Chapter 16

Leila smoothed her flare khakis and adjusted her brown, sleeveless top before putting a long brown sweater over it. She smiled in the mirror at herself; it had been a long time since she had looked so casual.

Running a hand through her loose hair, she grinned as she heard a knock on the hotel door. Making her way through the suite, she opened it and grinned, as Jeff stood there with his hands in his pockets.

“You look really cute,” were the first words out of Jeff’s mouth as she swung open the door, and Leila grinned.

“Cute is good,” Leila laughed, “you ready to go?”

“Yeah, but, there was a change in plans,” Jeff said slowly, his grin vanishing.

“You don’t want to go anymore?” Leila asked, a look of disappointment setting on her face.

“No, I do,” Jeff reassured, “it’s just that Matt kind of invited himself, then Amy, and Jay and Adam.”

“Oh,” Leila mumbled simply, “well, that’s ok, I guess.”

“Are you sure?” Jeff questioned, “I don’t want to make your uncomfortable.”

“No, it’s fine,” Leila nodded, a smile appearing on her face, “like Matt said, the more the merrier.”

“I’m so glad you understand,” Jeff said, letting out a breath of relief, “you ready?”

“Let me just grab my purse and we can go,” she said, grabbing her purse off a nearby chair, taking Jeff’s hand, and following him out of the room.


Leila sat back in her chair at the little Mexican restaurant they were in and let out a small laugh as Jay told a story animatedly.

Jeff grinned as he glanced from the talking Jay to the laughing Leila, and felt relieved as he realized Leila was starting to relax.

“So do you have anyone waiting for you at home Leila?” Adam asked, as Jay finished his story.

“A goldfish that’s probably dead by now,” Leila smiled, “but that’s about it.”

“You should come with us next time when we go back to Cameron,” Amy offered, a genuine smile on her face, “and meet Jeff and Matt’s dad, and stay with us. You’d really like it down there.”

“I’d like that,” Leila agreed, surprised by Amy’s offer and kindness, “if that’s ok with you guys.”

“We’d love to have you,” Matt said, as Jeff nodded in agreement.

“Thanks,” Leila whispered, pushing a strand of hair behind her ears as she felt like she had been friends with this group of people for years.

Leila looked up and felt her breath get taken away as she noticed their waiter. He smiled down at the group of WWF employees as Leila felt her hands grow sweaty.

“Hi, I’m Thomas, and I’ll be your waiter for tonight,” the blonde haired, blue eyed waiter greeted, “would you like to start with drinks.”

“Sure,” Jeff nodded, “I’ll have a sprite, Leila, what do you want?”

Leila sat silent, in a daze as she looked at the waiter, he looked just like Alex and she felt her heart pound as he looked at her with those startling blue eyes, waiting for her to answer. The same eyes Alex had.

“Leila?” Jeff questioned, rubbing her arm, “are you ok?”

“Umm…” Leila whispered, feeling embarrassed as she felt the groups eyes on her, “diet coke with a lemon please.”

“Sure,” the waiter grinned, his toothy smile that also reminded her of Alex, as he wrote down the rest of the groups orders.

“Are you ok?” Jeff whispered, once the waiter was out of sight and the rest of the group looked at Leila concerned.

“I’m fine,” Leila mumbled, “I’m sorry.”

“So, Leila,” Jay said, changing the subject, “where are you from Anyways?”

“Manhattan,” Leila answered, thankful for the change of subject, “but originally Connecticut.”

“Ahh, the big apple,” Jay laughed, “a good place for a model to make a living. Modeling must be fun, huh?”

“The first few times,” Leila shrugged, “then it just gets to be like any other job. I’m really liking working for the WWF though.”

“It’s a sweet gig,” Adam laughed, “Plenty of traveling, good money, and lots of ladies.”

“You’re a pig Adam,” Amy said, shaking her head, before sending a smile his way, “You’re like a caveman.”

“Watch it Amy, or he might be forced to hit you over the head and drag you to his cave,” Matt laughed, causing the rest of the table to break into laughter.

Leila laughed as she felt Jeff slide his hand into hers under the table. As she sat there, next to Jeff, she finally felt accepted.


“Anything for dessert?” the blonde haired, blue eyed waiter asked as they finished their meal.

“Not for me, thanks,” Adam said with a smile, as the rest of the table agreed with him.

“How about the ladies?” the waiter grinned, looking at Leila, “would you like anything miss?”

“No,” Leila said softly, not looking up and feeling her skin crawl, “no thank you.”

“Me too,” Leila heard Amy agree, “no thanks.”

“I’ll have your check in a minute then,” the waiter said, before walking away.

Jeff looked at Leila, who looked up as the waiter walked away. Confused at what was going on. Leila would be laughing and absorbed into the conversation at the table, but as soon as the waiter showed up at the table, she’d look down and barely mumble a word.

“Here you go,” the waiter smiled, putting the check on the table, “have a nice night folks.”

Leila looked up as he was leaving, he looked back and smiled at them… or was it just her? She sighed, now she was being paranoid. Just because he looked like Alex…

“You coming?” Jeff asked, with a smile as Leila realized she was the only one still sitting at the table.

