Chapter Seven

Matt ran a hand through his wet hair as he stood up in the shallow end of the pool. They had gotten home from Raw and Matt needed to leave, to burn off some steam.

“Go do something, clear you head,” Jeff had urged.

“I really don’t feel like it,” Matt declined.

“Well, then find a different room because I am not dealing with you and your shit mood all night,” Jeff said.

And with that Matt had left their room and headed down to the pool for a few laps, hoping the pool would be empty. And to his relief, the pool was deserted.

It was true he hadn’t been in a good mood all day. His bad mood was turning into anger and by the time they had left the arena after Raw it was unbearable to be around him, as Jeff had found out.

The ride home from the arena was the worst in Jeff’s life. Adam, Amy, and Jay had accompanied them in Matt’s rented SUV. Jeff knew it was a bad idea, but Matt insisted it was “cool” and that he could “deal with it”. But Jeff realized how untrue those statements were as Matt looked into the rear view mirror and caught a glimpse of Adam with his arm around Amy’s shoulder and her head resting on his chest, half asleep. Jeff and Jay both noticed the pain, followed by anger flicker across his face quickly before being replaced by a blank look as he continued to drive. Any conversation in the car was tense and forced and Matt’s driving seemed to reflect his mood with sharp, fast turns and last second stops.

“Matt?” a voice called as he turned around, his eyes landing on Amy as she walked into the deserted pool area.

“What are you doing here?” Matt asked, climbing out and grabbing his towel, drying himself off, not letting his eyes off the red head, “If you’re looking for your boyfriend, he’s not here.”

“First off, he’s not my boyfriend,” Amy replied, crossing her arms, half in defense, the other half because she was cold, “Secondly, I was looking for you, I wanted to talk to you.”

“About what?” Matt asked, sitting on a pool lounge as Amy joined him in the adjacent one, sitting side ways so they were facing each other.

“Are you cold?” Amy asked, handing him a black fleece, “I thought you might be, so I brought this down. It’s really cold tonight.”

“What did you want to talk about?” Matt asked, ignoring her question and laying the fleece at his side absentmindedly.

“I just think we need to talk about us… you and me…” Amy said softly, looking down.

“What’s there to talk about?” Matt asked, “There is no us. There’s a you and Adam, but there’s no you and me. There’s no Matt Hardy and Amy Dumas. Maybe there was once, but not anymore and never again.”

Matt watched as Amy’s eyes filled with pain and she bit her lower lip in an attempt to keep it from shaking. She looked up at him, her eyes burning into his.

“Matt, I still care about you.”

“But it really doesn’t matter Amy, does it?” Matt asked, standing up and pacing, “I actually thought I could still love you. I actually thought I did. That day I saw you get off the plane, I felt things I hadn’t felt since we were together. All these emotions…”

“I felt those too,” Amy whispered, not standing, but looking at Matt with sad eyes.

“I thought we could have been together Amy,” Matt continued, either not hearing her or choosing to ignore her, “I seriously believed that you could be my one and only. I saw us spending the rest of our lives together. I guess it shows you just how foolish love makes you, huh?”

“No,” Amy answered, shaking her head and standing up, taking his hand, “I felt the same way Matt.”

“So you felt that same way, you thought we could be together, so what happened?”

“I… I don’t know,” Amy answered truthfully, “but I wanted… I was tired of being alone; I wanted someone to be with. I’m sick of being alone. Adam was there Matt, Adam didn’t want to be alone either.”

“Oh yeah, and I love being alone,” Matt replied his voice dripping with sarcasm, “I actually thrive on it.”

“You can get any woman you want Matt,” Amy said standing up, touching his muscular arm softly.

“And the one woman I want is sleeping with one of my best friends,” Matt answered, pulling his arm out of her grasp and walking towards the deep end of the pool.

“You think we’re sleeping together?” Amy asked him, raising an eyebrow as she walked towards him quickly, “well, let me tell you something Mr. I know everything Hardy, Adam and I have not slept together! I can’t believe you’d think that of me!”

“What am I supposed to think? You show up in his clothes, tell me you spent the night with him, and I’m supposed to think you didn’t have sex?”

“Yes as a matter of fact!” she said loudly, almost at a yell, “Do you want to know what really happened? I left my key in my room and I couldn’t get a new one until the morning, so he offered to let me sleep in his room, where he slept on the couch and gave me the bed so we were in completely different rooms.”

She sighed before continuing, “Not that it’s your business, but I have not slept with anyone since you Matthew!”

“You what?” Matt asked, surprise filling his eyes.

“Yes!” she yelled, not bothering to keep her voice down, “You were the last man I slept with. I had no desire to have sex with any one else after you. And then you say something like…”

“I’m sorry Ames,” Matt whispered, watching the pain cross her face, “I had no idea.”

