Chapter 25

They left the club well after 5am. The sun hadn’t come up yet, but it was close. It actually looked like rain. Angela had fell asleep in Matt’s arms in the car on the way back to the hotel. Once the car parked at the hotel, Matt woke Angela and told her he’d walk her to her room, Jeff said he and Lita were gonna go out for breakfast and then they’d come back and go to sleep. Angela was tired. She sighed shivering in the cold early morning air. She snuggled against Matt as the walked into the hotel lobby.

Matt hugged her gently as they took the elevator up to the 17th floor. They were both silent, she was shivering and Matt chuckled, she was always cold. Matt walked her to her door, she yawned smiling at him.

“Tired?” Matt asked pushing her bangs away from her eyes. She smiled at him.

“I’m exhausted! I had such a good time though!” She said yawning again. Matt laughed.

“I’m glad, I had fun too…” He said softly smiling at her.

She stared at him not knowing what to say. His eyes were so intense. She didn’t want to be away from him, but she wasn’t sure if she should ask him to stay. She wanted him to stay but she didn’t. She sighed hugging him. Matt held her gently. She felt so good. Matt frowned closing his eyes, he was dying to kiss her, why couldn’t he just do it?

Matt held her for a long time, silently confused again. >p>Finding her last bit of courage, Angela finally whispered, “Matt do you wanna come in? You can keep me warm.” She asked looking up at him. She smiled slowly. He stared at her. Had he heard her right?

He let out a breath, he shrugged, “I... okay…” Matt said softly, feeling himself shaking, he was nervous, why?

Angela smiled, she sighed, “Okay…” Matt stared at her and glanced down at himself.

“Okay, umm, lemme run and get changed and I’ll be right back!” Matt said softly suddenly excited as he started to back away.

Angela shrugged, “I’ll just come and wait for you, and then we’ll come back...together...” Angela said reaching for his hand.

Matt smiled casually, “Okay, come on then California girl,” Matt said as she giggled. Matt grabbed her hand and they went back to the elevator.


Matt got to his room and unlocked the door, “Come on in...” He said opening the door for her.

Once they were inside, Matt helped her take off her jacket, then he took off his and went to his suitcase and grabbed a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt. He glanced at her, she was sitting on the edge of his bed staring at an old wrestling script that Jeff had left lying around earlier. Matt sighed staring at her, she was magnificent!

He smiled, “I’m gonna go get changed, I’ll be right back...” He said softly as Angela glanced back up at him yawning.

She grinned, “Okay...” She said softly.

“I might take a quick shower too… you gonna be okay?” Matt asked smiling at her.

Angela giggled, Matt was gonna take a shower, ohh how she would love to join him for that, she sighed, smiling. “Yeah I’ll be fine.” She said smiling at him.

Matt stared at her a moment, he winked at her as she blushed, then he left for the bathroom.

Meanwhile....... >p>Angela tossed the script to the floor. She sighed yawning. She went over to the coffee table and used the remote control to start the electric fireplace. She sighed shivering. She sat down and rubbed her ankles, they were sore and hurt from all the standing, and dancing. She pulled her sandals off and sat back, she was freezing.

She sighed. She got up and went over to Matt’s suitcase, she glanced at the bathroom door and heard the water from the shower running. She sighed. Matt was in the next room taking a shower, she smiled, he was so sweet and very sexy, she liked him! Ahhh!

Angela grabbed a second pair of Matt’s pajama pants and a sweatshirt and quickly put them on, she looked at herself in the mirror and giggled, Matt’s clothes were big on her, but they were comfy and smelled like him. She smiled imagining him kissing her, holding her with in his arms. She sighed yawning. She was really tired.

Back in the bathroom....

Matt pulled the t-shirt over his head, and stared at himself in the mirror. He felt refreshed now. He grabbed a towel and started to dry his damp hair. He stretched, his body was sore. He draped the towel around his neck and shoulders and stared at himself. He sighed as he turned for the door.

He opened the door and expected to see Angela on the end of his bed or on the couch. He noticed the fireplace was on but she wasn’t anywhere in sight, he started to speak, to say her name, but he didn’t see Angela anywhere in the room.

He frowned looking around quickly, he turned the bathroom light off and walked over to the couch. Angela’s jacket was draped across the back of the couch the way he had placed it. He pulled the towel from around his neck and sighed tossing it on the couch. He glanced at Jeff’s bed and saw her pants and top folded neatly on the edge of his bed.

He shook his head and looked at his own bed. He smiled. Matt saw her then. Angela was snuggled under his covers, sound asleep. Her face was so sweet, so innocent, so pure, and so beautiful. He chuckled softly. He grabbed an extra blanket off of Jeff’s bed and walked quietly to the edge of his bed. He opened it and covered her. Matt watched her roll over and he smiled, he leaned over close to her face,

“Sleep well my California girl…” Matt whispered as he delicately touched her cheek. Matt saw her snuggle deeper into his pillow, he smiled- she was astounding!

Matt sighed as he sat on Jeff’s bed watching her. He got up slowly and went around to the other side of his bed, he pulled back the covers and got in next to her. He gently wrapped his arms around her and held her gently.

Matt was half asleep himself when he felt Angela move, he glanced down at her, she rubbed her eyes and sighed.

Angela realized now that it was Matt who she had awoken to find holding her warm and safe, she smiled as she snuggled against him, she felt him hug her tighter, she sighed.


Chapter 26
Chapter 24