sat back in his chair and stared at Buffy. She continued quietly. “And that’s not the worst bit.”

“What is.” Giles asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

“I’m going to die tonight.” Buffy whispered.

To Be Continued
