Chapter 24

Matt and Angela sat around drinking and talking about different things for about 20 minutes or so. Unfortunately Angela again got pulled away from him when Molly came and begged her to come dance with her and the other “girls”.

Matt sighed as she glanced back at him. He winked at her and smiled. He got up and went to the bathroom. Then he decided to go find Jeff and Lita and hangout with them for a little while.

He found them on the other side of the dance floor talking to Jay, Adam, Chris, Ruby, and Trish.

“Hey,” He said greeting them.

Jeff smiled at Matt as he watched Matt slapped Jay five.

“Where’s Angela?” Adam asked looking at Matt.

Matt shrugged, “Molly and some of the other girls wanted her to go dance with them...” Matt said softly.

“You kiss her yet?” Jeff asked glancing at Lita who elbowed him quickly.

Matt knew by now that everybody heard about his crush on Angela. He sighed, “No, its not right yet, it has to be perfect. I’ll know when it is,” Matt said running his fingers through his hair.

Lita giggled, she had been right, Matt wanted everything to be just perfect before he kissed Angela, how sweet! He probably already had this romantic vision of how to do it too. He would plan the first kiss perfectly and make it something Angela wouldn’t be able to forget, she knew he was trying to plan everything so he could sweep her off her feet in the first kiss, and make her never want to leave his arms, Matt was so romantic like that!

“Matt she wants you to kiss her... badly!” Lita said staring at him.

Matt looked at her. He knew that Lita wouldn’t make something like that up. He smiled chuckling, “She tell you that?” Matt asked pulling his hair into a ponytail.

“Lita snuggled against Jeff, “Well… yeah,” Lita said softly.

Matt smiled. Matt heard Ruby say something to him. She was leaning against Chris who was holding her as he was talking to Adam about something.

“Matt I think you should just catch her off guard and plant a kiss on her! I think that’s the most romantic type of kiss! The sneak approach...” Ruby said touching his arm. Then she said something to Chris that made him look away from Adam. Matt watched as Chris kissed her quickly and Matt grinned at her, she was right, that was romantic, but Matt had another plan in mind!.

The conversation gradually changed to work. Matt was laughing at Jeff who was making wise cracks at Jay. Ruby, and Chris had gone and Torrie had come up next to Adam and he took her hand.

Torrie had been with Molly when they came and Angela had left him. He sighed, she was probably dancing, and have a great time. He hoped she was, he wanted her to have fun. Jay reached over and shoved Jeff playfully. Trish touched his arm and he pulled her next to him talking to Jeff. Everyone laughed as they continued to make fun of each other.

Matt grinned watching Lita start to tickle Jeff. Who would have ever thought that they would get together? Certainly not Matt.

Matt was laughing when he felt arms wrap around him. He glanced behind him and saw Angela’s smile.

“Angela... hey, you’re back...” Matt said softly as he turned and looked at her. Her eyes were sparkling and her smile was so warm.

“Hi,” Angela said softly.

“Matt had taken both of her hands again in his and was holding them. “Angela your hands are freezing, don’t tell me your cold again!” Matt said chuckling as Angela smiled at him, she shivered.

“I am...” She said giggling as Matt sighed.

Matt’s eyes met hers, “Anything I can do to help?” He whispered as she smiled devilishly at him.

She sighed, “I dunno I think there could be...” She whispered as Matt pulled her close to him. She snuggled in his arms and he held her tight not wanting to let her go.

They watched Jeff and Jay continue to argue and Matt could feel Angela shiver occasionally. He rubbed his hands on her bare arms trying to warm her.

They were all still standing around when the song that had been on ended.

Matt glanced down at his watch, it was well after 3am. He pulled his hair out of its ponytail and sighed, sorta nervious. However the clubb was packed! Matt watched as the lights dimmed and the song turned soft and slow.

Matt glanced around and saw couples forming every where. He watched as Jeff turned away from Jay and wrapped Lita into his arms. Jay did they same with Trish and Adam with Torrie.

Matt took a breath, should they go sit at the table or should Matt ask her to dance with him?! He had asked her to save him a dance, she had accepted. Now would be the perfect time to ask her to dance.

He was about to open his mouth to ask Angela to dance with him, when Jeff tugged on his sleeve. Matt and Angela looked over at Jeff and Lita who were now next to them.

“Matt dude, ask California girl here to dance with you already and get it over with! You know you wanna ask her, and we know she wants to dance with you so lets just get it over with already for God’s sake!” Jeff said as Lita giggled.

Matt could literally have killed him, Matt felt funny already and that made it worse. Matt watched as Lita pulled Jeff away from them and started kissing him.

Matt sighed as he blushed looking at Angela. Angela was biting her bottom lip gently as she looked up at him.

Matt smiled. What the hell! He took a deep breath, “Do you wanna dance?” Matt asked softly whispering as Angela smiled blushing at him.

Angela stared at him, he was so cute! She smiled, how could she turn him down? She could’t! “Matt… I…I’d,” Angela whispered pausing, “I’d love too!” Angela blushed meeting his eyes.

Matt watched her eyes sparkling, yes! She said yes! Matt’s heart raced, Thank God! Matt smiled as he gently reached up and brushed his fingertips lightly across her cheek. Matt watched her briefly close her eyes, she looked beautiful! Angela took a deep breath, she sighed smiling at him

Her heart raced as Matt slide his arms around her and gently pulled her close against him. Angela hugged him as she closed her eyes and snuggled against him. Matt rubbed his hands down her bare arms trying to warm her. Matt could hear her sigh, he felt so good being able to hold her, to feel her breath on his neck, she felt so good to him.

Angela rested her head on his shoulder, her face turned in towards him. She could feel his breath on the side of her face. He was so warm and felt strong, and she felt so safe and secure wrapped in his arms. Matt was taller then she was but not by much, a few inches at the most. Matt leaned his face close near hers, and she could smell his sweet breath, he looked and felt so amazing! Matt looked at her, seeing her eyes were closed. He saw her soft, sweet smile as he looked at her. He touched her hair, it was smooth and soft, she was absolutely perfect!

Matt loved the way she clung to him, it was as if she let go, that she would fall of the face of the earth. Matt held her tight- that was the last thing he wanted! He grinned, the music was so romantic, everything was perfect, he knew he should kiss her, but he couldn’t seem to move. He closed his own eyes holding her tightly. He felt her shiver again and frowned opening his eyes, “Angela!” Matt whispered. She smiled, not opening her eyes.

Matt chuckled. “You’re cold, don’t be cold,” Matt whispered gently.

She opened her eyes and picked her head up looking at him, Matt watched her swallow, she touched his cheek, making him shiver, her heart pounded, she sighed, “Matt...” She whispered so softly Matt wasn’t sure she had said anything.

Their eyes met having a silent conversation. Matt let his eyes tell her what he was dying to say out loud! “I want you...more then anything!” His eyes said burning into hers.

Angela stared at him as he spoke, “What?” He asked softly whispering close to her.

Angela smiled, whispering, “Matt make me warm…”

Matt grinned. He wanted to! All he wanted was to steal her heart, and have her- he wanted her so much!

He sighed, “My pleasure...” Matt whispered grinning as he hugged her in his arms.


Chapter 25
Chapter 23