chapter 3

Ding dong. “Jeff can you get the door please?”

“Yeah.” Jeff said, as he was heading towards the door.

˜I wonder who it could be.” He thought.

“Hey man. Long time no see.” Jeff said, to the guy standing on the other side of the door.

“Yeah, well Vince gave me a couple of days off so we thought we’d come and visit you and Amanda, and maybe stop by Matt and Liz’s.”

“Jeff, who’s at the door?” Amanda asked from upstairs.

“Just some door to door person.” Jeff yelled back.

“I want to surprise her so just come on in and sit down.” Jeff said ushering the two “door to door people” into the living room.

“I’ll be right back.” He said, as he went up the stairs.

“Jeff, can you help me with this bandanna. I can’t get it tied.” Amanda asked.

“Sure baby. Let’s get downstairs and you can call Matt and see if him and Liz would like to come over for dinner.”

“Okay, but why can’t you call Matt?” She asked questioningly.

“Cause, he’s aggravated at me. He thinks I’m way to hyper. That and I made him watch Titanic at the last hotel we were in.” He said with a smirk.

“Alright, let’s go.” Amanda said, as she started to walk down the stairs.

“Tell you what sweetie, why don’t I call Matt and you just relax on the couch. You’re looking a little tired, and I don’t want anything to happen to either of my babies.” Jeff said, as he walked her towards the living room.

“Surprise!” Adam yelled.

“Oh my God. Adam, Katie. What are you guys doing here?” Amanda asked surprised.

“Well, we haven’t seen you guys in a few months since we work on different shows now, and I have some time off so we decided to come up and see you.” Adam said, standing up and giving Amanda a big hug.

“Girl, you look great.” Katie said.

“Yeah, well sometimes I don’t feel so great.”

“Is everything going okay with the pregnancy.”

“Yeah, everything’s fine. Except that I’m a beached whale.”

“Amanda.” Adam said. “You are not a beached whale. You can barely tell you’re pregnant.” He said, in almost a big brother tone.

“Alright, fine I’m not a beached whale. Katie, can you get your boyfriend to stop looking at me like that. He’s giving me the creeps.” I said jokingly.

“Adam, stop looking at her like that. It’s giving her and me the creeps.” Katie told him, slapping his arm.

“I’m just looking out for ya.” Adam said, flashing me that smile of his.

“I know, I know.”

“Hey guys. I just talked to Matt and him and Liz are on their way over.” Jeff said, coming back into the room.

“Okay. I think we should have a cookout tonight Jeff.” I told him sweetly.

“Fine. Let’s wait till Matt and Liz get here though and see what they want.”

“Hey honey. Jeff just called. Him and Amanda invited us over for dinner.” Matt said, as he walked into the kitched, where Liz was working on some homework.

“Okay, honey. That sounds good, now I can check on Amanda and see how she’s doing.”

“Well, let’s go get ready and we’ll go.” Matt told her, resting his head on her shoulder.

“Yeah, this homework is going to make me way to old before my time.” Liz joked, as she hopped on Matt’s back so he could carry her upstairs.

“I don’t think this is fair. I mean, the guy always has to do the carrying. You never see in a movie where the girl carries the guy over the threshold or up the stairs. It’s always the guy.” Matt pouted.

“Yeah, but we love you for it, plus it scores some major points with the girl, if you know what I mean.” Liz said, as she kissed the back of his neck.

“You know, if you start that we may never get over to my brother’s.” Matt said, tickling Liz’s side.

“Yeah well Hardy. If you start this we definetly won’t get there.” Liz told him, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Let’s just get ready.” Matt said shaking his head.

“You know Jeff, if your brother and my best friend don’t get here soon. I’m going to die of starvation.” Manda said.

“Sweetie, no you won’t. Why don’t you have some of that peanut butter and pickles that you like?”

“Peanut butter and pickles?” Adam asked. “That sounds so disgusting.”

“Yeah, I know. I used to think the same thing, but it’s actually pretty good.” Amanda told him. “I’ll be right back. I need to go get my snack.”

“Wait Amanda, I’ll go with you.” Katie said.

Man, you’re lucky she didn’t bite your head off about your comment.” Jeff told Adam seriously.

“Why would she have?”

“You don’t understand, she’s 5 1/2 months pregnant. Why do you think?” Jeff asked him.

“Oh.” That was the only reply Adam could make.

“Realization come to you there buddy.” Jeff laughed.

“Real funny there Hardy.”

“Yeah I know.” Just then the doorbell rang again.

“It’s open,” Jeff yelled.

“Hey bro. Who’s car is that parked in the driveway?” Matt asked, walking into the living room with Liz.

“Just a very good friend of yours that’s who.” Adam said turning around.

Holy shit Copeland. When’d you get to town?” Matt said as they exchanged handshakes.

“We just got in about an hour ago. We were actually here when Jeffro called ya.” Adam told him.

“Wait a minute. You keep saying we, is Katie here too?” Liz asked.

“Yeah she’s in the kitchen with Amanda.” Jeff said.

“Well Liz, are you going to give me a hug or not. I mean I was one of the first people you met, now you won’t even hug me.” Adam said, with a hang dog look on his face.

“Come here Copeland.” Liz told him as he picked her up in a great big hug.

“See Matt, Adam doesn’t complain about picking a girl up.” Liz said, as she ran into the kitchen.

“What’s she talking about?” Jeff asked, confused.

“Never mind bro.”

Chapter 4
Chapter 2