chapter 2

“Hey Matt. Are you home?” Liz yelled as she walked into the house that she was sharing with her boyfriend? “I’m in the basement. I’ll be right up.” He yelled back to her. Just then Matt comes flying up the stairs and grabs Liz from behind, scaring the crap out of her.

“Oh my God. Matt, you scared me to death.” Liz yelled at him.

“But it was so cute seeing you jump a mile in the air.” Matt exclaimed, laughing his head off.

“Ooh you. What am I going to do with you Hardy?” She asked him.

“Well, for starters you could give me a kiss, I mean I’ve been gone for 5 days and I haven’t been able to...” Matt started. Before he could finish the rest of his sentence however, Liz silenced him with the pressure of her lips to his. “kiss you.” Matt finished after they broke from their kiss.

“So how’s my baby been doing?” Liz asked Matt as they were walking over to the couch.

“Well, now that I’m home, all the pain is gone.” Matt told her, pulling her onto his lap.

How about you? I mean, after all you’re staying with Amanda while Jeff’s on the road.â” Matt asked.

“Well, the girl has gone certifiably insane.” When she said this Matt gave her a funny look.

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, you see it’s a little something I like to call, ‘She’s pregnant and she thinks all the worst things.”


“Sum it up for ya, she thinks that Jeff is a stubborn old goat, and that he’s having an affair, don’t tell her I said the “affair” part though. I found out before I came home from Jeff, that he was talking to Jaelynn on the phone the other night and Manda heard him and only heard a little bit of it and assumed the worst.” Liz explained.

So sweetie, what do you want to have for dinner?” Matt asked.

“Typical guy. Honey I don’t really care what we have. We can order out or go out to dinner. I just don’t feel like fixing anything tonight.” Liz told him.

“What do you mean typical guy?”

“Oh nothing.” Liz said as she got up and left the room.

“You won’t get away that easily. You know that don’t you?” Matt yelled at her retreating form.

“Yeah I will, that’s what makes you love me.” Liz yelled back at him, as she continued up the stairs.


Amanda was just waking up from her nap, when she remembered that Jeff was home. “Jeff?”

“Yeah baby.” He said from the bathroom, where he was working on his new beard.

“Sorry I fell asleep on you. I guess I was more tired that I thought.”

“It’s okay honey, I know you need to rest and I wish you would get more rest while I’m gone though.” He told her with his voice filled with concern.

“I know, but I just can’t seem to rest unless I know you’re here with me.” Amanda said walking up behind him, and wrapping her arms around his waist.

“When are you going to dye your hair again?” She asked while placing small kisses along his shoulders.

“Probably sometime tomorrow. So what’s left to plan of the wedding?” Jeff asked, while rinsing out the sink.

“Well, Liz still needs to double check the seats...” Amanda started.

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot, she told me to tell you that she finished it up before she left today.”

“Okay, well that’s done. All that really needs to be done now is to make sure that the flowers arrive on time and we have one more fitting for the dresses and tuxes on Friday.” She told him.

“Do you think you can make the fitting?”

“Yeah, I don’t have to leave until Monday morning for Raw.” Jeff told her, turning around and wrapping his arms around her waist.

“Come here, I want you to see what I bought for the baby.” Jeff said pulling her down to the nursery.

“Jeff, you’re going to have this child spoiled before it’s even born.”

“That’s the point of being a parent right. Anyways it’s not a stuffed animal or any kind of toy.” He said leading her into the room.

“Jeff, what have you done?” Amanda asked warily.

Well, I know that we’ve decided on the names for either a boy or a girl, so I went to this little shop right outside of town and picked these up.” He said, picking up the wooden blocks that spelled out the two names we picked out. Tristan for a boy and Madison for a girl.

“Jeff these are beautiful. We can put it above the crib.” Amanda said, as the hormones took over again and she started crying.

“Baby, I didn’t mean to make you cry.” Jeff said, as he held her and rubbed her back soothingly.

“I’m okay. It’s just so sweet.” She said, as she started crying harder. “Oh my God. I’m never going to be okay again. Am I Jeff?”

“Shh. Honey calm down. You will be okay again, I promise. As soon as this baby is born you’ll go back to normal.” Jeff said calmly. Truth be told he was wondering if she’d ever be normal again.

“Man, Liz was right. Pregnant women do get overly emotional.” He thought to himself, knowing better than to say it outloud.

Chapter 3
Chapter 1