Chapter 10

“Matt! Hello!” Lita said louder.

Matt looked away from Angela finally, and over to Lita, puzzled. “Huh?” Matt asked shaking his head.

“Did you hear me?” Lita asked as Jeff watched Matt’s face.

Matt glanced to the floor, and then looked back up at Lita, “No sorry, what’d you say?” Matt asked running his figures through his hair. He could again feel Angela’s eyes on him.

Angela watched Matt as he stared at Lita, he was so cute, his smile was so sweet and made her feel so special, his eye’s were so intense and such an amazing sight that once her eyes met his it was very hard to look away. He was so incredibly good looking and it was hard for her to know how to act around him, she longed to have him pull her into his strong arms and longed to feel his lips delicately kissing hers. Just thinking about it made her shiver and made her heart beat faster. She took a deep breath as she continued to watch Matt’s adorable face with the sexy puzzled look on it. She wanted to giggle but tried so very hard to hold it in.

Lita laughed as she glanced at Angela who had begun to giggle, “I asked if Jeff was going to the ring with you?!”

“Ohh,” Matt mumbled softly. Then he looked at Jeff, “Yeah I think he said he was...” Matt said leaning against the door frame.

“I am.” Jeff said looking from Matt to Lita.

Matt smiled, and then his eyes met with Angela’s again.

It seemed as though they were having a silent conversation together with there eyes. Saying things to each other that they wouldn’t dare yet say aloud, just for the simple fact that they didn’t know enough about each other for it to be right, although it seemed to both of them that the conversation they were having was so right.

“Hey Angela what are you calling yourself, or are you just going to go by Angela?” Jeff asked as he slid his other arm around Lita as she snuggled against him watching Matt and Angela stare at each other.

Angela forced herself to look away from Matt’s eyes, she sighed, “I’m calling myself Angel, I know it sounds goofy...but I thought it was the closet to my name, so I’d use it.” Angela said smiling. Jeff chuckled shaking his head.

“Angel” Matt thought. How fitting, she was an Angel! Beautiful, and radiant, and so magnificent! He couldn’t help but smile.

“It doesn’t sound goofy!” Matt said softly finding himself speaking before he realized what he was saying. “It sounds perfect to me...” Matt said smiling at her.

She blushed and looked down, then when she looked back to Matt’s smile she giggled meeting his eyes.

Matt smiled at her as Jeff glanced down at Lita’s watch, “Ohh shit, Matt dude we gotta go, your match starts in a few minutes!” Jeff said letting go of Lita.

“Ohh, yeah we better go then.” Matt said standing up straight.

Matt watched as Jeff and Lita shared a quick kiss, “I’ll see you later...” Jeff whispered softly to her as she hugged him.

“Okay,” Lita said as she went and gave Matt a quick hug. “Matt good luck with your match, were gonna go inside and watch it!” Lita said smiling at him.

He smiled at his friend and shook his head, “Okay thanks Lita.” Matt said softly as he watched Jeff talking quietly with Angela.

After a few seconds she took Jeff’s hand, “Thanks!” She said giggling.

“Good luck!” Jeff said smiling at her as he moved away so Matt could say something.

Matt wasn’t really sure what to say, but he knew he couldn’t just stand there and continue to stare at her. Even though he wouldn’t mind having to do that! He took a deep breath, “Umm Angela good luck with your debut thing, I’ll umm.... see you later, at the party thing....” Matt said fumbling through his words.

Angela giggled smiling at him, “Thanks, I hope you win your match, be careful and good luck too! Yeah I can’t wait till the party! Maybe we’ll all hang out.” She said smiling at him. He’s so cute!

Matt was so happy, he wanted to be near her as mush as possible, “Definitely, that’d be totally cool!” Matt said watching her eyes sparkle.

“Good.” Angela said softly.

“Matt we gotta go!” Jeff said from behind him. Matt glanced over at him and then at Lita.

“Hang on a sec Jeff! Chill!” Matt said as he looked back at Angela. “I guess we gotta go...” He said softly looking at her.

Angela smiled at him, and gently shook her head, “I’ll see you later Matt...”

Matt swallowed and took a deep breath. He glanced back at Jeff who was standing there impatiently waiting. Matt decided suddenly that he wanted to ask Angela something, he figured that he had nothing to lose, so what the hell he decided to ask, “Maybe you’ll save me a dance...?” Matt asked smiling at her.

Her eyes met his and they stared at each other for a long moment. Yes! He asked, Ohh there was no way she was turning him down! Angela cleared her throat, and stopped biting her lower lip and finally spoke, with a huge smile across her face, “Count on it!” She said softly staring at Matt’s eyes.

Matt’s heart beat faster, she said yes! Matt was on a huge natural high! He smiled, “Great.... well I gotta go...” Matt said glancing at Lita who was watching the same way Jeff was.

Matt smiled at Angela as she giggled, “Okay Matt, I’ll see you later.” Angela said giggling as she smiled at him as she pushed her bangs away from her eyes, driving Matt crazy.

“Yeah, I’ll, umm...see you later too...” Matt said shrugging as he smiled at her.

Jeff who didn’t want to have to wait and listen to them say goodbye to each other another dozen times, came over and grabbed Matt’s arm, “We’re going now! Bye Ladies!” Jeff said as he tugged Matt down the hall. Matt looked back at Lita and Angela who were laughing at them.

Matt met Angela’s smile, and grinned at her as he tried to wave.

Matt was so happy, he hadn’t been in such a good mood in a long time.


Chapter 11
Chapter 9