Chapter 32

Angela clung to Matt, not wanting to be without him. All she wanted was for Matt to hold her, she needed him now more then ever, her fear of Ray was back, and now the visions of Jack were back fresh and strong in her mind, and she just needed Matt to hold her, she needed to be near him, to feel him, to know he cared. She couldn’t hold back the tears, and Matt waited patiently and let her cry. Whispering softly trying to comfort her. She picked her head up finally tears damp and running down her cheecks, her face pink, and her eye’s shinning, she looked up at Matt, and thought for a moment that she was looking at an angel, he was so sweet, so beautiful, and so comforting, and he cared so much, that was obvious, he’d spoken so softly, said such sweet things, she was so happy she had him, she felt like she finally had someone to trust, why couldn’t she let herself...... she wanted to.

Matt touched her cheeck, staring at her concerned. He looked at her worriedly, he wished she would talk to him. He gently wiped some tears away, "Angela, please, don’t cry, I can’t cry, stop please! I hate seeing you like this, tell me what to do! Anything, I’ll do it, just tell me what to do!" Matt whispered begging as she briefly closed her eye’s and sighed. She wanted so many things from him, her heart ached, her body felt so weak. Matt pushed her bangs away from her eye’s, and touched a lock of her hair, holding it between his fingers, staring at her.

She shrugged as a tear rolled down her cheeck. "Matt I dunno... I just...... I just need you!" Angela cried hugging him. Matt held her hugging her so tight he was afraid he’d hurt her, but she didn’t seem to notice.

Matt felt her shaking, he took a deep breath, he wanted to at least get out of the bathroom. He slowly let go of her and took her hand leading her back to the couch. "Sit." Matt whispered as he pushed the coffee table out of the way and grabbed some blankets. He went back to his bed and took the extra blanket an grabbed another one. He took 2 pillows from Jeff’s bed and came back to Angela, she was sitting in front of the couch on the floor, watching the fire. Matt dropped the blankets and handed her a pillow. Matt watched her put it behind her, and then he sat next to her, putting a pillow behind himself. He reached for the blankets and waited as Angela wrapped one around herself, Matt covered himself and wrapped his arms around her. Angela snuggled quietly in his arms her eye’s closed.

Matt glanced at the clock above the fireplace and saw that is was almost 5:30am. He was tired, but more then that he was concerned about Angela. Matt cleared his throat, "Angela, you gonna tell me what’s wrong?" Matt asked as she picked her head up and frowned staring at him. Angela knew she couldn’t tell him the truth yet, she didn’t want to have to remember what she had just thought of again, she knew she had to be confusing him, but she just couldn’t tell him yet. She hated to lie but felt that whenever she did tell him the truth, that he’d understand why she didn’t tell him right away.

Matt watched her sigh, "Matt, this is gonna sound so crazy, but I just don’t want to talk about it, not yet anyways...... please, I just can’t, when I decided to I’ll tell you all about it..... I’ll tell you everything! I promise, just not now!" Angela whispered staring deep into Matt’s dark, warm eye’s.

Matt sighed, he understood, he wasn’t going to force her to say anything, he wanted to know, but he’d never force her to tell him if it was gonna hurt her, hurting her was the last thing he ever wanted to do. "Okay." Matt whispered smiling at her.

Angela reached up touching his cheeck. "Matt thanks!" Angela said as a tear rolled down her cheeck.

Matt smiled, "For what?" Matt asked softly, sighing.

Angela grinned, "For everything, I mean, here you haven’t known me for more then 4 days and I feel like I’ve known you my whole life, I haven’t felt so close to anybody in a long time, maybe never..... I’m really glad that were...... friends......" Angela said pausing, rubbing her head.

Matt grinned, "I’m glad were...... friends to, I’m glad that you trust me so much." Matt said smiling at her.

Angela sighed, no matter how scared she was of being hurt or of Ray, she really did trust him. She trusted him with her heart, he could have it - all he’d have to do was ask for it and it was his. She knew that Lita was right, Matt wasn’t going to hurt her like Ray or Jack, at least he didn’t seem like he would.

"I hope everything goes good tonight.......I’m kinda still nervous." Angela said softly trying to change the subject.

Matt sighed, "Don’t be, I’m not gonna let anything happen to ruin this night for you, its gonna be great, and your gonna be awesome!" Matt said smiling as he touched her cheeck.

Angela giggled, "I hope so, thanks Matt." Angela said smiling. It was good to see her smiling again.

Matt sighed, "I got the scripts, do you wanna read yours?" Matt asked excited.

