Chapter 14

Once they were in the hallway Matt turned and looked at Angela, “I’m sorry about them, they don’t know how to knock...” Matt said softly smiling at her as she began to laugh.

“Its okay.” Angela said studying Matt’s eyes.

Matt wasn’t sure if it was possible for her to look anymore beautiful then she did that second. He tried to say something, anything that would come out but nothing would. He just stared at her.

“Matt...” Angela finally whispered touching his hand gently. Matt froze; his heart stopped, then skipped a beat or two. He took a breath and looked down to his hand. Angela realizing that Matt had tensed pulled her hand away. Matt looked back up to her eyes and tried to speak, but he just shook his head. Matt felt funny, he wasn’t sure if it was because she was near him or because she had touched him. He shivered inside. Matt reached up and ran his fingers slowly through his long brown hair and sighed.

“Angela....I...” Matt stammered. He stopped when he she moved her hand to his again. Matt held his breath; inside he felt on fire, she was driving him mad! Her eyes burned into his.

Matt swallowed. But it was Angela who spoke, “Matt, I should go...”she said taking a step away, causing Matt to become suddenly very alert. Then she took a breath, “I don’t want this to sound funny,” She said pausing, “But..I really wanna see you later.” Angela spoke softly as she started backing away down the hall. Matt took a few steps after her, and she stopped, her eyes meeting his.

“I,” Matt paused smiling down not at her but to himself, feeling good about what she had said. “I wanna see you…” Matt said as a smile appeared on her face as she watched him. “Later too.” Matt added as she brushed her bangs away from her eyes.

“Then will I see you later?” Angela asked as Matt reached over and let his fingers brush against hers. Angela looked from her hand back to Matt’s face waiting for him to answer.

Matt smiled, shaking his head, “I hope so...” Matt said as he brought his hand back to his side.

Angela studied him for a moment and giggled, “I better go Matt.” She said as she started to turn and leave.

Matt watched as she began down the hall, but something inside him was dying to have her come back. Before he knew what he was saying, he spoke, “Angela?” Matt said as she spun around to face him.

Her eyes met his and she didn’t speak for a moment, “Yeah?” She asked smiling at him.

Matt rubbed his head chuckling, he took a few steps toward her with about five feet separating them when he stopped. “I just had to tell you...” Matt said pausing.

“Tell me what?” Angela asked amused as she watched Matt’s confused adorable face.

Matt sighed, he took a breath and grinned at her. “Just that your really cool…” Matt said suddenly not feeling like he should say what he was really thinking. He didn’t think it was right to tell her that she was least not yet.

Angela smiled, “Thanks Matt, your cool too. I’ll see you later...” Angela said smiling at him as he turned and made herself walk away.

Matt stood in the hallway staring off into space, with Angela on his mind. He smiled, she was absolutely unbelievable! He sighed, tonight was gonna be so fun!

Chapter 15
Chapter 13