Chapter 6

*At the reception*

“Ladies and gentleman. May I once again introduce to you, the brand new Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hardy.” The DJ announced. As the guests started clapping, the newlyweds made their way over to their table where their friends were seated. “Okay ladies and gentleman, after the wedding party has received their dinner, you may get in line to get yours.” The “DJ” said. “Jeff, isn’t that “Hurricane”?” Amanda asked as they got up.

“Yeah it is. Leave it to Shane to make an announcement like that. I didn’t know he still did djing on the side.” Jeff replied, as they walked back to the table.


“Excuse me. May I have everyone’s attention?” Shannon asked, clicking his champagne glass. “I’m being told that I need to give my best man speech now, and I’ve promised both Jeff and Amanda that I won’t say anything too embarrassing.” Shannon told the crowd, giving Jeff and Amanda a wicked grin. “They know me to well. Seriously though, I’ve known Jeff for 8 years and in those 8 years he’s become like another brother to me. If someone would have asked me a couple of years ago if I would have thought I’d be seeing Jeff here, getting married I would have said no. Standing here today though, I can see how happy he is and that is thanks to his beautiful wife here. Amanda, you’ve married a great guy, and I can honestly say that I’ve never seen him happier than he’s been since he’s met you. Jeff, you’ve got yourself and beautiful wife that adores the hell out of you. I wish you both nothing but happiness, love, and good health always. Cheers.” As Shannon finished his speech, the crowd of family and friends that were gathered toasted the new couple.

“Liz. Can I talk to you for a second?” Matt asked. “Yeah, what about?”

“Well, we’ve been together now for seven months, and in those seven months my love for you has grown and I know that I can’t spend the rest of my life without you.” As he was saying this, he was fumbling with something in his jacket pocket. “Elizabeth Marie, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?” Matt asked down on one knee and all. Liz looked down at him with the tears running down her face. “Yes Matt. Yes I’ll marry you!” Liz exclaimed, as Matt stood up and pulled her into a kiss.

“Hey bro. What’s the happy occasion for over here?” Jeff asked, as he and Amanda walked up to them.

“She said yes.” Matt said, wrapping his arms around Liz’s waist.

“Holy shit. She said yes.” Jeff yelled hugging his brother, while Liz and Amanda hugged.

“You mean to tell me you knew about this and you didn’t tell me Jeff?” Amanda asked her new husband, casting an evil glare at him.

“I’m sorry baby, I would have told you but you would have gotten to excited and told her, then Matt would kill ME not you. So you see honey...” While Jeff was trying to explain his reasoning, a sharp pain ripped through Amanda.

“Jeff, we may have to delay our honeymoon.”


“Cause I’m having the baby!” Amanda screamed, grabbing Jeff’s arm in pain.

By the time Jeff, Amanda, Liz, and Matt got to the door everyone knew what was going on. “Manda, you can’t be in labor. The baby is not due for another two months.” Jaelynn practically yelled.

“Don’t tell me that, tell this baby that.” Manda said through gritted teeth. Just get you ass to the hospital and stop telling me what I already know.” She finished, after the pain had subsided. Just then Matt and Liz pulled the car around to the front of the hall, Matt got out and helped Jeff get Amanda in the car.

“Just think sweetie, in a few hours we’ll be welcoming our son or daughter into this world.” Jeff said, while placing light kisses on Amanda’s forehead.

“Jeff this baby is going to be two months early.” Amanda cried.

“I know baby, but this child has both of us in him or her so it will be a fighter. You just remember that okay, two months early or not this kid will fight.” Jeff said, trying to console her, all the while trying to convince himself of the same thing.

Chapter 7
Chapter 5