Chapter 19

Matt and Jeff were sitting in silence both deep in thought when the phone rang.

Jeff looked at Matt who hadn’t seemed to hear the phone. He sighed and went to the phone.

“Hello?” He asked tiredly.

“Jeff?” Said a familiar voice.

Jeff smiled perking up when he heard Lita’s voice, “Lita, hey what’s up?” Jeff asked softly as he slumped onto his bed and sighed.

Lita knew why he sounded so down, she was sure he found out what happened between Angela and Matt. She frowned, taking a breath she replied, “Jeff are you and Matt still feeling up to going clubbing with everybody tonight?” She asked hoping that they still were, she had to get Angela and Matt together to talk.

Jeff sighed, “Well I am, I wanna see you, but I’m not sure about Matt, hang on lemme ask him okay,” Jeff said standing up and walking back to the couch were Matt still stood seemingly unaware that the phone had rang.

“Yeah okay Jeff...” Lita said sighing.

Jeff patted Matt’s shoulder and spoke, “Matt, Lita’s on the phone she wants to know if you still wanna do the club thing tonight or not?” Jeff asked as Matt continued to stare off in silence.

Jeff sighed, then he listened quietly to Lita who was talking to Angela.

“He’s asking Matt now.” Jeff heard Lita say.

He heard Angela sigh and then she spoke eagerly, “I want him to come, I hope he comes, I had to go screw things up, God, I’m so dumb.... Lita he’s got to come, I need him to come, I want Matt to come!” Angela whined groaning.

Jeff grinned. Then he heard Lita, “Okay chill, stay calm, stop whining! Don’t get excited, I hope he comes too, I’d feel bad if he didn’t, besides will make him come, just stay calm!” Lita said sighing.

Jeff smiled, “Hey Matt did ya hear me? Do you still wanna go?” Jeff asked again.

Finally Jeff watched as Matt moved, he glanced behind him to where Jeff was standing.

“You gonna come?” Jeff asked frowning at Matt, who looked miserable.

Matt sighed, “I want to, I think..... yeah I’ll still go, I kinda wanna see her anyway...” Matt said softly as he turned away from Jeff and looked back to the floor.

Jeff sighed smiling, “Lita?” Jeff asked taking Lita off of hold, “Matt said he still wanted to come clubbing tonight. When, and where should we meet up with you, we’re gonna drive Jay and Adam so I need to call them and tell them the plans.” Jeff said as he leaned against the back of the couch.

Lita giggled excitedly, “Oh great, I’m so happy, umm okay how about you call them and tell them that we’ll meet up in the lobby in umm.... lets say about 20 minutes, and then we can figure out the plans from there?” Lita suggested smiling at Angela who had almost screamed because she was so happy that Matt was still coming. Angela smiled and fell across Lita’s bed, ecstatic that she would see him and tell him hopefully why she had acted so badly.

“Sounds great to me, I’ll see you in a little while then, okay?” Jeff said smiling at the sound of her cute voice.

“Okay Jeff, I can’t wait, see you in a bit...” Lita said quickly, she smiled and hung up the phone.

Jeff chuckled, then he went to the couch and told Matt what Lita had said about making the plans.

“Matt you better get ready, we should leave in a couple of minutes,” Jeff said as he went to his closet to put on some cologne and to make sure his hair was looking perfect. He was excited to see Lita, he just wanted to pull her into some dark corner of the dance floor and just hold her and kiss her. He smiled and combed through his hair.

Matt sighed and went to his suitcase, “Hey Jeff do I look okay in this or should I change?” Matt asked as Jeff turned to look at him. Jeff glanced down at Matt who was wearing a black sweater and a pair of old jeans, and some sandals.

“Naw Matt you look alright, just change your shoes,” Jeff said smiling at him. Matt shook his head and smiled, then he went over to his suitcase and pulled out a pair of new dark sneakers. He sat down and put them on. He wasn’t sure how to act or what to say when he saw Angela, or even if he should say anything at all. He sighed. Jeff had finished and was leaning against the wall near the door waiting for Matt.

“So what are you gonna say to her?” Jeff asked seeing the confused and puzzled look on Matt’s tired face.

Matt sighed, “Oh Jeff I dunno, I guess I’ll wait and see what happens and then maybe say something if it feels right I guess…” Matt said shrugging. He got up and went over to the mirror on the closet door. He quickly took his hair out of the ponytail and brushed through it. Then he glanced at Jeff. “Do I look alright?” Matt asked again.

Jeff shook his head, rolling his eyes, “Matt you look fine! Come on lets go.” Jeff said staring at him.

Matt sighed shrugging and then he went towards the door.

Chapter 20
Chapter 18