Chapter 4

I don't understand it," Vega sighed. "Our little love with a man older than her. In love, period! And before us, too!"

"It seems so unnatural," Blanca agreed, sipping her chamomile tea. "She wasn't at all a romantic daydreamer, and if she was she would have never told us anything. Such a secretive young girl!"

"Well," I said, pouring tea into my cup, "I couldn't really concentrate on such things with Mother around. It was hard living with her, you know. Don't get me wrong---I love her so much. The truth is, it was so difficult to be around her."

"We understand, Aurora," Blanca gently replied, patting my hand. "We were there. I just wish you were able to come home and be with your family. I'm glad Edge took such great care of you."

"And I missed you just as much," Vega chimed in.

"I'm glad that you all get along so well after all this time," Edge marvelled.

"Do you have any siblings, Edge?"

Looking at the withdrawn expression on his face, I knew he was hesitant. Vega must have known it as well, for she suddenly felt embarrassed for asking.

"I'm sorry," she atoned. "I didn't mean to ask you that. If it's too personal, I won't go any further."

"No, it's quite all right," he said quickly. "I have.... I had a brother named Christian."

"Did he die?"

"No," Edge answered. "Well, I'm hoping he's not dead. For a long time....I thought he was. To this day, I still don't know what to believe.

"What happened?"

"He went missing," Edge explained sorrowfully. "Our caretaker, Gangrel, had gone out for a walk with him, and somehow the two of them....vanished. We all lived together, but after that happened, I didn't want to stay in our house anymore. So I moved into the garden, but I can never forget."

I saw my sisters' lips tremble in sadness, and a tear trickled down Blanca's eye. They took each other's hands for solace and comfort, and I glanced at Edge, who appeared to be on the verge of tears himself.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't mean to make anybody upset....."

The baby's wailing had interrupted him, and I picked her up from her crib and held her close. Edge stretched out his hands in hopes that I would give Rio to him. I laughed a little, then I relinquished the child from my grasp and watched him make faces at her. I noticed Vega and Blanca giggling at the exchange and I shook my head.

At least, there wasn't as much sadness in the surroundings as there had been earlier.

Chapter 5
Chapter 3