Chapter Two

"Jill, I told you before. I need you to have a pager! I have been trying to get a hold of you for hours!" Mr. Anders said exasperatedly through the cell phone.

"I’m sorry, sir. I was just out having dinner with some friends."

"Okay, okay. I’ll let it slip, but this is the last time!"

"I understand sir."

"Good. Anyway, the reason I needed to talk to you was, someone needs a technician to travel with them for a couple months. I believe you leave next Monday. They have been having some serious problems and it is permanent until they can spare the dollars to buy new equipment."

"What kind of equipment?"

"VH 26 mercury lens screens, and the voltage grinds that control them."

Jill gaped. "Mr. Anders, I’ve never worked with a VH 26 before! The most I’ve ever worked with is a 12!"

"Jill, you are my best technician. You can handle it I’m sure."

She ran a hand through her multicoloured hair. "Who is the job for?"

"A Mr. Vince McMahon."

"Flubidah WHA???"

"Excuse me?"

"The World Wrestling Federation??" Matt and Jeff came out of McDonalds and gave her a queer look when spoke of the WWF.

"Sure, I have no idea what or who he is, but he said it was urgent."

Jill laughed. "Yeah, I’ll say it’s urgent if those screens don’t work!"

"Great. Whatever, just do the job, the information on how to get there is on my desk, pick it up in the morning."

Jill looked at Matt and Jeff. "Um, I have the means to get there by myself."

"And how’s that?"

"I have a couple friends in the WWF, two of them are standing beside me right now."

"Alright, whatever, just do the job and do it good. We are getting a lot of money for this and I told him my best would be on the job."

"Check and check. Talk to you later." Jill pressed end on her phone and breathed a sigh.

"What was that?" Matt asked, finishing off his Coke.

Jill put the phone in her back pocket clip. "My boss says your boss needs me to do a job on the VH 26’s."

"The whats and a who now?"

Jill laughed. "You know the Titantrons?"

They nodded. "Those are called VH 26’s. They are worth like 500,000 a piece, and the ones with the mercury cooler are worth like… 1,000,000. The ones with mercury in them are what you guys have."

"Ohhhh! I knew that." Matt joshed throwing his plastic cup in the garbage. "Ready to go?"

Jill nodded. "Jeff?"

Jeff shook his head, kicking himself for staring at Jill. "Yeah. I’m ready."

Matt and Jill exchanged looks. "Okay…" They said slowly. Matt and Jill walked in front of Jeff who was lagging behind them.

"Jill…?" He asked suddenly.

She looked at him, smiling and Jeff’s breath caught. "Yeah?"

Jeff hesitated for a second. "Do you remember that day in grade 4 you said you wanted to marry me one day?"

Jill laughed lightly. "Yeah. Why?"

"Why’d you say that?"

Jill looked at the blonde for a second, taking him in. He was wearing flower print neon green shorts and an old Hardy Boyz shirt. "Cause," She said grabbing the keys from her jacket. "I had a crush on you then."

Matt burst out laughing when he saw Jeff’s face. It was kind of contorted into a confused sort of surprised look.

Jill looked too, and stopped turning the key in the car. "Golly, I didn’t know I was that disgusting." She half joked.

Jeff shook his head. "No, that… your beautiful." Jeff’s voice was breathy and Matt started to giggle.

Jill raised her eyebrows at the giggling Hardy. "Riiight… Thanks, but, if we want to get to the club at a decent hour, we better get going now."

"Agreed." Matt said still looking at Jeff’s longing face. They got into the little Mazda Porteshe and, popping a Pearl Jam CD into the player, took off toward the downtown part of Raleigh. It was still a good hour drive and if they wanted to make it before 10 to 8, they had better put the petal to the metal.

Chapter 3
Chapter 1