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Got Fifty States Bingo?
Users With FSB

There are many different types of bingos that you can get and many difficulty levels as well. I will try to list as many as I can here. If you have any suggestions please send them to me here. I have tried to arrange these in order of easiest to hardest.

Get an official George Score. - While getting an official george score is not technically a real bingo it is the main goal of people who have had a hit already. You must have at least 10 hits and a good amount of bills entered and then on the your bills page it will tell you your 'official' george score and ranking among all users with an official george score.

Federal Reserve Bank Bingo - This is probably the most popular bingo among newer users. To accomplish this you must enter at least one bill from each of the 12 FRBs and get at least one hit from each of these bills. This is sometimes confused with getting a hit in each FRB region, but it is at least one hit on a bills from each FRB (A-L). Some of the banks' bills are harder to find, thus harder to get a hit on.

Series FRB Bingo - This is just FRB bingo in a certain series (Ex. getting hits on 1999 A-L bills).

Denomination FRB Bingo - This is like Series FRB bingo except all on a certain denomination (1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100).

(ALL) State County/Parish Bingo - Depending on which state you live in this might be harder or easier then any of these bingos. The level of difficulty depends on how many counties/parishes there are in the state that you are trying to get this bingo in. To get this you must get a hit in every county/parish in a state (usually your own).

Interstate Bingo - For this one you pick out an Interstate and try to get a hit in every state that the interstate runs through. For an extra challenge you can try to get a hit in each county that the interstate runs through.

Denomination Bingo - To get this one you have to have a hit on every single denomination (1's, 2's, 5's, 10's, 20's, 50's, and 100's) including new and old styles. This one is hard if you do not get alot of all high denoms to increase the chance of getting old styles.

Word/Phrase Bingo - To get this you must get a hit with an ending letter to spell a phrase or name. CA097---13A is the serial no. of a hit that I reasontly received. Since the last letter of the serial number is A, I can try to spell America. Also becuase there are 2 a's in America you would need 2 hits on a bill that's serial # end with A. Periods (.) or other puctuations can be replaced with a * (star notes). The letters O and Z are not used and can be substituted with stars and O can also be replaced with Q's.

Fifty States Bingo - This is the FRB Bingo of experienced georgers. It is a very popular bingo for many people. To get this you must have a hit in each state in the USA. You do not need D.C. to get it.

(All) State Capitals Bingo - This is the hardest of all the bingos listed. To get this bingo you must have at least one hit in every state capital. The US capital is optional. As far as I know there aren't any georgers who have this bingo.