“I wonder why. Have you even tried to have a conversation with me since I showed up? Have you even talked about our relationship?” Amy questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.

“No, but I…”

“No, you didn’t Matt,” she interrupted, “you’re still the same old Matt Hardy. Keep your feelings bottled up inside and expect everyone else to figure out what’s wrong.”

“Amy, I…”

“Matt, I’m not listening to anymore. I told Adam I’d meet him in 10 minutes, but I wanted to talk to you first,” she said quickly, before turning around and walking away.

“Oh, and one more thing Matt. The only reason Adam and I are not together is because of you,” she added as she turned around.

“Me?” he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“I wanted to see if there was still something there, I thought we could still be together… but I was wrong.”

With that she turned, breaking into a run and disappearing up the path. Leaving a wide mouthed Matt standing alone, feeling sorry and brokenhearted.

“The only reason Adam I aren’t together is because of you,” her words repeated in his mind as he shook his head and ran his hands over his face, letting out a sigh.

That might have been the last push Amy had needed from Matt to run out of his life, forever.


“I’m sorry I couldn’t find anywhere better,” Adam said softly across the table, looking at Amy as she stared down at her place, “but not many places are open past midnight.”

“It’s fine… really,” she answered, forcing a smile and looking up at Adam as they sat in the 24 hour diner that was almost deserted, “I just have a lot on my mind.”

“Like your debut?” Adam questioned, “Is that this Thursday?”

Amy nodded but didn’t say anything. Her debut was the farthest thing from being on her mind and now all she could think about was Matt.

“So it’s going to be taped Thursday and used Sunday?” Adam asked, trying to make conversation with the thoughtful red head.

“Yeah, I’m gonna be at ringside with Essa when he wins the light-heavyweight title,” she nodded, poking her salad with a fork, “then I’m going to imitate Essa and do a moonsault.”

Adam nodded as the two sat in silence a little bit longer. Finally Adam cleared his throat.

“What else is wrong Amy? I know there’s something.”

“No, I’m fine, really…” she replied unconvincingly.

“Is it Matt?”

Amy looked up at Adam surprised and watched as a smile broke onto his face as he looked at her surprised face.

“Don’t be so shocked Amy. I have eyes, I know that you have feelings for him.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything,” she apologized.

Adam shook his head with a grin, “I should have known before. Just the way he talked about you and everything. And the way you act around him. You used to date, right?”

Amy nodded and bit her lower lip thoughtfully. Had, but never again, as Matt had said earlier at the pool.

“Do you see the 2 of you getting back together in the future?” Adam asked, as if reading Amy’s mind.

“I thought I did, but I fucked things up big time,” she confided in Adam, “I really messed up earlier and I really need to talk to him.”

“Here, I’ll take you back to the hotel and you can talk to Matt there and you can tell me the rest on the way back,” Adam offered as Amy nodded in agreement.

“Thanks Adam, it means a lot to me.”

“Your happiness means a lot to me,” Adam replied with a sad smile, trying to cover the heartbreak and sadness he was feeling.

“I’m sorry if I hurt you in any way,” Amy said, taking his hand over the table, “I really do care about you.”

Adam nodded as he handed Amy the keys to his cars, “Why don’t you head to the car and I’ll wait for the check.”

Amy nodded and stood up, walking away, leaving Adam alone at the table. He let out a sigh as he rubbed his eyes.

“Left alone?” a gray-haired waitress asked, snapping a piece of gum and tapping her pencil on the table, “where’d the pretty red-head go?”

“Something came up and we need to leave,” Adam answered, “I was just waiting for the check.”

The woman grinned as she placed the check on the table, “Have a nice night son. And good luck with that redhead. You two make a cute couple.”

Adam nodded, trying to hide a smirk, as he pulled out his pocket, pulling out a few singles for tip and stood up, making his way to the front to pay the check.

“Have a nice night sir,” the man behind the register said cheerfully as Adam gave a small smile and walked out of the diner.

It was cold for Texas, even if it was February. He crossed his arms as he walked across the parking lot towards his rental car, Amy visible in the passenger seat.

“Lets get this show on the road,” Adam said, forcing a smile as he climbed in behind the wheel.

“I’m sorry Adam,” Amy whispered, toying with her hands.

“Amy, I told you, it’s fine. Your happiness is all that I care about. I’m sure that’s how Matt feels. If not, he would have said something sooner.”

Amy sighed as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Seeing the image of Matt’s chocolate brown eyes and smile raced across her mind, but she was sure when she saw him now, he would not welcome her with open arms, and there would not be a trace of a smile on his face.


chapter eight
chapter six
