Chapter Eleven

“You’re an asshole, you know that right?” Jeff asked, stepping into the locker room he and a few other wrestlers were sharing, looking straight at his brother.

“What are you talking about?” Matt asked, looking up.

“You should have seen her face when she opened the door and realized you weren’t there,” Jeff answered, “Heartbreak, pure heartbreak. She didn’t want to see me, she wanted you Matt.”

“I thought it would be better…” Matt started, guilt consuming him.

“For her?” Jeff questioned, then laughed, “It was better for you Matt. You didn’t want to see her because it saved you the awkwardness.”

“Jeff, you don’t understand…”

“I know more then you think,” Jeff interrupted, “You both thought that she’d come back and things were going to be the same. Wrong. Both of you were wrong. Everything’s changed, but that doesn’t mean that what you had… what you still have has to. You love her; she loves you, what more is there to say? You may have changed as a person, she may have, but your feelings haven’t.”

Matt looked at his younger brother thoughtfully, not saying anything for several seconds. “You’re right.”

“What did you say?” Jeff asked, arching an eyebrow, realizing it was a rare occasion that Matt admitted to being wrong.

“You’re right,” Matt said smiling, “completely. Everything’s changed, but it doesn’t matter. Oh man, why didn’t I see this before?”

“Cause you needed the enlightenment of your younger brother,” Jeff smirked.

“I… need to tell her how I feel,” Matt said, standing up and ready to head out of the room.

“She’s got her debut,” Jeff replied, “let’s watch that, then you get the chance to talk to her.”

Matt nodded, before following his brother out of the room in search for a monitor.


Amy stood behind the curtain, her heart racing as she held Essa’s hand. They exchanged nervous smiles. She could hear the crowd and could her Gilberg issuing a challenge for the light heavyweight title. She knew it would be minutes until their cue and she would step through those curtains and become Lita.

“Good luck,” Essa whispered.

“Buena suerte,” she replied with a smile.

“You’re on,” a crew member said, and soon heard Essa’s music playing as she was pushed through the curtain.

It hit her suddenly, being out in front of that many people as they got to their feet and roared as they saw her. She and Essa jogged down the ramp, a smile plastered on her face, and for a minute, all she thought about was the adrenaline and the crowd, Matt was nowhere in her mind.

Amy watched from ringside as she watched Essa do a moonsault and get the pin and capture the title. She climbed into the ring and held up his hand in victory. Then, with thousands of eyes on her, she climbed the turnbuckles, ready to hit the moonsault on the fallen Gilberg.

“Here we go,” she thought as she felt herself soar through the air, she knew everyone in the house was at their feet and in awe.

Amy pinned Gilberg as Essa counted the 3 and the crowd hollered. Amy watched as thousands of fans screamed and jumped, for her and Essa. She hadn’t expected that much, it was so intense.

“Oh my God,” Amy mumbled as she and Essa jogged up the ramp, him displaying his newly won gold.

The crowd’s cheers faded as she stepped behind the curtains, and was only to be greeted with more cheers from her fellow co-workers. Essa stepped behind her, hitting her back and kissing her cheek. She felt tears in her eyes as Adam stepped up to her and gave her a hug, followed by Jay. Jeff came up for a long embrace and whispered how proud he was of her and when he let her go, her eyes fell onto Matt. Standing with his hands in his pockets, looking awkward and out of place.

“That was incredible,” he said, stepping closer.

“I’m surprised you even watched,” Amy mumbled.

“Can we talk,” Matt asked, feeling like he had been punched in the stomach, “please.”

“Fine,” she agreed and followed him down the hallway, in search of an empty locker room.


“Go ahead, talk,” Amy said, crossing her arms in front of her as she stood in front of Matt.

Matt looked at her, her hair was a little messy from her match, but still looked sexy. Her makeup was still perfect and her red outfit clung to her. He felt like he couldn’t talk, his breath was taken away. Her eyes, her lips…

“Are you going to talk or should I leave?” Amy asked, annoyed.

“I love you,” was all Matt could manage to say.

“You…what?” Amy asked surprised, her eyes growing wide.

“Amy, I wish I could say something fancy or romantic, but all I can tell you is how I feel. I love you. I’ve loved you since I met you in the indies, I loved you when you were in ECW and I was here. I loved you when I saw you in the airport. When I saw you and Adam, my heart broke and I felt something I hadn’t felt in a long time. And then the other night… I just didn’t know how to handle it. It was something I had wanted since the day you left for ECW, it was something I hadn’t felt in forever.”

Amy felt as if her heart was going to explode as she listened to Matt confess his emotions. She felt tears swell in her eyes as she felt him step closer and pulled her into a hug.

“I’m so sorry,” Matt whispered, “say something, please…”

“I love you,” she said softly with a laugh, “Oh my god, I wanted to say that for so long…”

Matt laughed, capturing her lips with his. Running his hands through her hair, he wondered if her heart was racing as fast as his.

“So, I guess this means everything’s changed,” Matt said, taking her hands and looking into her eyes.

With a thoughtful look and a shrug, she finally smiled, “I’m cool with that.”


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