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some poetry by me and some friends of mine.

That special someone - by: jordan
She has a smile like the sunrise..
and big beautiful eyes..
missing her as I speak..
and loving her in my sleep..
now as I dream of her, everything is a blur..
touching her face make everything clear..
hear her name makes me dizzy..
an unexplanable feeling of relief for me, hope shes love me..

The end - by: irie
questions unanswered tear at our heart what could have happened we will never know desires unfulfilled rip me apart breaking me down to a child again why am i so afraid? i want to love but i dont wanna fall there is nothing to catch me i want your hands there holding me close but im too afraid of loosin what we have you are my closest friend i trust you with my heart you have the key to my soul and see my without my mask no one sees my pain no one sees my dreams no one sees the real me except you.

 Panoramic view - by: jordan
Lost in space, like a big empty room. dreams of reality seem like fantasy. Panoramic images of the world as I see it. Middle eastern children coloring pictures, osma green, sadam blue, and taliban red. Watching where's waldo on the 7'o clock news. All is war over spilt oil. Cooperation from Iraq's radioactive man has failed. So what to do now? Maybe we should pray...pray to our god, our Gun's Of Desturction, and blow ourself some new continents, so we could have 4th world countries that look to us for food and shelter, but turn thier backs during peace offerings. but, still i'm lost in this big empty room called earth...