Chapter Six

Matt stopped as he walked down the hallway of the arena they were taping Raw is War at as he spotted Adam and Amy feet ahead. He watched as Amy ran her hand down his shoulder and he gave he a quick kiss on the cheek before walking off.

The last thing he wanted to do was talk to her. Deciding to turn around, he realized he was caught as he heard Amy call his name.

“Hey,” Matt said, plastering a smile on his face as Amy jogged towards him.

“Hey, where you off to?” she asked with a grin.

“Actually, the break room,” he answered, “I’m looking for a cup of coffee.”

“Great, I’m going that way too. We can walk together.”

“So, I heard you had a good time last night,” Matt said awkwardly as they walked down the hallway together.

“Yeah, it wasn’t bad,” Amy nodded, knowing what Matt was talking about and debated whether to tell him that she and Adam hadn’t slept together.

“So, are you and Adam like, together now?” Matt asked, looking straight ahead of him and digging his hands into his black jeans’ pockets.

“Not officially,” Amy answered, biting her lower lip, “I don’t actually know. It’s kind of complicated, a little weird.”

“Oh,” was all Matt was able to mumble as he watched Amy push a strand of red hair behind her ear.

They walked the rest of the way to the break room in silence. Entering, a few superstars and staff nodded their way or said soft “hello’s” and shared small waves. Matt felt a wave of relief wash over him as he saw Jay sitting at a table alone, looking through a magazine and sipping a cup of coffee.

Amy pointed to the lone blonde as they both grabbed their cups of coffee and joined him at the round table.

“Hey guys,” Jay said, looking up and shutting the magazine.

“Morning,” Amy smiled, sitting down.

“Morning?” Jay grinned, “it’s past 2 in the afternoon.”

“It’s still morning to me,” Amy laughed, taking his magazine and opening it as she started reading through.

“So are the rumors true?” Jay asked, looking at Amy as Matt scrunched his eyebrows curiously.

Matt bit his lip, wondering if the rumor had to do with Adam and Amy, and wondered how many WWF employees knew about them.

“What rumors?” Amy asked, looking up and leaning forward, staring intently at the blonde Canadian.

“The one about you and debuting next week with Essa,” Jay answered, taking a quick sip of his coffee, “you haven’t heard anything about it?”

“Nothing,” she answered shocked, looking from Matt to Jay, “Have you heard anything?”

Matt shrugged, “I must be out of the loop. But I wouldn’t be surprised; they’re starting to really look for some thing to draw attention to the woman’s division. You may be that.”

“Oh wow,” Amy mumbled, sipping her coffee and leaning back, “do y’all think it’s true?”

“Definitely could be,” Jay nodded.

“I’ve got to find Jeff,” Matt said standing up and excusing himself, “I’ll see you guys later.”

“Later,” Jay and Amy called to his retreating back, before Amy sighed and sat back in her chair.

“Do you know what’s up with Matt?” Amy asked the blonde Canadian, “He seemed really weird this morning.”

“There’s a lot on his mind,” he shrugged.

“Like what?” Amy questioned, leaning forward, sensing Jay knew something he wasn’t tell her.

“Truthfully,” Jay answered, “I don’t think he’s all that happy about the relationship between you and Adam.”

“What, why not?” Amy asked, shocked.

“Did it ever occur to you that Matt may still have feelings for you?”

“How did you know he ever did have feelings for me?” she questioned, arching an eyebrow suspiciously.

“He told me about your relationship during the indies. And I really think seeing you with Adam is hurting him.”

“Did he say that?” Amy asked, feeling a lump form in her throat.

“Not those exact words, but I could tell.”

Amy looked thoughtful for a minute as she ran a hand through her red hair and looked down at the white table top biting her lip. It was a good 2 minutes before she cleared her throat and said something.

“Do you think I should talk to him?”

“I don’t think it would hurt,” Jay shrugged, “Listen, both Adam and Matt are like brothers to me, and both would just like to see you happy.”

“Ok, thanks Jay,” Amy nodded, and went to say something when she heard her name called across the room and turned around to see Shane McMahon walking towards her and Jay.

“Hey Shane,” Jay nodded as he reached the table. Shane smiled and greeted Jay, before turning his attention to Amy and smiling.

“Amy, do you have a minute? My father and I would like to talk to you about your debut,” Shane asked politely as Amy stood up.

“Sure Mr. McMahon,” Amy agreed, and watched as Shane’s smile grew wider.

“Please, call me Shane,” he laughed, “Mr. McMahon is my father.”

“Right, Shane,” Amy nodded, before looking at Jay quickly, “can you tell Adam I’ll see him before his match?”

“Sure, I’ll see you later,” Jay replied, watching as Amy followed the younger McMahon out of the room.

chapter seven
chapter five
