chapter seven

There was a huge crowd in the waiting room, awaiting news about the little Hardy who couldn’t wait to make their presence known. The crowd that had formed were Amanda’s mom Cathy, Jeff’s dad Gilbert, Matt, Liz, Amy, Jay, Adam, Katie, Jaelynn, Shannon, Shane, even Taker and his wife Sara along with a few other wrestlers showed up. They were all anxiously awaiting news about Amanda or the baby. “Why can’t someone come out here and tell us something?” Jaelynn asked, as she stood up and started pacing.

“Jaelynn. You need to calm down, worrying isn’t going to help matters any.”

“I know Shan, but for twenty years almost, she’s taken care of me and now when she’s scared I can’t even take care of her.” Jaelynn said as she started crying.

“Jae. I want you to listen to me okay. Your sister and that baby are going to be okay. Yeah, he or she may be two months early, but they can do alot of amazing things in medicine today.” Shannon said, wrapping her in a hug.

“Okay. I know you’re right.” Jaelynn said, wiping away her tears.

“Thata girl. Let’s get back to the waiting room.” Shannon told her, as he led her back in.


“Owww...God it hurts.” Amanda screamed.

“Can’t you guys give her something for the pain?!”Jeff yelled at the nurse.

“Mr. Hardy, I can’t give your wife anything until the doctor comes in.” The nurse replied back.

“Well here’s an idea, go and get the doctor so you can give my wife something for the pain.”

“I’ll go see if he’s on his way.” The nurse replied, with a little attitude. “Thank you.” The nurse left to look for the doctor, so it left Jeff and Amanda in the room alone.

“Baby, do you need anything?” Jeff asked. “Just hold me for awhile.” She said. “Sure sweetie.” Jeff told her as he took her in his arms. As soon as he did that, another contraction hit Amanda and she locked in a death grip on his arm.

“Honey, you’re hurting my arm. I think you’ve cut the circulation off.” Jeff told her, trying to release her grip.

“I don’t even want to hear about the pain in your arm Jeff. You’re a big bad wrestler and you can’t handle a little arm grip.” Amanda yelled at him.

“Mrs. Hardy. I hear you’re ready for some medicine?”

“Yes please.” Amanda and Jeff replied. When Amanda heard Jeff answer she just shot him a dirty look.

“Well, it looks to me that this baby of yours is ready to pop out right now. So I can give you some medicine through your IV. It’s too late for an epidural. Let’s get her into delivery right now.” The doctor said, as the nurse was giving Amanda some medicine.

“Honey, I’m going to go tell everyone what’s going on so I’ll be right back.” Jeff said, giving Amanda a quick kiss.

“Okay Jeff....” Amanda said as another contraction hit.

*Back in the waiting room*

Matt and Liz were sitting on the couch talking to Amy and Jay, when Jeff came running into the room. “Jeff, are Amanda and the baby okay?” Matt asked concerned, when he saw Jeff running.

“Yeah, well I don’t know. The doctor is getting ready to take her into delivery right now. I just wanted to come out here real quick to let you know what’s going on.” Jeff told them. “Now I have to get back in there. He finished, as he was walking away.

“Matt, do you think they’ll be okay?” Liz asked.

“I hope so honey. I really hope so.” He told her, giving her a hug.

*Delivery Room*

“Come on honey, you need to push. You want to see our baby don’t you?” Jeff asked.

“Let me tell you something Hardy. You try pushing something the size of a watermelon out of you, and we’ll see how you like it!” Amanda screamed at him.

“Alright, Mrs. Hardy when I say now, I want you to give me a great big push...Now.” The doctor said.

“Jeff, you are never touching me again!” Amanda yelled at him as she pushed.

“One more big push and the head will be out.”

“Get this baby out of me.” She said as she pushed.

“You’re doing great baby. Just a little bit more and we’ll have our new baby.” Jeff said, while wiping Amanda’s forehead.

“Okay last push and then you two will be parents.”

“This better be the last push. I don’t think I can do this anymore.”

“I promise, just one more time. Give me a big push.”

“Aaahhh.” Amanda screamed. After that last push a baby cry filled the air.

“Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy. It’s a girl.” The doctor told the new parents.

“Is she okay Jeff?” Amanda whispered.

“Is she doctor?” Jeff asked.

“Yes, Mr. Hardy. You both are the proud parents of a beautiful, healthy baby girl. Jeff would you like to cut the cord?” The doctor asked.

“Yeah, I’d love that.” Jeff said, as the tears made their way down his face.

*With the others*

About ten minutes later. Jeff walked out into the waiting room full of friends and family still awaiting news.

“Jeff how are they?” Adam asked, as he noticed Jeff coming towards them.

“What did she have?” Jaelynn asked. “Well, Amanda is doing fine. There is finally a Hardy girl in the family. Madison Nicole was born at 9:48 PM and she weighs 6 lbs. 3 3/4 oz. and is 21 inches long.” Jeff said beaming. A round of congratulations could be heard as Jeff’s dad came up to him. “Congratulations son.” Gilbert said, giving his youngest a hug. “You know your momma would’ve been real proud of you today.” He whispered.

“Thanks dad. That means alot.” Jeff said, wiping the new tears from his eyes. “Ya’ll want to see her?” Jeff asked, as he headed toward the nursery window.

“You know you don’t have to ask me twice.” Jaelynn said.

“Jeff she’s so beautiful.” Amy and Katie both gushed.

“You know, I can honestly say that before she was born I was scared to death. Now that she’s here I feel I have a new outlook on life.” Jeff said to all who were gathered.

“So does this mean we’ll see less risk taking in the ring now that Madison is here?” Matt asked his little brother.

“Yeah. I don’t want to do anything that could keep me from being there for my daughter.” Jeff replied. “Her and Amanda are the two most important people in my life now. I don’t want to do anything to hurt them.”

“Well, bro. You do have a gorgeous little girl that I know will be spoiled rotten by dad and me. As far as I can see, she already has you wrapped around her little finger. She’ll always remain that way too, won’t she? Matt asked, throwing an arm around his brother.

“Damn straight.” Jeff replied with a smile.

chapter eight
chapter six