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About Lindsey H
About Lindsey H.

This page is about me Lindsey H, I spent most of my life in a small town in Louisiana. For a while I homeschooled but then I went to a small private school, and when I say small I mean 50 kids or less but at that school was a very special person who's name happened to be the same as mine just spelled a little different. We became good friends and had great times. After knowing her for four years I had to move away, all the way to Arkansas! A whole six hours away! So now at age seventeen I live out in the country in Arkansas. I homeschool and I love that. I have three pugs and four cats and two goats! I have a good life here in Arkansas but its not the same without my buddy Lindsay around. Yeah we keep in touch, we email and call each other, but I do miss her alot.

Things I Enjoy

Playing the Piano
Graphic Design (perhaps a future career?)

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