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Otis Arron Schmakel's Very First GoL on the WEB

Hello, my name is Otis Arron Schmakel. One of my main interests is computers. A hobby is Cellular Automata, specifically Conway's Game of Life (GoL). These are computer simulations.

Click on some of the Page Links below to see examples of different simulations: they are my LIFEPAGES!!! Some were designed to be Works of Art, some were meant to be Mechanical, and some are even Feats of Engineering!!! (please use your browser's BACK button to return to this Main Page)

I am proud to feature on this humble website two outstanding JAVA applets: George Maydwell's Author, which I used to create my LIFEPAGES; and Mirek Wojtowicz' JAVA Cellebration, that U can use to further explore the world of CA to your heart's content!!! These two fine gentlemen are to be applauded for sharing the fruits of their labors!!! (but they are not alone, as U will discover as U investigate further.....)

Check out the WEB LINKS section to follow your interest! (you will notice that COMPUTERS THEMSELVES are even simulated!!!) If U have a passion for Graphics U will luv CA because they are Graphics that MOVE!!!

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! There will be a lot of further development that will be sure to entertain and amuse you!!!


If U find the cute little clock that has been following your mouse around everywhere

to be something of an annoyance, U can control it with the on/off buttons below:



Introducing Conway's Latest Disciple: Otismo


Check Out Some Of These Great GoL Simulations!!!
(the smaller versions will play faster and fit in your browser better so try them first!)
***clicking on a pattern will RESET it to the starting pattern and change colors***
~~~~~please use your browser's BACK button to return to this Main Page~~~~~

This is an Oscillating Picture I made: Electric 'X' STAR
A smaller version of the previous pattern
This is another Oscillating Picture I made; it resembles a motor!
A smaller version of the previous pattern
The Famous Glider is here Relayed by Dual Pentadecathlon Oscillators
A smaller version of the previous pattern
The Famous Long-Running Pattern, Rabbits, is here contained in a "Pulsar Synthesis Field"
A smaller version of the previous pattern
Glider Synthesis Star Featuring (almost) "Total Destruction"
A larger version of the previous pattern
The Famous Crystal and Decay Pattern - small version
My "Pulsar Synthesis Study"
Queen Bee Shuttle and Tumbler and Pentadecathlon
SUN - an interesting reaction - looks GREAT as an Active Desktop background!!!
Vanishing Star O - where did it go?
A smaller version of the previous pattern
3 Gliders react to form 13 Gliders - and THEN.....
Schmakel's Glider to Pulsar Reaction, my only GoL claim to fame so far...


Here are some JAVA Applets for you to Check Out!!!

I made the above LIFEPAGES simulations using an HTML-generating suite and JAVA applet created by George Maydwell who has placed them in the Public Domain - Thank You George for a great little utility!!!
Click Here to try George Maydwell's AUTHOR
Download George Maydwell's AUTHOR
Click Here
Download George Maydwell's AUTHOR and a collection of simulations I made including most of the above - use them as Active Desktop elements or backgrounds!!!
Click Here

If looking at my patterns has whetted your appetite for exploring the world of Cellular Automata even further, U are in luck: Mirek Wojtowicz, whose magnum opus Mirek's Cellebration is the most fabulous CA suite ever designed, has just created Mirek's JAVA Cellebration, and released it into the public domain!!! This JAVA applet closely approximates the main version; I feel honored to be able to showcase it on my humble website!!! There are many CA rules and hundreds of patterns for U to play with; hopefully even just a small taste will induce U to download the main program/suite (also freeware!!!). Many thanks to Mirek for sharing his masterwork, and Kudos on Excellence in Programming!!! (I also have to mention that U need a program like Mirek's to be able to use George's Author more efficiently.....)
Click Here to try Mirek's JAVA Cellebration


Conway: the guy who started it all!!!


14 of the BEST Conway's Game of Life WEB LINKS!!!

Johan Bontes' Life 32, the best (fastest) program!!! (a must-have item!)
Mirek's Cellebration - the best suite of pattern files - also great program, Mcell!!! (must have also!)
Jason's Life Page - great patterns and links!
Conway's Game of Life - ditto!
David Ingalls Bell's Homepage - ditto!
Dean Hickerson's Game of Life page - ditto!
Paul's Page of Conway's Life Miscellany - ditto!
Stephen Silver's Life Page - famous for his Lexicon!
Mark D. Niemiec's Life Page - a lot of glider synthesis work, among other things!
Eric Weisstein's Treasure Trove of the Life C.A. - extensively cross-referenced!
Life Search Programs page on David Eppstein's website - some serious programming!!!
Igblan - Life Universal Computer - a computer simulation simulating a computer! Egad!
A Turing Machine in Conway's Game of Life - WoW! another great GoL engineering feat!
LogiCell - implementation of Boolean logic in Conway's Life - awesome links page too!!!


My MAIN interests, however, are the Stock Market - and Web Design !
Here are some links pertaining to those interests:

[ TiNi CMS ] [ TiNiBiZ CMS ] [ IQ CMS ] [ ]

[ My Fund Manager Public Profile Page at Marketocracy ]

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