Chapter 3

Matt awoke to Jeff’s snoring and the sound of his alarm clock going off. He reached over to his dresser and shut the alarm off. He laid back down and sighed. It was around 7 and he knew they had to get ready and go over to the arena. Tonight and tomorrow they were doing shows in Las Vegas. Matt sat up stretching. He looked over at Jeff who was still sound asleep. Matt rolled his eyes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When Matt returned from the bathroom Jeff was sitting on the edge of his bed. He looked up at Matt curiously. “Hey, why didn’t you wake me?” Jeff asked as he got up and ran to his closet pulling clothes out and heading for the bathroom.

“Jeff, dude its not my fault that you don’t hear the alarm clock when it goes off! The purpose of having one is so that you wake up and get moving. So now that your up get moving!” Matt said laughing as Jeff reappeared in the bathroom doorway with toothpaste all over his face. Jeff glared at him mumbling something under his breathe and disappeared into the bathroom again. Matt chuckled as he started to pack his gym bag full of his WWF clothes and stuff. Jeff yelled to him from the bathroom and asked if he could bring him his deodorant.

Matt got it and came to the bathroom doorway as he handed Jeff the deodorant. “Jeff why do you bother with the deodorant before the matches? You sweat it off the second you get into the ring anyways, so why bother? You should put it on when the match ends!” Matt said laughing as Jeff stared at him. If looks could kill Matt would be dead.

“Shut up and just help me! Get my bag together will ya? Your the one who didn’t wake me!” Jeff said hurrying around the bathroom trying to get ready.

“Hey Jeff I shouldn’t have to wake you! You should get up when the alarm goes off, maybe I should start setting the clock an hour earlier so were not late!” Matt said knowing he was getting on Jeff’s nerves, Matt laughed and Matt turned and left as Jeff started to mumble again.

Matt went back to the couch and finished putting things he needed into his bag and started on Jeff’s.

Jeff came back into the room a few minutes later, dressed and shaven.

Matt smiled as Jeff looked at him, furious that he let him sleep.

“You ready?” Matt asked as he pulled his bag onto his shoulder.

Jeff glared at him, “Yeah now I am!” Jeff said as he took his bag and started for the door.

Just as they were about to leave the phone rang.

They looked at each other and Matt spoke, “I’ll get it!” Jeff grinned at him.

Matt set his bag down and went to his dresser and grabbed the portable phone and pressed talk. “Hello?” Matt asked as he turned to look at Jeff who was leaning against the wall.

“Matt, Hey its Lita,” Matt heard the voice of his good friend Lita and he looked up at Jeff.

Matt smiled. “Hey Lita, what’s up?” Matt asked as he sat down on the edge of Jeff’s bed.

“Well okay as a welcoming for Angela were all going clubbing tonight! Everyone’s going together! There’s a lot of wrestlers going. You’ve got to come! I called because I wasn’t sure if I was gonna get to see you guys before or during the show, so incase I didn’t get to, I wanted to call and invite you to come with us! Besides I thought I should tell you... Angela, she said it herself to me when I told her about it, she asked if you were gonna be there! I knew when I meet her that you’d be crazy about her... Matt she’s so perfect for you!” Lita said giggling. “You and Jeff have got to come! Please!” Lita said as Matt’s heart beat faster at the mention of Angela’s name. He smiled as he glanced up at Jeff who was looking back at him.

“Lita hang on okay, I’d love to go, just lemme check with Jeff.... hang on a minute okay!” Matt said setting the phone down, as he stood and looked back up at Jeff.

“Hey Jeff?” Matt asked as Jeff stood up straighter and looked at him.

“Huh?” Jeff asked watching the smile across Matt’s face.

“Lita wants to know if we want to go clubbing with a bunch of the wrestlers after the show tonight, to welcome Angela to the WWF! Do you wanna come?” Matt asked as Jeff stood there. Jeff now understood why Matt had a huge smile on his face. It was becuase of Angela. Jeff sighed as he smiled to himself, he was happy to know that Matt was excited..

“Sure!” Jeff said shrugging. Matt wanted to jump for joy he was so happy to be seeing Angela again.

Matt smiled at Jeff and picked up the phone again. “Lita, yeah we’ll go!”

“Great, um, Jay and or Adam can give you guys all the details if I don’t see you, good luck with your match tonight Matt and I’ll see you guys later!” She said sounding happy.

“Okay great, Thanks Lita! I’ll talk to ya later! Bye!” Matt said hanging up.

Matt was so happy. Angela, Matt thought, he was thrilled to think that he was gonna see her. He sighed.

Jeff impatiently spoke, “Earth to Matt! Are we going or not, or are you just gonna stand there staring off into space!?”

“Ohh yeah right, lets go!” Matt said as he grabbed his bag and followed Jeff out the front door. They took the elevator down to the lobby.

They arrived at the arena and went inside. The fans hadn’t started to gather yet so it was easy for them to get inside right away. Matt got dressed and waited inside there locker room for Jeff to finish getting ready.

Once Jeff was changed, they decided to go hang out with Jay and Adam.

Chapter 2
Chapter 4