chapter four

Matt groaned as he leaned against the bar and looked out at the pool table, where Jeff and Jason were playing Amy and Adam in a game. He bit his lower lip as Matt watched Adam step behind Amy and help her adjust the pool stick, letting his hand wander down her arm.

He watched Amy turn and place pool chalk on Adam’s nose then laugh, as she helped him wipe it off. Feeling the envy rising he turned to face the bar.

“Hey Matto,” Amy said coming up and standing next to him at the bar, “why aren’t you down there playing with us?”

“I don’t want to crowd y’all,” Matt answered slowly, taking a sip of his drink, “besides, why aren’t you down there anymore?”

“Just wanted to get a drink,” Amy replied, before ordering a soda from the bartender.

“Not drinking?” Matt questioned.

“I don’t drink.”

“You don’t?”

“Nope, don’t like the stuff,” Amy answered with a grin, “come on down and play Matt. I could use a good teammate. Adam thinks he knows what he’s doing, but he really doesn’t. Come on, be my partner in crime.”

Matt laughed as he watched Amy hand the bartender the money and get her soda, before following her down to the pool table.

“Ok y’all,” Jeff said, “what is it? 3 vs. 2? Do you really want to be humiliated when Jay and I kick all 3 of your asses?”

“Yeah, yeah little man,” Amy laughed, “In your dreams.”

“I’ll sit this one out anyways,” Adam offered, “I’ve gotta use the restroom.”

“Alright,” Amy smiled, as Adam walked by her and let his hand tap her shoulder before sending a grin and a wink her way. Matt bit his lip watching this.

“Let’s kick some ass Jeff,” Jason Reso joked, “she’s just a chick.”

“What was that Christian?” Amy asked, raising an eyebrow and calling him by his wrestling name, “just a chick?”

“Dude, don’t piss her off,” Jeff urged, “she’s a little spitfire, you better watch yourself.”

“Let’s play man,” Matt said, “so my partner in crime and me can embarrass y’all.”

“Let’s let them break,” Amy winked at Matt, “they need all the help they can if they want to beat us.”


“8 ball corner pocket,” Amy announced as she watched the ball sink into the hole.

“Yeah Amy,” Adam laughed from his seat as Jeff and Jay looked at each other with smirks.

“You just got your ass kicked by a chick,” Matt said, putting his arm around Amy and pulling her close, “too bad we didn’t put some money on that.”

“Oh we did,” Amy said, putting her hand out as Jay and Jeff both dug in their pockets and each hand her a 20. She smiled and put them in the pocket of her jeans.

“Nice call,” Matt nodded, walking to the table Amy sat at as she sipped her soda.

“Why do you think I asked you to be my partner?” she asked amused, holding her hand out, “good game.”

“Always a pleasure,” Matt agreed, shaking it and sitting down.

“Let’s play again,” Amy said, her eyes dancing, “I’m sure I can get them to play us again to try and redeem some of their male egos and cash.”

“Easy tiger,” Matt urged, watching her stand up from her seat, a grin on her face.

“Amy, want another game? I’d like to win back some of my money,” Jeff called, as Jay nodded his head in agreement.

“What do you say Matt?” Amy asked, running a hand through her flowing red hair, “another game, I’ll split the winnings this time.”

“I think I’ll sit this one out,” Matt declined, “why don’t you ask Adam?”

Amy rolled her eyes, then smiled at the brunette, “fine. But I really don’t feel like losing.”

Matt grinned as he watched her walk towards Adam and the two of them talked quickly. His grin faded as jealousy stirred in him as he watched the two. Amy shook her head as her red hair fell all around her face and Adam pushed a strand back before whispering something in her ear as he heard her giggle.

“She giggled?” Matt whispered in disgust, rolling his eyes. Never in the time he knew Amy had he heard her giggle like a schoolgirl.

“Oh, this gives us hope now Jeff, it’s Amy and Adam, he can’t play pool to save his life,” Jay joked, handing a stick to Adam.

“Matt, you sure you wanna sit this one out?” Jeff called, looking over at his brother, “you can team with us and play 3 on 2.”

Matt shook his head no as he watched Jeff shrug and turn his attention back to the pool table where Jay was getting ready to break. Amy watched as she leaned and whispered something to Adam, as he grinned and nodded.

Matt let out a sigh as he watched the game commence. This was gonna be a long night…


“It was nice to win back some money,” Jay laughed as the group walked out of the bar.

“Whatever Jay,” Amy mumbled with a smile on her face.

“So, where to now?” Adam asked as they stopped in front of the two-parked cars.

“I’m ready to head back to the hotel,” Matt said, looking at his watch that read 2 AM.

“I am too,” Jay agreed.

“Amy, Adam?” Jeff asked, “I’m not feeling too tired yet. How about you?”

“I’m always ready for a little more fun,” Amy shrugged.

“Definitely,” Adam nodded, “so we’ll see you guys back at the hotel?”

Matt nodded, fearing if he said anything all his jealousy would be unleashed. He opened his car doors as he watched Adam climb into the driver’s seat of the adjacent car, and Amy in the passengers as Jeff slid into the back seat.

“We’ll see y’all at the hotel,” Jeff called, before closing the door. Matt climbed behind the wheel and shut the door as he watched the taillights of the other car disappear.


“You ok?” Jay asked, once they were driving towards the hotel.

“Yeah, why?” Matt asked, looking at the blonde Canadian quickly.

“You just didn’t look like you were in a good mood or something,” Jay shrugged.

Matt shrugged and kept quiet as he watched the road ahead of him. Minutes later, Matt broke the silence again.

“Do you know if anything’s going on between Adam and Amy?”

“Adam and Amy?” Jay replied, “I don’t really know. Adam’s talked about her a little. I think he likes her and stuff man.”

“Oh,” Matt mumbled, biting his lower lip.

“Matt, did you and Amy used to date or something?”

“Yeah, awhile ago, why?” Matt questioned.

“Is there anything there still?” Jay questioned, intrigued by the idea of Matt and Amy together.

“Up until tonight, I could have said maybe,” Matt answered truthfully, “but now… I really don’t know. She seems to really like Adam, and the same for him.”

“Do you want me to talk to Adam?” Jay offered, “tell him about your past and tell him you still have feelings for each other.”

“No,” Matt nodded, a quick look of sadness flashing across his face, “I want Amy to be happy, and if he makes her happy…”

Jay nodded as Matt’s voice trailed off.

“If he makes her happy, then you’re willing to sacrifice a chance for her?” Jay finished.

To Jay’s surprise, Matt smiled, “that’s what you do when you really care about someone. Put their happiness before your own…”

chapter five
chapter three
