Chapter 13

Matt returned from the bathroom a few minutes later, wearing a pair of jeans, and a black sweater. He came into the room and found Angela sitting on the couch with her eye’s closed. He didn’t see Jeff. He didn’t dare move, he just wanted to watch her for a few moments. She was the most amazing woman he had ever seen! He noticed that she was wearing a different outfit, a pair of jeans, and a red long sleeved, low cut silk shirt. She had a black sweater folded across her lap. Her hair was lying neatly across her shoulders. She was wearing a cross and her feet were still bare. She looked unbelievable!

He took a soft breath and spoke, “Angela,” Matt said softly as he watched her open her eyes and met his instantly. She started to stand, but Matt shook his head and she sat back.

They started at each other for a long time.

Matt broke the silence, “Where did Jeff go?” Matt asked as came to the couch and sat down next to her.

She grinned at him, “One guess.” She said as Matt chuckled.

“Lemme guess he went to the ring with Lita right!?” Matt said as Angela smiled.

She giggled, “Yeah he left a few minutes ago.” Angela said as Matt stared at her.

“So,” Matt said softly as Angela watched him, “What are you doing here?” Matt asked as Angela’s eyes sparkled.

She sighed smiling, “Well, I sorta just wanted to talk to you...” Angela said trailing off as Matt continued to stare at her.

“About what?” Matt asked softly as Angela shivered. It was usually cold in the locker rooms. “Your cold?” Matt said softly smiling at her, then he glanced down at her bare feet, “Socks might keep you warmer!” Matt said softly as Angela giggled.

Angela pulled the sweater around herself and smiled at him. “I wanted to talk to you about my storyline...” Angela said watching Matt’s eyes intensify.

“What about it?” Matt asked as his heart beat faster. Maybe she was going to be working with him after all. He hoped!

Angela smiled as she took a breath, “Well I wanted to know if it was okay with you, I told Vince that maybe I could wait till Thursday to debuted and that maybe I could start my storyline with you, but only if your cool with it!” Angela said softly standing as she turned to look at Matt who was jumping for joy inside.

Matt was so psyched! This was gonna be so cool, Matt couldn’t be happier at that second. He smiled as he stood, his eye’s meeting Angela’s as she looked up into his eyes. Again Matt felt as if their eyes were having some intimate, private conversation that they dared not say with words. He smiled, “Yeah, Angela… that would be so great...” Matt said gently smiling at her.

Her eyes were so warm, and Matt wanted so badly just to hold her, he watched her beautiful smile spread across her face, “Really? Great, thanks Matt, we’ll have so much fun!” Angela said smiling at him.

“Yeah, I’m sure we will…” Matt said as he realized they were standing a lot closer together now.

He was staring down at her eyes as she looked up into his. Angela sighed, Matt was so hot, he was so sweet, and very sexy, and really strong, and she wanted to feel his lips on hers so badly, she wanted him to kiss her. She realized that there wasn’t much separating them now and realized that they were both totally trapped in the moment. She thought that maybe Matt was feeling and wanting the same things she was. Angela closed her eyes and could feel Matt’s breath on her face…

Suddenly there was a sound from behind them, the door was opening, Matt and Angela jumped and Matt stepped away from her. They turned to see Jay and Adam walk in. Matt groaned softly and smiled at them.

“Hey guys!” Matt said as they closed the door behind themselves.

Angela smiled at them, “Hi Jay, hi Adam...” Angela said waving at them.

“Hey.” Jay said as he went over to the cooler and threw Adam a beer and grabbed one for himself, then he glanced at Matt, “You want...” Jay cut himself off not finishing as he glanced at Angela and remembered what Jeff had said earlier about Matt not having a beer. Matt knowing what he was thinking rolled his eyes.

“Angela you don’t want one do you?” Jay asked as he opened his can.

“No thanks...” Angela said softly, “I’m not a big beer drinker, I’m more a white wine kinda girl.” Angela said giggling as Adam and Jay chuckled.

Matt and Angela stood were they had been, and watched as Jay and Adam seated themselves and got comfortable.

Matt glanced at Angela, she smiled giggling softly. Matt ran his fingerers through his hair, “Guys...” Matt said turning to look at them, they both looked up at him as they drank there beers.

“Yeah Matt?” Adam asked.

“What are you guys doing here?” Matt asked as he took a few steps closer to the couch.

“Hanging out!” Adam announced as he gulped his beer.

“Why, we aren’t interrupting anything are we?” Jay asked looking from Angela to Matt. Matt gave him a sharp look, and Jay shrugged. “We’ll leave if you want us to,” he said as he started to stand up.

“No,” Matt said groaning, “Sit.” He sighed shaking his head as he turned around towards Angela. She smiled at him and giggled. Matt motioned her towards the door.

“I’ll be right back guys.” Matt said glancing at Jay and Adam who had started to watch the wrestling on the TV. Matt sighed and went to the door as Angela followed him.

Chapter 14
Chapter 12