Butterfly Kisses

There’s two things I know for sure, She was sent here from heaven, and she’s daddy’s little girl. As I drop to my knees by her bed at night, she talks to Jesus and I close my eyes. And I thank God for all the joy in my life, But for most of all, for....

Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer. Stickin’ little white flowers all up in her hair. “Walk beside the pony daddy, it’s my first ride.” “I know the cake looks funny daddy, but I sure tried.” Oh, with all that I’ve done wrong, I must have done something right. To deserve a hug every morning, And butterfly kisses at night.

Sweet sixteen today, she’s looking like her momma a little more everday. One part woman, the other part girl. To perfume and make-up, from ribbons and curls. Trying her wings out in a great big world. But I remember...

Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer. Stickin’ little white flowers all up in her hair. “You know how much I love you daddy, But if you don’t mind, I’m only going to kiss you on the cheek this time.” With all that I’ve done wrong, I must have done something right. To deserve love every morning and butterfly kisses at night.

All the precious time. Like the wind, the years go by. Precious butterfly, Spread your wings and fly.

She’ll change her name today. She’ll make a promise, and I’ll give her away. Standing in the bride room just staring at her, she asked me what I’m thinking, and I said, “I’m not sure, I just feel like I’m losing my baby girl.” Then she leaned over...and gave me...

Butterfly kisses with her mama there. Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair. “Walk me down the aisle daddy, it’s just about time.” “Does my wedding gown look pretty daddy?” “Daddy don’t cry.” With all that I’ve done wrong, I must have done something right. To deserve her love every morning, and butterfly kisses. I couldn’t ask for more, man, this is what love is. I know I’ve gotta let her go, but I’ll always remember. Every hug in the morning, and butterfly kisses...

The day that Natalie told me she was pregnant, was of the happiest and scariest day of my life. When I was younger, I never thought that I would want kids. I have always liked them, but to have one of my own didn’t seem possible. Being a professional wrestler, I’m on the road more days then I’m actually home. I never wanted my kids to have to grow up only being able to see me two or three days a week. That’s why I never wanted kids, at least not until I had quit wrestling. I was also scared that I wouldn’t make a good dad, from what I’m told almost every first time dad goes through something like that.

When Riley was born, any fears I’d had disappeared when I heard the words that would change my life forever, “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, you have a beautiful baby girl.” With those three little words, I realized my life had a new meaning. Before Riley was born, I was what many people refered to as a daredevil, reckless, and some may even say stupid. Being a professional wrestler, I took more chances with my body than any other wrestler before me, with the exception of Mick Foley and Shawn Michaels, both of whom had to retire early because of injuries to their bodies. Now that I had a perfect little girl in my life, I was going to make sure I saw everything she did.

Riley’s 7th birthday was coming up, and when I asked her what she wanted for her birthday she said a pony. I made a promise to myself then, that I was going to do whatever I had to, to get my little girl that pony. When her birthday finally came, Riley insisted on helping Natalie make her birthday cake, well needless to say, it looked like a 7 year old made it but I was so proud of her for trying. While Natalie worked on getting the party set up, I took Riley down to this ranch outside of town and put her on top of her very own pony, when she looked down she saw how high she was on that pony and wanted me to walk beside her, so I could catch her if she fell. I told her not to worry that Daddy would always catch her if she fell.

The next few years flew by so fast, they were also some trying years as well. When I woke up that day nine years later, I realized that the same little girl who I walked beside all those years ago, was no longer a little girl anymore. She was turning “Sweet Sixteen” today, and the older she got the more she started to look like Natalie. The one thing that we will always share are our eyes. We both have the same mysterious green eyes that many say are the windows to our souls. When she came downstairs that night in her sweet sixteen dress, I had to fight to keep the tears back. She came up to me and told me, “I really do love you daddy, but I’m just going to kiss your cheek this time.” As she walked out the door that night, I realized that she was becoming a woman, but inside her was still my little girl.

Five years later, I was sitting with her in the bride room at the church, as she finished getting ready for her big day. As I sat there the tears that had been threatening to fall all those times finally did, it was then I realized my little girl wasn’t my little girl anymore. While Natalie helped Riley with her flowers, I started thinking about all the things we did together; The day she was born, man it seems like it was just yesterday; when she took her first step, I had just returned from the road and when I walked in she was walking towards me; I think my heart melted when she first said “da da”; Her first day of school when she wouldn’t let go of my leg until I promised her that I would wait in her class until she felt okay; that very first pony ride and how scared and she felt better with me walking beside her; Her first dance I remember thinking that night that she looked so beautiful and so grown up at only 13 years old; The days of teaching her how to drive, now I think I know how everyone felt when they would watch some of my matches; When her first love broke her heart and I wanted to go break him; The day she turned 16 it was just so hard watching her that night; When she finally graduated high school and when we met outside she ran and jumped in my arms like she used to when she was little...I was brought out of my reminiscing by Riley asking me if I was ready to go. As she twirled around as I told her I wasn’t ready to lose my baby girl, When she whispered that I would never lose her, and that she would always be my baby girl, the tears came again only this time is was the both of us, then she leaned over and gave me a ‘butterfly kiss.’

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