“Oh,” Leila mumbled embarrassed, “yeah, sorry. I’m really out of it tonight.”

“Do you guys want to do anything else of just go back to the hotel?” Matt questioned as they stepped into the warm summer night.

“I’m kinda tired,” Jeff answered, knowing Leila wanted to get back, “I’d rather just get back to the hotel.”

“Me too,” Jay agreed, as Adam nodded.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” Jeff asked quietly, as he and Leila fell behind the rest of the group.

“I’m fine, really,” Leila insisted, “Like I said, I’m just a little out of it tonight.”

Jeff nodded, accepting what she said, but not believing it. Something else was wrong, and Jeff knew he had to figure it out.


Leila and the others entered the hotel lobby in a fit of laughter, as Jay told another one of his stories.

“You guys, be quiet,” Amy whispered, trying to control her own laughter, “it’s past 1, we’ll wake the hotel up.“

“I’m gonna head up to my room,” Jay said, slapping Jeff and Matt’s hands, “thanks for a great night you guys.”

“I’ll come with you,” Adam agreed, “I’m dead. Later guys.”

“Amy, it’s always a pleasure,” Jay teased, kissing her hand as Amy rolled her eyes, “and Leila, I’m glad you came. Night ladies.”

“Night,” they both called after the 2 retreating blondes.

“Jay’s such a weirdo,” Amy laughed, “I’m gonna head up to my room. Leila, thanks so much for coming. I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”

“Sure,” Leila nodded to her new friend as the red head walked away.

“Amy, wait, I’ll come with you,” Matt called, “later guys.”

Leila smiled as she watched Amy and Matt walk away and he put his arm around her shoulders and she rested her head on his shoulder as they disappeared around a corner.

“So…” Jeff said, turning to Leila as they were the only 2 left in the hotel lobby.

“So…” Leila laughed, “Are Matt and Amy together?”

“Ahh, the age old question,” he grinned, as he and Leila walked towards the elevator together, “They don’t usually admit it, even to each other, but yeah. They date and have a thing about dating other people, but neither of them ever do. I swear she’ll be my sister in law someday.”

“Well, that’s cool,” Leila answered, stepping into the elevator and leaning against the bar, “She’s a really nice girl, and Matt’s lucky to find someone like that.”

“He is,” Jeff agreed, “Leila, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, I guess,” Leila answered, putting her hands in her khaki pockets.

“Seriously, what was wrong at the restaurant?” Jeff asked.

Leila closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she leaned her head against the elevator. What had happened? She didn’t even know, just everything about the waiter had reminded her of Alex…


“Jeff, I can’t,” she whispered, opening her eyes as the elevator door opened, “come on, walk me to my door.”

Jeff obediently followed and fell into stride next to Leila, as he watched her dig into her purse for her key.

“I know it’s late, but do you want to come in?” she offered, holding the door open.

“Sure,” Jeff answered softly, following her into the suite.

“It’s so weird,” Leila breathed as she threw her purse onto a couch, “I’m getting so used to traveling one suite doesn’t look different from another. They’re all the same to me.”

“Then the change of scenery will be nice when you come with us to Cameron,” Jeff answered, sitting on the couch, “a nice southern style and home cooking.”

“It was really nice of you guys to invite me,” she said, sitting next to Jeff and leaning on his arm, “you’re being so good to me. Honestly, I don’t know why you are.”

“I told you before,” Jeff smiled, turning to her and cupping her face in his hands softly, “I like you kid.”


“Shhh…” Jeff cooed as he let his lips touch hers softly.

“Leila, I want to be with you,” Jeff whispered, leaning his forehead on hers.

“Be with me?” Leila asked, sitting back, “Like together?”

“I know you said you didn’t want to be with me ‘cause we work together and because of you past, but you told me most of it. And I think we could make it…”

“I told you most of it,” Leila interrupted him, “you don’t know it all Jeff, and I can’t be in a relationship.”

“Leila, whatever it is, I can accept. Just tell me, once you tell me, you can move on… we can move on together.”

“Jeff… I told you so much yesterday,” she whispered as Jeff sat next to her and held her hand, “I can’t tell you the rest. It’s too hard… too painful, please understand that.”

“You keep running away from your past,” Jeff said loudly, standing up and letting out an exasperated breath, “you need to confront it before you can move on. You can’t keep running away!”

“You have no idea Jeff!” Leila screamed, making Jeff step back as she jumped up from her spot, “You have no fuckin’ idea what you’re talking about! I have confronted my past, and it’s not something I want to do again.”

“Whatever it is…” Jeff said softly, trying to soothe her.

“Stop it Jeff!” Leila cried as tears pooled in her eyes and she ran her hands through her hair, holding onto it, “I can’t do it… I can’t…”

“What happened tonight Leila? What happened in your past? Besides Keith, what happened?”

“I can’t…” Leila repeated, still holding onto her hair as more tears poured down her cheeks, “I can’t revisit it… I can’t confront…”

“Leila! Whatever it is, I can help you!” Jeff interrupted loudly.

“I was raped Jeff! I was fuckin’ raped!”


Chapter 17
Chapter 15