Chapter 16

About an hour later Matt was sitting in the front seat of a rental van listening to the radio as Jeff drove away from the arena, back to the hotel.

Once they got back to their room Matt threw himself onto his bed and smiled as stared up at the ceiling. Jeff had decided to change his close again so he went straight into the bathroom. Matt sighed as he thought about the evening that was coming up in a little while. Angela. Matt couldn’t think of anything or anyone he’d rather be thinking of, she was it.

Meanwhile.... Lita and Angela who are sharing a room together arrive back at the hotel.

Lita drops her wrestling bag in the hallway and walks to the couch. “I’m beat!” She said yawning.

Angela grinned from the hallway.

“I’m gonna take a quick shower to wake me up a little, okay?” Lita said stretching as she grabbed some things from her suitcase and turned for the bathroom.

“Yeah, okay...” Angela said smiling. “Hey I’m gonna run out really quick, I gotta go see someone, I’ll be back before you get out most likely.” Angela said smiling at her.

“Okay sure, later.” Lita said shrugging, then she left for the bathroom. She knew exactly where Angela was going and who she had to go see.

Once Lita got inside the bathroom she stared at her reflection and giggled. She couldn’t be happier for Matt. She had loved him once and still did, but now it was different. She had Jeff now. Jeff, he made her happy. But Matt needed someone, she could only pray that Angela was it.

Angela stood in the hallway for a while. Then she took a breath, threw her coat on a nearby chair, and then turned to the mirror on the wall in the hallway. She smoothed her hair down and went out the door.

Matt was snuggled up across his bed spread waiting for Jeff to come out of the bathroom so they could go down to see Lita and Angela to find out where the whole group was going to meet to go clubbing.

He sighed, he was sore and his whole body ached. His eyes were closed and his breathing was becoming regular until suddenly he heard the doorbell ring. He rubbed his forehead and sat up. He stretched as he walked to the hallway, he glanced in the mirror and quickly pulled his hair into a lose ponytail. He sighed and reached for the doorknob.

Matt expected to see Jay and Adam or Shane Helms or another one of his wrestling buddies, but he hadn’t expected to see who was standing there outside the door.

Angela stared at the surprised, but almost thrilled look on his face when he saw her.

”Angela...” Matt said softly surprised.

She smiled slowly, “Hi Matt,” Angela said taking a breath.

“Hey, come on in,” Matt said staring at her beautiful face.

She grinnned. She walked past Matt and he closed the door behind her.

Matt stretched as he watched her walk to the couch and lean against the arm.

“What’s up?” Matt asked as he walked to the edge of the couch and stood leaning next to her.

She smiled, as she stared at the floor. “I dunno,” She said shrugging. “Lita is taking a quick shower, and I was bored so I thought maybe I would come up here, where’s Jeff?” She asked glancing around the room.

Matt smiled, “Ohh he’s getting changed, God do him and Lita think alike or what?!” Matt asked softly as Angela giggled.

“Yeah.” She said softly as she turned her eyes to Matt. Their eyes met and couldn’t help but smile.

Matt didn’t know what to say, so he said the first thing he thought of. “So is there gonna be a lot of people going tonight?” Matt asked as he watched her face.

“Yeah, I guess so.” Angela said softly as she ran her fingers through her hair quickly and looked back at Matt’s face.

Matt shook his head. Angela spoke again, “We all have got to hangout, were gonna have like so much fun....” Angela said as she let her hands fall to her sides.

“I hope so,” Matt said smiling as he watched her. They didn’t say anything to each other for a while there eyes just had there own conversation.

“Matt…” Angela whispered softly finally breaking the silence.

“Huh?” Matt said softly. “Matt I,” Angela said softly, as she realized they were almost touching. She stared at Matt’s face, and watched as his drew closer to hers, making her shiver, his smile and his eyes were incredible, he looked so sweet. She could smell his cologne and could feel the heat coming from him. Her eyes locked with his, and all she wanted was to feel his lips on hers. She let out a breath and let her mind wonder.

