Chapter 4

3 weeks later:

"Honey, I'm going out for awhile." Jeff yelled upstairs. "Okay, be careful." "Do you want me to pick up anything?" "Yeah, can you stop at the store and get some water, ice cream and pickles?" Amanda yelled back down. "Sure sweetie." Jeff replied. "Ice cream and pickles?" Jeff mumbled under his breath, as he walked out the door. "Man, this pregnant woman cravings are weird. I can see eating ice cream by itself, but with pickles." Jeff said, to no one in particular as he got into his corvette.

At the airport:

"Attention ladies and gentleman. Flight 81 from San Antonio has arrived at Gate 3." The voice over the intercom told Jeff. While he was standing at the gate waiting for Jaelynn, what he assumed to be a fan, came up behind him and started screaming. "Oh my God! You're Jeff Hardy of the Hardy Boyz. Can I get your autograph please?" Just as he was turning around to ask the fan to stop shouting, he came face to face with a laughing Jaelynn.

"You think you're real funny don't you?" Jeff asked giving her a hug. "Well, it's not that I think I'm funny..." Jaelynn started. "I know I'm funny." Jeff finished for her. "Actually, that's not what I was going to say, but that is true." She said, as she took off running to the baggage claim. "Is age finally starting to catch up to you old man?" "No. Who are you calling old?" Jeff asked as he pulled her luggage off the conveyor belt. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure there's still some youth left in ya. Anyways, how's my sister doing?" With this one question, Jeff could feel the pain Amanda felt the day of that dreaded phone call again. "About as well as expected. She always tells me she doesn't want to talk about it, but then I hear her talking to Liz or Amy, so I do know she's talking." Jeff said, as they made their way back to his car. "Yeah, Amanda and Dad were always close just like I was. When I had to call her and tell her about the accident, I just knew that I had to be the one to tell her he died." Jaelynn whispered. Jeff sensing that she was on the verge of tears decided to lighten the mood a little. "Speaking of your sister, she thinks I was heading to the store when I left so we need to stop there." Jeff said as they flew down the highway. "Okie dokie. What do you have to get her at the store?" "Oh you know the usual. Water, ice cream, and pickles." Jeff replied, pulling off the ramp. Looking over at Jaelynn he noticed she was trying to hide her laughter. "What are you laughing about?" "Nothing really. Just at how you're doing all the expectant father late night craving runs. It's just too damn funny." Jaelynn replied letting the laughter escape her. "Well, seeing as we're here now. You can either come in or you can wait in the car." Jeff told her as he was getting out. "I think I'll come in. I mean, it's not every night that I get to walk around with a.) a celebrity. b.) an expectant father getting some nasty combinations of food. She replied still laughing. "Okay it's not that funny." "Yeah it is."

Ten minutes later, Jeff pulls into the driveway and him and Jaelynn get out and head up the walk. "Jeff, if you could have seen the look on your face when that lady looked at you funny as she rang out the food, you'd see why I'm laughing so hard again." She said as they entered the house. Upstairs, Amanda heard Jeff come in and heard a female voice with him. "Oh my God. He really is having an affair and he brought her back to our house." She thought. "Well, I may be pregnant but so help me God, I won't give up without a fight." She said to herself, as she walked downstairs. When Amanda got to the bottom step, she saw the one person that she never would have guessed Jeff to be having an affair with. "Jeff, how could you do this to me." Amanda, yelled in between the tears. "Honey, what are you talking about?" "You're cheating on me with my sister. I even let Liz convince me that it was just "pregnancy hormones" and that you would never do anything like this. I can't believe you Jaelynn, after everything we've gone through together that you could betray me like this." Amanda yelled, as she was now up in Jaelynn's face. "Girl, would you just calm the hell down. I'm not having an affair with your fiancée." "Mandy, I talked to Liz the day I came home and she was working on the seating arrangements and she told me you over heard my phone conversation. Well what you didn't know was, I was talking to Jaelynn and arranging it so she could fly out here and surprise you this week. That's what I was talking about.” Jeff said, as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I can't believe that I actually thought you would cheat on me. I'm so so sorry you two." Amanda apologized. "Hey sis, it's all been forgotten." "Thanks Jae."

About an hour later the three were sitting around just talking when someone knocked on the door. "I'll get it sweetie." Amanda said, as she got up and answered it. "Hey Adam." She said, giving him a hug. "Where's Katie?" "She's getting something out of the car." He replied hugging her again. "Hey Amanda. How are you doing?" "Hey Katie. I'm doing okay. I just can't wait for this baby to be born so I can go back to normal." "Don't worry. Just think in a few more months, life will never be the same again." Katie said, jokingly. "Thanks for the cheering up there Katie. Um.. Adam can I talk to you for a minute?" Amanda asked. "Sure short stuff." Adam replied using his nickname for me. "Well, I need to ask you for a favor. I will totally understand if you don't want to, or if it makes you feel uncomfortable." "Just ask, and I'll decide whether or not I'll do it." "Well, you know how my dad died in a car wreck a few months ago right?" "Yeah." Adam replied, sympathetically. "You see, I was wondering if maybe you would give me away at my wedding. I mean, you're like the big brother I never had." "I would be honored to give you away. Does you mom or Jaelynn have a problem with that?" "No. I talked to my mom about it a few weeks ago, and I just talked to Jaelynn about this tonight and they both are fine with it." Amanda replied. "I don't know why you thought I wouldn't want to do this. It can give me practice if I ever have a daughter someday." Adam laughed. "Is there something you want to tell me here Adam?" "No. Let's just get inside before they start to worry about us." Adam said as he held the door open to let Amanda pass.

Chapter 5
Chapter 3