Chapter Five

Matt opened his eyes as the first sign of daylight shone through the window of his hotel room. He yawned as he sat up and looked at the bed next to him, a snoring Jeff occupying it.

Matt climbed out of bed, making as little noise as possible as he shuffled through his gym bag for a t-shirt and pair of shorts. Emerging with a Carolina tar heels shirt and Nike shorts, he quickly walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth and change to go for a run.

“Look at yourself man,” he mumbled to himself as he looked in the mirror over the sink and studied his face.

He was tired, more so then usually. He had stayed up until almost 4 30 am, until Jeff crept quietly into the room, as not to wake his older brother. Matt pretended to be asleep, but secretly wanted to ask Jeff every detail about the night… and about Amy and Adam. But he fought the urge as he watched his brother crawl into his bed tiredly.

With a groan, Matt pulled his long, curly brown ponytail into a ponytail and brushed his teeth before throwing on the t-shirt and shorts and walking out of the bathroom.

He smiled as he looked at his little brother in the opposite bed, snoring and sleeping soundly. It always surprised Matt how different the 2 could be. While Jeff was a partier, outgoing, and the more “extreme” of the two, Matt was the more reserved one, and a lot more serious.

Another difference the 2 had was their feelings towards dating…and towards love. Jeff believed in flings, and was a big believer in not dating steadily, and with a career like they had, with the amount of traveling, he held true to his ideal. Matt on the other hand, was strong believer in having your one true someone out there for you. And if you had asked him a week earlier who it was, he would have still told you the same answer as months earlier, Amy Dumas.

Although they had only dated shortly, he still believed she was “the one”. The girl he could spend the rest of his life with and raise a family with. Even after she had moved on to ECW and he and Jeff to WWF, he didn’t lose the hope that some day they would cross paths again and eventually end up together.

But that dream had flown out the window as far as he knew. And everything had changed.

By now, Matt was outside, running down an unfamiliar street in an unfamiliar town, in an unfamiliar state. His thoughts were running faster then his legs as his feet pounded the pavement beneath him steadily.

Sometimes he wondered if his ideal were too unbelievable. He had never considered him a hopeless romantic, and if he even suggested the idea to his friends and colleagues, they would be sure to laugh in his face, but he was starting to wonder if he really was.

He had always been a “smooth talker” when it came to woman. Knowing exactly what they’d like to hear, but that just came naturally. But, unlike his brother, he wasn’t into the idea of flings and one night stands, and although he could have had many in the past, between his fame, his looks, and his charisma, he never would have been able to carry through with it.

Before he knew it, a sweaty and out of breath Matt was back in front of the hotel, his legs aching, but feeling less stressed. He guessed he ran about 3 miles and was proud of his accomplishment, knowing it was always a way to make him feel better.

“Hey Matt, wait up!” a woman’s voice called as he entered the lobby.

Matt stopped and let out a breath as he turned and saw Amy walking quickly towards him. A baseball cap on her head, her red hair hanging out the back of it, and a coffee cup in her hand.

“I’m surprised to see you up,” Matt said as she fell into stride next to him and they walked towards the elevator door, “Jeff’s out like a lightbulb.”

“Well, I’d say the same about you, but I forgot you’re always the early bird,” Amy smiled, taking a sip of her coffee, “did you just crash when you got back last night.”

“I just did some paperwork for awhile,” Matt answered, “How about you?”

“Yeah, we just basically crashed when we got back,” Amy nodded as they stepped into the empty elevator.

“2,” Amy said as she watched Matt push 3 for his floor.

“I thought you were on 4?” Matt asked, pushing a strand of sweaty brown hair out of his face.

“I am…” Amy answered slowly, “but Adam’s on 2 and all my stuff is in his room…”

“Oh,” Matt nodded, and for the first time realized Amy was dressed in a pair of Adam’s sweat pants and one of his sweatshirts.

Amy bit her lip as she watched the color drain out of Matt’s face and his eyes focused on the floor.

“Here I am,” Amy said as the elevator door opened on the 2nd floor, thankful to get out of the tension filled elevator.

“I’ll see you later,” she said with a quick smile and wave over her shoulder.

“Later,” Matt mumbled as he watched Amy walk quickly down the hallway as the elevator doors closed, leaving him by himself.


“Morning,” Jeff mumbled sleepily from his spot on his bed.

“Hey,” Matt said softly, walking into the hotel room and flopping onto his bed.

“Running?” Jeff asked, watching as Matt took off his shoes and laid back against the pillow, his arms behind his head.

“Yeah, I wanted to clear my head.”

“It work?” Jeff questioned, climbing out of bed and stretching.

“Not at all,” Matt answered with a small laugh, “So, how was last night after the bar?”

“It was… alright,” Jeff shrugged, not sure how into detail he should go. But knowing Matt was asking about Amy and Adam.

Jeff didn’t want to betray his brother and all he wanted was to see him happy, and he knew Amy would make him happy. But he didn’t want to lie to him either, and he knew that his brother’s heart would break if he told him what happened the night before.

“So y’all had fun?” Matt asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I think we all had a pretty good time,” Jeff said with a small cough, “So, what did you do when you got back?”

“Yeah, how were Amy and Adam?” Matt questioned, ignoring Jeff’s attempt to change to subject.

Jeff shook his head, avoiding his brother’s eyes as he grabbed some clothes and started to walk into the bathroom, “I really need to take a shower, we need to be at the arena in an hour.”

“Jeff, would you just tell me if something happened. I saw her this morning coming from Adam’s room. They hooked up didn’t they?”

“Listen,” Jeff said, leaning against the wall and studying his brother, “I really don’t know what happened. Yes she went back to his room, but I really don’t think Amy, or Adam at the matter, are like that. She might have spent the night, but I doubt anything happened.”

Matt nodded as he watched his brother turn and walk into the bathroom. Matt shut his eyes and lay back as his mind wandered.

He’d see Amy and Adam at the arena soon, and the last thing he wanted to do was confront either of them. But was it really his business to confront either of them? He figured it wasn’t, and although he cared for Amy, cared for her more then anything, he had to come to terms that things weren’t like they were a year or so before. Amy was in his life now as a friend and no more… and it hurt Matt more then anything else ever could.

chapter 6
chapter 4
