Chapter 1

“Who would have ever thought that planning a wedding would be so difficult?” Amanda complained to Liz, while they were going over some last minute details for her wedding to Jeff.

“Well, Manda. I’ve never heard anyone say that it would be easy to plan something as big as you have, in such a short amount of time.” Liz told her, while double checking the seating arrangements.

“Yeah, but I would have thought that Jeff would at least help with the planning, instead of being a stubborn old goat.”

“Girl, what are you talking about? That boy has been helping you plan this big wedding every chance he has. Why are you saying he doesn’t?” Liz asked me alimentally.

“I don’t think he really wants to marry me anymore.” Amanda said in hysterics.

“What! Why?”

“He’s having an affair.” She sobbed.

“Oh, Amanda. I think this is just the hormones talking.”

“I heard him talking to his new girlfriend on the phone the other night. He told her he’d meet her at the airport and that this would definetly be a surprise.” Amanda cried.

You’re not exactly in the same mind set you were a couple of months ago. You could have misunderstood.” Liz said, consolingly. She was right, after all Amanda was now five months pregnant and would get emotional at the drop of a hat. She also knew that Jeff would never do anything like that, the problem was trying to get an emotional pregnant woman to understand that.

“Listen, why don’t you let me finish up with the rest of this and you just go upstairs and take a nice long nap and you’ll feel better.” Liz told her.

“O...k...ay.” Amanda said hiccuping while calming her sobs down. “Just don’t let Jeff know that I thought he’ been cheating on me.”

“I won’t. Now go lay down.”

“Mandy, I’m home.” Jeff yelled, as he walked into their Cameron, NC home.

“Hey Jeff. I sent Amanda upstairs to take a nap.” Liz said, as she walked in from the kitchen.

That was probably a good idea. Lately, when I’ve talked to her on the phone she’s sounded like she isn’t sleeping at all. Jeff told Liz, the concern evident in his voice.

“Yeah, well she’s really stressing with the details of this wedding. It’s a good thing that the wedding is almost here, I don’t know how much longer she could take this.” Liz replied, with the same concern in her voice.

“Well, I’m going to tell you something but you can’t tell Amanda at all.”

“Okay. My lips are sealed.”

“Well, I talked to Jaelynn on the phone the other night and I’ve arranged for her to come down the week before the wedding to spend time with Amanda.” Jeff said in excitement.

“Wait Jeff. Did you just say that you talked to Jaelynn on the phone the other night?” Liz asked cautiously. Remembering what she promised to Amanda, about not saying anything to Jeff about her crazy thought.

“Yeah, how else would I talk to her?”

“Jeff, there’s something you need to know. I promised Amanda I wouldn’t say anything but she really has a wrong idea.”

“What is it?” Jeff asked afraid.

“Well, Amanda heard you talking to Jaelynn on the phone the other night, only she didn’t know it was her, so now she thinks your having an affair.”

“Why would she think that? She knows how much I love her.”

Jeff she’s pregnant. Pregnant people always get emotional and when they hear their fiancee talking on the phone about meeting someone at the airport, and it being a surprise. They tend to think in a weird way.” Liz told him, almost like he should already have known this.

“Well, I’m going to go upstairs and she if she’s awake yet?” Jeff said, heading for the stairs.

Well, seeing as you’re home now, I’m going to head out, will you tell Manda that I have double checked the seating arrangements and everything looks perfect.”

“Will do. Be careful driving home Liz.” Jeff told her as she walked out the door.

“I will. Talk to you later Jeff.”

As Jeff made his way up the stairs of his and Amanda’s home, he walked past the nursery that they were working on and he had to go in there and look around. “She’s done some more work in here since I’ve been gone.” Jeff said to himself as he looked around the room. They decided to paint the walls white and have Noah’s Ark theme in the room since they didn’t know what sex the baby was yet.

˜I still can’t believe I’m going to be a father.” He thought. “˜I remember the day she told me like it was yesterday.”


“Jeff I need to tell you something and I’m not sure if you’re going to like it.”

“When a conversation starts like that it’s not good. So just say it.” Jeff yelled angrily.

“Jeff, I promise you it’s not what you think it is. I love you more than anything.”

“Well why don’t you tell me, and I’ll decide if it’s what I think it is.”

“Why are you yelling at me?”

“Well, when my brother comes outside and tells me my girlfriend is sitting on our couch crying, and Liz sends him back out to help me with the volcano so she can talk to you, how the hell do you want me to be. I come inside to check on you and your telling Amy and Liz you need to tell somebody something, who just happens to be me...” While Jeff’s still yelling this at me, I finally just blurt out what I need to say.

“Jeff. I’m pregnant.” He finally shut up.

*End Flashback*

“Who would have ever thought that she could think I wouldn’t want this child?” He thought to himself. “My life is finally going to be complete now. I have a beautiful fiancee, and she’s going to have my baby. Now all that’s left is to get married and bring our gorgeous child into the world.” He said to nobody in paticular, or so he thought.

“When did you get home baby?” A voice said from behind him.

“About a half an hour ago. I thought you were asleep?” Jeff said, as he turned around and kissed Amanda with as much passion as he had in his 24 year old body.

“Well, I was but then I heard you in here talking so I thought you were showing Matt the nursery, but then I never heard him and when I came in to see you, here you are talking to yourself.” Amanda said jokingly, as Jeff wrapped his arms around her belly.

“So other than talking to yourself, what were you doing in here all by your lonesome?” Amanda asked him.

“Well.” Jeff started, as he was walking with Amanda towards the rocker. “I was just sitting here thinking about the day that you told me you were pregnant. Oh man. I don’t think I could ever forget that day, but for me the greatest part came after I told you.” Amanda said, turning around a little a giving him a kiss on the lips.


“Ppp...regnant.” Jeff stammered.

“Yes, Jeff I’m pregnant. If you want to know what I was so upset about. It was because I didn’t know how you would react or if you would hate me.” Amanda yelled at him, with tears coming down her face.

“H...ow far along are you?”

“The doctor said 8 1/2 weeks.” She said alot more calm.

“Baby, why didn’t you tell me you thought you were pregnant?” Jeff asked, still in shock.

“Well, one I wanted to be sure, and two I was afraid of how you’d react. Which is why I asked Amy how she thought you’d take it.”

“Honey, I love you and your going to be the mother of my child. Why would I be mad?” Jeff said as his own tears started to flow.

“I wanted to do this later, but now it seems like a perfect time so, Amanda Leigh Avery would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” Jeff asked me as he was on one knee with the most beautiful diamond rind I had ever seen. As I’m standing there thinking of how beautiful that ring looked, Jeff was still waiting for the answer. I looked down at him and said. “Yes, Jeff I would love to be your wife.” With tears flowing down both of our faces Jeff picks me up and gives me the sweetest most passion filled kiss ever.

*End Flashback*

“Yeah, that was definetly a day to remember wasn’t it honey.” Jeff asked Amanda. When she didn’t answer him, he looked down and noticed that she had fallen back to sleep and had a peaceful smile on her face.

“Come on baby girl. Let’s get you back to bed. We have forever to talk about our lives together.” He said as he carried her out of the nursery and to their bedroom.

chapter 2