Chapter 4

-The following Monday-

Jill was flabbergasted. All week Jeff and her had, had millions of uncomfortable silences. They never had uncomfortable silences! Now she sat in the backseat of a car with him as Matt and Amy sat up front talking. Jill wasn’t very excited about having to work with Vince McMahon, whom a little birdy had told her, was a complete pompous ass.

"Hey Jill, you are going to be traveling with us for a while?" Amy asked from up front where her and Matt were discussing the whole ‘Brock Lesner’ situation.

Jill gave a weak hangover-ridden smile. "Yeah, I’m not sure for how long… couple months or so."

Amy smiled at her then gave Jeff a look. "Why so silent?"

"He’s hurting." Matt said looking at Jill through the rear-view mirror.

"What?" Jill defended herself.


The rest of the ride was silent except for Matt and Amy talking about controversy in the WWF. Jill and Jeff didn’t talk the entire way to Jacksonville and didn’t speak when they got to the arena. Jill waited with team extreme when Vince gave the wrestlers a prep on what would happen.

"I would like to introduce our technician on hand. She will be helping out ours with the screens. Jill Raine." Vince gestured in her direction and everyone nodded toward her.

Vince continued telling everyone about the script and the order people would be wrestling on the card. When he was done, Vince approached team extreme.

"I presume you’ve met Matt, Jeff and Amy."

Jill turned to see Vince standing there with a big grin on his face. "I known Matt and Jeff since we were babies. I met Amy when I was 16."

Vince nodded. "I see. Well, I’ll show you to the screens so you can get acquainted with them, but first I have to tell The Hardy Boyz and Lita some news."

Matt and Jeff looked at Vince expectantly.

"Tonight in your tag-team title match, it has not been pre-determined. You two have a chance to nab those belts, and by God, do it. I am getting so tired of hearing Billy and Chuck rant… biggest mistake the writer’s ever made was giving them those belts."

Matt, Jeff and Amy nodded, "Great! Maybe we can walk away with those belts."

"See you later, Jill, we’ll come see you after our match okay?" Jeff said, looking at her still rainbow hair and grinning.

Jill beamed happily. "Okay. I’ll see you guys later." Jill watched Matt, Jeff and Amy walk down the hall toward their locker room before turning back to Vince McMahon.

"So, what seems to be the problem with the screens?" She asked as they walked toward the tech area.

"They go fuzzy… sometimes nothing shows up on them. My technicians don’t know what is wrong, they suggested I get new ones. But I don’t have 5 million dollars to spend on them."

Jill rolled her eyes. ‘Sure you don’t.’ "So that’s all?"

"Sometimes when the picture does come up, it’s too small or too big. Or when it goes up, it will play for a while then freeze."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Do you use a slide machine or does the picture come through the screen?"

Vince stepped into the tech room, grabbing the plans and handing them to her. "Through the screen."

Jill furrowed her eyebrows. "Weird…"

Vince gestured to the backstage area. "That is the door that will take you directly to the main screen. It controls what the other does. You can see the event from there too, so maybe you can go nose around back there and see if you can detect a problem."

Jill nodded. "Okey-dokey, I’ll see what I can do."

"Thank-you, everyone appreciates this, especially the fans." Vince shook her hand and headed out the door closing it on his way.

Jill shivered, there was something creepy about that man. Jill glanced down at the prints and headed toward the back of the screen.

"Hmm," Jill knelt down, playing with the cords a bit before standing back up, a frustrated look plaguing her face. "Blue cord in hole S23… check. Red cord in hole… wait a minute." Jill looked around her. "No red cord. What does Mr. Red cord do?" She read the legend. "Receives messages from unit computer, and the blue and white ones get them from the mother computer."

Jill looked at the back of the screen, noting the scratches in the back, wires hanging out. "No wonder this fucking thing doesn’t work… it’s broken."

She felt around the back of it, feeling inside and pulling out a whole bunch of slit wires. "Eww!" Jill stuck her tongue out and shuddered as she pulled out a half eaten sandwich.

This was going to take a lot of work, and if she wanted to get it in working order by the time the show started, she had to get to work. Turning off the screens, she bent low and started twisting wires, bending them back and putting them in the right places.

"Fuck…" oil was starting to drip from the screen and she had to subdue the urge to scream. This was going to be a frustrating couple of months.

Chapter 5
Chapter 3