Chapter 8

“I don’t understand how this happened,” Jason said as he sat holding Gwen’s hand, “What’s going to happen?”

“Well,” Dr. Lemming said from behind his desk, “We want to start Gwen on Chemo as soon as possible. We are hoping the tumor will at least reduce in size after 3 or 4 months, if not totally disappear.”

“What are the other options besides Chemo?” Gwen asked, squeezing Jason’s hand. Having him sitting besides her gave her strength.

“A very risky operation,” the doctor told them, “With the tumor the size as it is, and so close to your chest it could be very dangerous.”

Gwen nodded, “I guess chemo will be the best option then?”

“Yes,” The doctor said, “If the tumor does not totally disappear, it will at least be smaller and the surgery will be a lot easier and less dangerous.”

“Am I going to lose my hair?” she asked running a hand through the long brown hair she spent so long growing out and taking care of. She looked over at Jason, who was looking seriously at the doctor.

“Not everyone does,” the doctor explained, “But there’s a chance. You may also experience weakness, nausea, vomiting, weight loss…”

Gwen nodded, “Ok, well, I guess that’s our best choice,” she looked over at Jason who nodded and squeezed her hand.

“Than you can make an appointment with my secretary on the way out,” the doctor said standing up, “I’m sure everything will work out,” he said shaking Gwen’s hand.

“Thank you doctor,” she said shaking his hand.

“It was nice meeting you Jason,” the doctor said shaking his hand.

“You too,” Jason said as he shook his hand and followed Gwen out the door.

“You ok?” he asked as they walked outside of the office. Gwen put on her dark sunglasses and nodded.

“Sure, why wouldn’t I be?” she asked.

“This is a lot of stuff to deal with,” Jason said.

“Yeah it is,” she said waving a hand in the air, “But I’ll be fine, I can deal.”

“Well I’ll be right here with you,” Jason said taking her hand. “Jason, I don’t want this to interfere with you career,” she said, she was glad her sunglasses covered the tears forming in her eyes.

“It doesn’t matter,” he said, “I can take some time off, I want to spend it with you, helping you, supporting you. I just want to be with you.” Gwen felt more tears form in her eyes. She knew what she was about to do would be the hardest thing she’d ever have to do.

“Jason stop,” she demanded.

“What?” he asked confused, “Stop what?”

“We can’t do this,” she told him; she felt the tears running down her face. She quickly wiped them away.

“What are you talking about Gwen?” Jason said feeling both confused and nervous.

“I can’t be with you anymore,” she said, her heart broke as she said those words, “We can’t be together.”

“Why?” Jason asked shocked.

“Don’t make this so hard,” she yelled taking the engagement ring off her finger and handing it to a shocked Jason, “We’re over, goodbye.” With that turned and ran off through the parking lot.

“Gwen,” she heard him call after her, “Gwen.” She didn’t turn around; she just made her legs go faster. His voice soon disappeared as she ran further and further from him. Her feet beat along the pavement until she was too tired to go any further and she fell onto the grass next to her and let the tears pour down her cheek. Trying to convince herself she did the right thing, knowing she was an idiot for throwing away true love, and wishing that she could die right then and there.

Chapter 9
Chapter 7