Chapter Eight

“What’s wrong?” Jeff asked his brother, walking into the room and looking at the brunette lying on the bed.

“Nothin’,” Matt mumbled, wishing his brother would decide to go out or go to bed. He really didn’t feel like talking about what had happened with Amy… actually, he didn’t really feel like talking.

“Did you talk to Amy? She came here looking for you.” Jeff questioned, continuing the conversation even though he knew Matt wanted him to drop it.

“Yeah, I talked to her,” Matt replied, knowing Jeff was going to continue talking anyways.


“And what Jeff?”

“What’d she say Matt?” Jeff asked exasperated, “What did y’all talk about?”

“Oh nothing really. Hey, how are you? Oh yeah, I’m the whole reason we don’t have a relationship and I fucked it all up. Can you believe she could tell me it was my fault that we’re not together? I’m not the one hanging all over Adam, I’m not the one…”

“You know she was right,” Jeff asked, a small grin developing on his lips.

Matt sighed, rubbing his eyes with his hands, “yeah, I know man.”

“Anything else?” Jeff questioned.

“I just ruined any possible chance of us getting back together,” Matt groaned, rolling onto his stomach, “You should of seen her when she left. She was pissed. Angrier then I’ve ever seen her. Damn, I feel like such an…”

“Asshole?” Jeff offered.

“I was gonna say idiot, but asshole works,” Matt answered, a small smile appearing on his lips, the first one Jeff had seen in days.

“Maybe if you…”

“Jeff, nothing I do is going to make up for what happened down there. You didn’t see her eyes or her face; you didn’t hear what she said and her voice. Jeff, I completely fucked up. I don’t even know if she’ll ever talk to me again after tonight.”

Jeff went to say something as there was a knock at the door, surprising both the brothers.

“Who you think it is?” Jeff asked.

Matt shrugged, “Who is it?” he called quickly.

“It’s Amy, Matt can we talk?”

Jeff grinned, raising an eyebrow, “Never talk to you again my ass.”

Matt felt like a deer trapped in headlights. What was he supposed to say or do. He quickly stood up, tying his long brown hair into a ponytail and looking in the mirror.

“Matt?” her voice called again, anticipation seeping into her small southern accent.

“Yeah, hold on a second,” he replied. Where had those words come from? It didn’t even sound like his voice.

“Would you stop and just answer the door,” Jeff hissed from his spot on his bed.

“Hey Ames,” Matt said softly, not knowing an appropriate greeting as he opened the door.

“Hi,” she said softly, “can we talk?”

“Sure,” Matt nodded, turning to Jeff,” do you think you could…”

“Don’t say it, I’m already gone,” Jeff answered quickly, already standing up and ready to leave.

“It’s ok Jeff, you don’t have to leave. We can just go to my room, is that ok Matt?”

“Sure,” he nodded, avoiding her eyes as she turned and walked down the hallway, stopping a few doors down as she opened it and invited her in.

They stood facing each other, a single light illuminating their faces. Amy looked down at the carpeting, pushing a strand of hair back awkwardly as Matt looked at his hands, toying with his fingers.

“I’m sorry,” they both said at the same time, then laughed embarrassed.

“Amy, why are you sorry? It’s my fault.”

“Well, you didn’t deserve what I said out there…”

Matt let out a laugh, “I deserved that and more.”

“Well, I’m still sorry Matt,” Amy apologized again.

“I am too Amy…” Matt replied sincerely, “for everything, for assumptions and for not talking to you in the first place.”

“Adam and I talked…” Amy whispered.

“Yeah? What happened?” Matt asked quickly.

“Well,” Amy answered, sitting down and rubbing her pant legs, “We decided we’re not going to see each other anymore…we’re going to give it some time.”

“Really?” Matt questioned.

“Just until I figure things out,” she said, looking at Matt, their faces inches from each other.

“How do you plan on doing that?” Matt asked, a small grin on his face.

She smiled, pushed a strand of hair back (her usual nervous habit), and reached up, placing her lips softly on Matt’s soft, pink lips.

Matt reached his finger and thumb to her chin, cupping it gently as he kissed her slowly, and with more passion and emotion then ever before.

Amy backed up, breaking the kiss. Opening her eyes, she looked at him with a small smile.

“I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you that day at the airport,” Matt admitted.

Matt reached his hands forward, cupping her face in his hands and pulling her lips to his. This kiss wasn’t as slow as the first, but all the same passion and emotion was there.

His hands slid from her face and soon found her hands, as their lips entwined, so did their fingers…followed by their bodies.


chapter nine
chapter seven
