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Political Work with the Liberal Party of Canada


Update: 2003 Liberal Leadership Convention to be held in Toronto!


Parliament Hill:

John McKay, M.P. (Scarborough-East) 2001- 2002; Hill office duties, Scheduling and National Prayer Breakfast organizer.

Mac Harb, M.P. ( Ottawa Center ) 2000-2002; Hill office duties and Standing Committee on Non-medical Drugs.

Mark Eyking, M.P. (Sydney-Victoria); Special Assistant in the formative months of 2001.


National Liberal H.Q.

-National Campaign

-donor list

-election errata


National campaigns:

-Mac Harb

-Marlene Cattterall

-Mary Clancy

-Dave Dingwall (during my insignificant peon years & Biannual Convention delegate)



-Royden Trainor

-Ray White (Former Minister Housing)

-Russel MacLellan (Leadership campaign)


Young Liberal Clubs:

University of Ottawa Young Liberals

(Club Secretary)

Nova Scotia Young Liberals

Former member, Ontario Young Liberals (OYL)


Convention Delegate

National Bi-Annual delegate (Last 3 conventions).

NSLP Annual General Meeting 1993-1998



Biannual Convention Campaigner for Stephen LeDrew (Current president, LPC.)

Biannual Convention Campaigner for Véronique DePasillé (President, YLC.)

Prospective campaigner for Mac Harb (Upcoming LPC Presidency - November 12 - 15, 2003).