Chapter 2

Matt didn’t respond to Jeff’s question right away so Jeff decide to ask again.

“Well?” Jeff asked looking carefully at his friend.

Matt blushed and glanced down.

Jeff smiled knowing Matt did. “Matt dude, you do, you like her don’t you?” Jeff said watching Matt like a hawk.

Matt sighed and stared back up at Jeff. He slowly shook his head and blushed, “Yeah I like her. Don’t tell a soul!” Matt said as his eyes widened.

Jeff chuckled. He shook his head throwing his hands in the air. “Matt I won’t say a word to anyone, I swear! You know Jay and Adam are gonna know instantly so you might as well tell them!” He paused and Matt figure he was right, then Jeff added, “Besides she’s cute, you two would look really good together! Go for it buddy!” Jeff said laying back on the couch and looking over at Matt.

Matt smiled, and shook his head, “Jeff remember I’m not you or Jay... or Adam even, I can’t instantly get a girl like you guys can! I’m pathetic like that! I mean she probably wouldn’t even be interested in me. But do you really think I should just go for it?” Matt asked wearily shrugging.

Jeff sat up and looked at Matt who frowned. “Matt dude, first of all your not pathetic, well not completely pathetic,” Jeff said smirking. Matt rolled his eyes. “You can get any girl you want.... if you want her bad enough! Matt I seriously think if you like her you should go for it! You’ve got nothing to lose!” Jeff said as he stood.

Matt sighed thinking about what Jeff had said. Maybe he was right. Then he looked up at Jeff. “Where ya going?”

Jeff stretched, “I’m gonna go get dressed.” He said yawning.

“Why?” Matt asked as he rose and went over to his bed and snuggled under the covers.

Jeff shrugged, “I dunno!” Jeff said as he plopped himself down again on his own bed.

Matt sighed. “Well I’m going to sleep then, have fun!” He said sleepily.

Jeff grunted, “Yeah thanks!” Jeff mumbled. Matt closed his eyes. He had almost dozed off completely when he heard Jeff mumble something again.

“Huh?” Matt asked sleepily.

Jeff groaned, “I asked you if you were gonna ask Angela out or not?”

Matt shrugged from under his covers, he yawned then spoke softly, “I’m not sure yet....” He said sleepily as he let his voice trail off and he fell asleep. Jeff chuckled as he glanced over at Matt sound asleep and he snuggled up himself and was sleep seconds later. They were both totally exhausted. Raw that evening was gonna be hell!

Chapter 3
Chapter 1