Chapter 31

Matt awoke to the sound of moving in the next room. He pulled the blankets down slowly and saw that the bathroom light was on with the door half way shut. He rubbed his eye’s sitting up, he glanced next to him realizing that he wasn’t holding Angela. He glanced at the clock on his dresser. 5:03am. It was dark in the room, the fire had almost completely died out. He rubbed his head, and stood up stretching. He walked over to the coffee table quietly and took the remote and turned the fire back on. He sighed, slowly he walked to the bathroom doorway and quietly looked inside. He saw Angela sitting on the toilet seat, not facing the doorway, he could see from the way she was breathing and shaking that she was crying and upset. he frowned, he hated to see her anything but happy.

He sighed softly, and spoke, “Angela?” Matt said gently.

Angela jumped startled, she stood up turning toward him in the doorway. “Matt!” Angela said holding her hand over her heart, taking a deep breath.

Matt grinned stepping into the bathroom. “You scared me, God.!” Angela said leaning back against the sink.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to....scare you......” Matt said softly watching a tear fall down her cheeck. He sighed, frowning as she stared back him. She saw the look on his face and realized that he was watching her crying. She quickly wiped her face and glanced toward the floor not wanting to look at him.

“You okay?” Matt asked softly, leaning against the wall by the door.

Matt watched her stare at the floor, he knew she was upset, he just wanted her to tell him what about.

“Yeah.” Angela whispered not looking away from the floor, or at him. He knew what was bothering her couldn’t be just over wrestling, she was different like that. There was something else. He had a feeling it had something to do with what she had been crying about on Monday before they all went to the clubb after Raw. He had to find out what it was so he could try and help her, why wouldn’t she tell him, did Jeff know? Lita! She had to know something, didn’t she? He had to talk to her about it.

Matt sighed, “Angela?” Matt said softly taking a few steps closer to her. Finally Angela looked back up at him. Her eye’s sparkled, glazed with tears. Matt frowned and grabbed a tissue from the tissue box on the counter, he handed her the tissue and watched her wipe her eye’s.

“You sure your okay?” Matt asked softly concerned as he looked at her. Another tear fell down her cheeck, and Matt felt like his heart was breaking into a thousand pieces, like sand that would blow away with the wind.

Matt sighed - he gently reached up and touched her cheek, wiping the tear away with his thumb, gently rubbing her check. Matt watched her eyelids close, her lashes touching her cheeck, and frowned.

He pulled her close to him and held her. He felt her shaking, he heard her crying, her face buried into the shoulder of his shirt as he held her, trying to comfort her. Matt waited for her to stop crying. When Matt felt Angela hugging him, he felt a little better.

“Whats wrong?” Matt asked whispering against her hair. Her hair smelled like flowers, and was sweet. He frowned. Angela hugged him, so happy to be back in his arms, to have him comforting her. What was wrong with her? She was so lucky. She got a contract, she could wrestle, she was good, she had great friends, and Matt was becoming someone very close and special, and someone very important to her. What was wrong? She knew, she’d always known, it would never be right! Everything that happened...

Angela closed her eye’s her mind flashing back to the night her father died. She was 11, an only child, and her mother was the most wonderful person she’d ever known. She missed her father, because they had been so close. She loved her family so much. About a year after her fathers funeral, her mother got remarried to a man she said she loved. Jack. Angela at first thought that Jack treated her mother good. Her mother said one time out loud that she loved him. Why else she would have married him? But what Jack did to her, was something Angela would never be able to forget, thinking back on it now, it was the reason she met Ray in the first place. About a month after Jack and her mother were married, Jack began to show his true colors. He beat them both constantly. Angela always remembered her mother taking it tho- always later on saying it was okay, saying that he had a good reason, but always continuing to say that she loved him. Angela believed for whatever reason that her mother did love him regardless, like she didn’t think she was good enough for someone to love her for real, but rather just to beat her, to love seeing her hurting. Angela took after her mother in that respect- that was probably why she stayed with Ray as long as she had.- she didn’t think she was good enough for real love.

Three years later, after being beaten so many times, and after watching her mother practically drink herself to death several times, Angela who was now 15, told Jack and her mother that she was moving out and was going to go stay with an aunt. Her mother knew of her plans and respected them, she knew how Jack treated her daughter and she was fine with Angela leaving- atleast one of them would be away from the hell Jack made then live with.

The next night Angela came home from a party planning to pack, to leave the next day for her aunts. She got home to find the house empty. Or so she thought. She got up to her room and opened the door. She turned the light on and was startled to see Jack sitting by her window staring out into the yard.

She didn’t say anything just watched him, he turned and finally looked at her. “Angela you’re not leaving! Your not going anywhere!” Thats all he said as he stood. Angela was scared the moment he laid his eye’s on her. His voice sounded so funny, so insane.

“Where’s my mother?” Angela asked scared. Jack laughed, pointing next to her, Angela turned around and saw her mother slumped in the corner of her room, wine drenched all over her, she was passed out and beaten, her lip still bleeding. Angela heard his voice close to her, she looked back at him now standing in front of her. It was then that Angela saw his shirt unbuttoned. She could smell that he was drunk as well. She stared so frightened at him. He was going to beat her again.

Sure enough.......... she was right...

After about getting called every possible name, and beaten until she felt numb, he released her and she fell onto her bed. Her body ached, as he stood at the edge of her bed laughing like a mad man-which he was.

What he did next was something that she would never forget, something that would haunt her forever. Weak and scared and alone, she heard him speak, “Your never going anywhere, I need you!” Jack said leaning over her. Then Jack raped her.

Her mother never knew. She left before her mother woke up the next morning.

She never went back home. Angela had meet Ray when she was 17, she was working as a waitress in a diner in Washington, DC. She was born in New Jersey, and after she ran away from home she traveled and did anything she had to do for work, anything to get by so she could live.

She met Ray and of course she fell for him, he was at first the perfect guy, he was something she never had, he would love her.... for awhile anyways. He turned into a Jack too! Torturing her the same way. Almost a year after she’d run away, an aunt whom she had kept in touch with, wrote to tell her that her mother had drunken herself to death. Angela made the trip home for the funeral and refused to even look at Jack. Her parents were both gone and Jack inherited all of her mothers money. Her mother did manage however to leave her the cross, which Angela now never took off, and even had the image tattooed to her arm so she was never without if she did take it off. It was all she had left of her mother, and even of her childhood. Jack had stolen everything else away from her.

After Ray, and after she left she moved to Malibu, California, alone and trying to forget. That’s her home. Its miles away from everything that happened to her at home, miles away from Jack........ miles away from Ray.

She couldn’t get hurt like that ever again! She wanted someone to love her, but to really love her, not just her body, or something about her, but to love her for who she was, she wanted real love, not the kind of love that she’d gotten from Ray or even the love Jack had stolen from her, she wanted real true, deep, passionate, sensitive, real love. She wanted the perfect fairly tale kind of love, an after all she’d suffered through, wasn’t that fair?!

Remembering this suddenly, as Matt held her she felt so weak, so scared again, she wanted to be able to love Matt, to have him want her, to need her, to have him love her back, she was falling for him, and it scared her because the last thing she wanted was to get hurt again. She buried her face deeper into the shoulder of his shirt, and began to cry again.

She felt Matt hug her tighter, whispering, “Angela its okay, calm down, don’t cry, shhh.......please, don’t cry!”

Chapter 32
Chapter 30