In the back of her mind she remembered why she was always running away, why she tried so hard not to get close to anybody. It was because of him. He had hurt her so many times, more times then she cared to remember at that second. The image of him standing over her holding his bottle of beer and staring down at her, she was shaking and shivering on the basement floor, wearing nothing but the cross around her neck that he hadn’t managed to pull off of her in his drunken rage. Usually he had no reason to beat her, he usually just beat her for the hell of it. But on this night the beating was because she came home late and he suspected that she was cheating on him. By then she had lost track of how many times he had beat her till she blacked out, more times then she could count most likely. She remembered him kneeling over her and remembered the look in his eyes.

She looked away from him to the blood all over herself from his blows. She thought she was going to die.... he was going to kill her. The last thing she saw was him reaching over to his side and grabbing a long wooden board leaning against the wall. She saw him throw his half empty beer bottle and saw it shatter when it hit the wall.

Then she saw him raise the board above his head, she felt it crash against hers, she felt the warm liquid blood run down her face, she could feel herself growing numb. The last thing she remembered, was she saw faintly and could feel him kneel over her, and kiss her everywhere, she remember shivering, and remembered praying to God to help her, she prayed to pass out, so she didn’t have to feel and see him. She finally went unconscious.

When she awoke she was in the hospital and he was sitting at her side, his head resting on the hospital bed. He was holding her hand, and even though his touch repulsed her, she dared not move. She was enraged that he was there, and sitting at her side, like he cared about her. She took a breath and all she could smell was the anesthesia that was coming into her from the IV in her arm. After a few minutes of lying scared and frozen she watched petrified as he picked his head up and met her eyes. There was no smile in his eyes and he stared hard at her for a second. Then suddenly his expression faded, and he seemed to pretend to be happy to see her alive. She was so afraid at the look on his face. Her whole body ached and she was so scared of him.

“Oh sweet heart, your finally awake, darling you feel down the basement stares, you must have been really tired, you hadn’t even got dressed from coming out of the shower and you must have fell. I’m so glad your alright, you had me so scared!” He said as he leaned close to her face and nearly kissed her. I moved away from him then and he stared at me. “Baby what’s wrong?” He asked watching my face.

The tears came then, and even though I forbid myself to cry in front of him, I couldn’t help it any longer, this had gone on for far to long, I was going to get away. “Don’t touch me Ray!” I said as I pulled my arm, which hurt like hell out of his grasp.

“Angie why not?” Ray asked staring at me as he stood.

I stared dead into his eyes, “Don’t play games with me Ray, I don’t care what you told them happened, or what you made it look like, I know what happened. I’m through with you!” I said crying as a nurse came in.

I let his game of lying to the nurses and doctors continue until they told me I was well enough to go home. But instead of leaving with Ray, like he wanted me too, I had a friend pick me up and I stayed with her for a while, Ray came by everyday and begged to see me but I didn’t want to see him again ever.

Finally I decide I needed to be out on my own and I wanted to buy my own apartment. Things were getting better and I was dating some nice guys and life was getting normal, until Ray started harassing and threatining me again. When the threats got way out of hand I went to the police and finally told them what really happened. They questioned Ray, but seeing as there was no more evidence, they couldn’t do anything. Ray continued to threaten me and when he finally showed up one night in my living room, I called the police and he spent the night in jail. I was scared and nervous all the time that he was gonna come back and finally kill me. That’s when I decided to leave, I had to get away from him.

Then the wrestling thing just sorta happened, when I decided I need to learn how to defend myself. I moved to Connneticut far from Ray and the hell I lived with and tried to move on. The whole wrestling thing was a coincidence that just sort of happened out of luck.

Now standing close to Matt, I tried to think of a reason other then that he was an incredible guy....why was I there? The last thing I needed was someone to get close to; I just had to keep running.

Chapter 17
Chapter 15