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      You are currently in my friends section.  This section is dedicated to my friends.




Cool Stuff

Java Stuff




Guest Book


        This section is all about my friends.  Without them, life would suck. 


  **August 22, 2004**

Here are pictures of my 2004 summer.  Good times I must say! 

Hotel party.  8 player Mario Kart on Game Cube!

Karaoke.  Get well ZN!  Remember the good times we went through. 

Body boarding at Sherwoods with Franky one last time before I leave for college and before he leaves for military duty.

Hanging out at Sherwoods (Waimanalo Beach Park) with the boys. 

**February 29, 2004**

Saw my good friends Jase and Frankie from the Waikiki webcam yesterday.  Check it out.  Frankie is on the left wearing brown sweat shirt and Jase is on the right in black. 


Franky took this picture of us with his cell phone on the day before I left for college.  Yeah it's kinda blurry but oh well it's still all good.  See you guys in May!

Here's some other pics of me and my friends.

Ahh, the hotel party we had this winter break 2003.  It was pretty sweet.

Practicing for the dragon boat festival for the summer of 2003. 

Video game parties hosted at Ernest's garage. 

My high school graduation party in year 2002.  I am the guy with the orange shirt in the back.

more to come, I'll make a layout for this site soon...