Chapter 21

Matt had held the car door open for Angela and he was on his way around to get in on the other side, when he heard someone say his name. He glanced over to the opposite side of the car to see Lita leaning against the partially open door.

Matt stared at her as she whispered his name again, “What?” He said watching her smile.

She shut the door and ran around to his side of the car. Matt stared at her confused, “Lita what?” Matt asked anxiously.

Lita giggled, “I think Angela really likes you!” Matt blushed staring at her.

He shrugged, “I hope she does!” Matt said grabbing the car doorknob.

Lita giggled, excitedly, “You like her!” Lita giggled pausing. “We’ll talk later okay?” Lita asked quickly as she started back around to the front passenger side.

Matt stared at her, he smiled, “Yeah okay.” Matt said softly sighing.

Matt opened the door and got in. He sat down and glanced at Angela who was sitting next to him hugging her jacket close to her. She was laughing at something Jeff had said. Jeff was playing with the radio trying to find a good station when Angela reached over and grabbed Matt’s hand. Matt stared at her grinning. Her cute smile was so beautiful to him. It made him so happy. He squeezed her hand, it was cold, but so soft.

“Jeff!” Lita said elbowing him, “Put some heat on, the ladies in the car are frezzing!” Lita said glancing back at Angela giggling. Angela grinned at her and sighed. Matt noticed that she was shivering.

Matt and Angela watched silently as Jeff reached over and put the heater on. Then he looked at Lita who was smiling devilishly at him. Matt rolled his eyes impatiently as he waited for Jeff to start driving.

“Lemme warm you up...” Jeff mumbled softly leaning over and kissing her.

Matt watched as Lita touched his cheek kissing him back deeply. Matt was happy for them even though something deep within him hurt, he realized it didn’t matter, he was happy for them.

Matt sighed squeezing Angela’a hand. He glanced over at her as she smiled at him.

Matt leaned a little closer to her and whispered, “You cold? You’re shivering!” Matt asked smiling at her, laughing softly, as Angela giggled shaking her head.

The thought of leaning over and kissing her like Jeff and Lita occurred to him but Matt knew he couldn’t. Not yet. As much as he wanted to, he knew he couldn’t. He grinned smiling at her.

He reached under Jeff’s front seat and pulled out the blanket that Jeff always kept there and opened it, he reached over and wrapped it around Angela who was staring at him smiling.

Angela smiled at Matt, he was so cute, he was the sweetest guy, he was so warm and strong and she longed just to be near him. She wanted to be closer to him, she wanted him.

Matt moved a bit closer to her as Angela snuggled against his arm. He sighed, what the hell, he let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her gently.

Angela was smiling at him as she set her head against his shoulder and snuggled against him. He was so warm and felt so good to her. She could feel his warm sweet breath near her face. She looked up at him and stared at his dark eyes and then glanced to his lips. She wanted more then anything to kiss them. Matt stared down at her. She was amazing, so sweet looking, her eyes were soft and her smile gentle, she was everything he wanted. Matt smiled down at her as he noticed that she was looking up at him. Matt felt her shivering against him and he frowned.

“Jeff can we go already?” Matt asked rolling his eyes as Angela giggled.

Matt watched as Jeff and Lita released each others lips and stared at each other smiling. Matt leaned close to Angela’s face, he could feel her breath on his face, it was warm and soft, “You any warmer?” Matt asked softly smiling at her.

She stared at him, and grinned snuggling closer against him. “I am... now.” She whispered, sitting up and opening up the blanket so that it was as big as it could go, then she wrapped some around Matt and pulled the rest around herself and hugged him.

Matt held her close, she felt incredible. She was shivering still, but Matt he was so warm holding her in his arms!

Jeff and Lita were talking quietly in the front seat about her match as Jeff pulled out of the parking lot. Matt and Angela snuggled silently in the backseat the entire way to the club.

There was about a block to go when Lita glanced back at them. She smiled, “You two are pretty quite, you guys okay?” She asked softly smiling from Matt to Angela. It was then that she realized that they were wrapped in each other s arms, he heart beat, they looked so perfect together!

Matt hugged Angela a little tighter and shook his head smiling. “Yeah we’re okay…” Matt said softly clearing his throat. Angela who had no problem being this close to Matt smiled. She shrugged as she rested her head back on his shoulder/upper chest. She would shiver occasionally and Matt would yell at Jeff to turn up the heater.

Matt knew the car had stopped infront of the Underground. Matt against his will let go of Angela and got out of the car. Jeff had got out and was walking around to Lita who had jumped out excitedly. Matt went around to the passenger side to help Angela out of the car as Jeff meet Lita and pulled her close to him.

Matt opened the door for Angela smiling at her. He shut her door as she stretched and took his hand. He squeezed hers and sighed as she snuggled against his arm. Matt let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her waist. Angela snuggled against Matt as they waited again for Lita and Jeff to finish kissing.

Matt looked around the street as they walked across the busy street to get in line to go into the club. The others hadn’t gotten there yet. Tonight was gonna be so spectacular! Matt couldn’t wait, he was already enjoying himself! He was holding onto Angela.

Chapter 22
Chapter 20