Chapter 20

Matt and Jeff were silent in the elevator. Neither of them knew what to say to each other. Jay and Adam told them that they would meet them down in the lobby. Matt was nervous, he wasn’t sure how things were going to go with Angela. He sighed and smoothed his hair down and glanced down at himself to make sure he looked alright. The elevator stopped and Matt and Jeff looked at each other. Jeff smiled at him and the door opened. Matt was walking off of it with Jeff when he heard laughing. He looked to his right and saw Jay and Adam, Shane, Molly, Lita and Angela, with Trish and Chris Jericho, with his girlfriend Ruby, and Torrie. He smiled at his friends as they meet them. Everyone greeted them.

“Hey guys,” Jeff said as he reached for Lita, who snuggled against him.

Matt watched them kiss quickly. He grinned and glanced around at everyone, trying not to meet eyes with Angela.

“Hi everybody...” Matt said smiling. “Is this everybody?” Matt asked quickly trying to avoid making eye contact with Angela until her could get her alone to talk.

“Yup!” Lita said smiling, “some other people are gonna show up later...” She said smiling at Matt.

“So where should we go?” Molly asked as Shane helped her put on her jacket.

“Well I was thinking in honor of Angela...” Lita said smiling at Angela, “We should go to the Underground!” Lita said winking at the group.

Matt smiled, he’d been to that club one time last time they were in Las Vegas and it was great.

“Sounds great!” Jericho said as he wrapped his arms around Ruby’s waist.

Lita smiled, “Okay how do we want to split up the driving?” Lita asked as she picked her head up from Jeff's shoulder.

“I’ve got my van.” Jericho said looking up at Lita.

“How many can you fit in it?” Lita asked as she leaned over and whispered something to Angela. Jeff glanced at Matt who was silently standing next to him listening to the conversation. Matt sighed, not sure of why he felt so secluded. He ran his fingers through his hair quickly and suddenly could feel Angela’s eyes on him. He looked at her, staring at him while Lita continued to whisper something in her ear. Matt swallowed, what was Lita saying to her?

“How many can you fit in the van Chris?” Lita asked as she looked back at him when she had stopped whispering to Angela.

Chris stared at her and sighed, “Eight.”

Matt stopped listening to the conversation then. Something made him look back at Angela. Her eyes caught a hold of his. He couldn’t help but be totally crazy about her. He hated himself for wanting her the way he did, but he wanted her so badly. He watched as she smiled at him, and Matt’s anger and confusion seemed to melt away, he longed to be near her. It stopped mattering to him way she had left the way she had, all he wanted was her.

She suddenly did something that surprised Matt. Nobody was really paying attention to them; Angela motioned with her head for Matt to come off to the side. He took a breath and moved away from the group who was still debating over carpool problems. Angela followed him and they went a ways away from the group. Angela stopped and looked at Matt. He stopped too and stared back at her. Matt stared at her, she was wearing a pair of black flare pants, and a sliver low cut, off the shoulder tank top, with a cross. Her long brown hair fell around her shoulders. She was wearing high-heeled black sandals. Her toes nails were painted red and she was wearing a mid lengthen blank leather jacket. She looked absolutely spectacular.

“Matt, I just wanted to apologize, I said things, and did things that I’m not happy about, I’m sorry, I don’t want you to not like me...” Angela said softly as Matt interrupted her.

“Angela, I couldn’t not like you, your beautiful, and...” Matt said not finishing his sentence. He blushed and glanced down.

Angela giggled, smiling at him. “Thanks Matt. I am sorry though, I just wanted you to know that.” Angela said as Matt met her eyes.

Matt grinned, “What was wrong anyways? You scared me the way you were crying, I felt horrible, I don’t ever want to see you cry...” Matt said softly touching her hand. Matt’s heartbeat moved faster and his throat went dry, she was so incredible.

Angela shivered at Matt’s touch, her heart beat and her fingers tingled and Matt’s touch felt like fire to her, so sweet. Angela looked at Matt who looked so sweet, and he was an angel to her at that moment, she wanted him so bad!

Angela cleared her throat and blushed staring at Matt, “I’m sorry, its a long story, maybe I’ll tell you about it sometime, but its nothing that you need to hear now, now I just wanna have a great time!” Angela said smiling at Matt.

Matt slid his hand all the way into hers and smiled at her. “I hope we have a great time...” Matt said as Angela brushed her bangs away from her eyes driving Matt nuts.

Angela giggled, “Matt, I hope you still want to dance with me.” Angela said playfully smiling at him.

Matt chuckled, sighing. “I didn’t stop wanting to…” Matt whispered as her eyes met his.

“Oh really did you?” Angela giggled flirting back with Matt.

Matt squeezed her hand gently and shook his head, “Yeah I did!” Matt said as she laughed.

“Good I’m glad.... because I wanna dance with you...Matt...” Angela said softly smiling at him. Matt smiled.

Just then Matt heard Jeff’s voice yelling for them, “Hey Matty, are you and California girl gonna join us or not?” Jeff asked as Matt gave him the evil eye. Angela giggled.

“Yeah, we’re coming.” Matt called to Jeff as he turned back to Angela’s eyes.

Matt waited as their eyes had a quick conversation, then he slowly let go of Angela’s hand, “Come one lets go have some fun!” Matt said smiling at her.

Angela smiled at him. Matt turned and started to follow everyone to the door. Just then he felt something, he glanced down at his hand and saw Angela’s hand in his.

He looked up and smiled at her. “I wanna ride with you and Lita and Jeff.” Angela said touching Matt’s hand with her cold fingers.

Matt smiled. He shook his head. “Good come on.” Matt said softly as they walked to the parking lot together. Matt was holding onto her hand and life was so good at the moment. Life was good. Matt smiled as the stars burned above them in the night sky.


Chapter 21
Chapter 19