Angela smiled at him, surprised, "Yeah sure! I’m dying to know what your planning for me!" Angela said looking up at him, Matt smiled as he got up, he winked at her quickly making her blush as he went over to the dinning room table and grabbed the scripts. He brought them back and sat down getting comfortable next to Angela. He handed her the script and she took it giggling.

"I’m excited..." Angela whispered smiling. Matt grinned, he slide his arm around her and she snuggled against him opening the first page.

"I’m gonna sit here and watch to read the whole thing, I’m not gonna say a word, I’ll wait till your done, then I wanna know what you think." Matt said softly, hugging her gently. Angela smiled as she began to read.

Matt watched her eye’s moving up and down each page as she read the script. Matt watched her smile a few times and she glanced up at him smiling once or twice.

Matt sighed as he held her waiting for her to finish. Finally Matt couldn’t take it anymore, she had less then a page left to read and she hadn’t said a word yet. Matt took a deep breath trying to stay quiet. He couldn’t do it. "Well what’do ya think?" Matt asked excitedly.

Angela didn’t answer she kept reading. Matt held his breath as he watched her set the script on the floor beside her. She sighed staring into the fire.

"What?" Matt asked touching her shoulder. "You hate it....... don’t you?" Matt asked worried.

Angela turned and met his eye’s.... she grinned touching his cheeck. "No Matt I think its great, its perfect...... I love it, you and Vince, you did a great job!" Angela said smiling as she whispered to him.

Matt stared at her a moment and smiled. "Really?" Matt asked chuckling. "You like it??" Matt asked watching her blush, she shook her head and smiled.

"I love it, its great. I’m serious, I really like it, thank you, you did an excellent job! Thanks Matt." Angela said smiling at him. She reached up and hugged him. Matt smiled hugging her. he smoothed down her hair and took a deep breath.

"I’m happy you like it Angela." Matt said holding her. Angela snuggled against him her eye’s closed, her mind racing. He felt so incredible.

"Whats your favorite part?" Matt asked softly as she let go of him and met his eye’s, leaning against him.

Angela smiled, she giggled and sighed. "I like the part backstage, when you hug me!" Angela said laughing. "That’s my favorite part......." Angela said as she wrapped her blanket tighter around her.

Matt chuckled, "Mine too!" Angela giggled smiling at him.

She shivered and rubbed her hands together. Matt sighed, "You know for the tough wrestler that your supposed to be, you don’t take the cold to well, and its not even that bad in here, chilly, but its comfortable, Matt said pulling her closer to him.

Angela grinned elbowing him playfully. "Don’t make me have to hurt you!" Angela said as Matt laughed at her.

Matt smiled down into her face, "Now I wanna see that happen!" Matt said touching her cheeck.

Angela stared at him. Matt smiled. She took a breath, she knew that there wasn’t much seperating them now, she could feel Matt’s breath on her face, warm and sweet, as he leaned down close to her face. She closed her eye’s and hoped for him to kiss her, she prayed he would. Angela swore she felt his lips, she wasn’t sure, but that second the door opened, and they both looked over to the hallway to see Lita, followed by Jeff.

Matt groaned. Angela giggled smiling at them standing there frozen staring at them.

"Hey." Angela said softly smiling at them.

Jeff waved his hand but neither of them moved. Lita glanced over at Jeff smiling, then Jeff reached into his pocket and handed her some money.

Lita smiled as she came and leaned against the edge of the couch. "I win." She said smiling cheerfully. Jeff came over standing next to her.

"Yeah well that’s the last time I bet with you!" Jeff said rolling his eye’s.

Matt sat up a little still holding Angela, "Bet what?" Matt asked annoyed. Jeff always comes at the wrong time, just like Jay and Adam.

Lita giggled, she glanced at Angel who was leaning against Matt, "We made a bet that we’d find you two together!" Lita said smiling as she watched Matt and Angela’s eye’s both go wide, there faces each red.

Jeff smiled, "So she wins. I wasn’t sure if you be together or not so I said no, I was wrong." Jeff said sighing. Lita smiled at him and looked at Matt and Angela.

Angela giggled, smiling, "How much?" Angela asked thinking the whole thing was funny.

Lita grinned, "20." Lita said kissing Jeff’s cheeck. "Thank you!" Lita said smiling at him. He rolled his eye’s, sighing.

"How was the clubb?" Matt asked shrugging his annoyance off.

Jeff sighed looking back at Lita who raised her eye’s brows at him.

Jeff smiled kissing her cheeck, "It was fun." Jeff said looking at Matt.

"So why are you to still up?" Lita asked sitting on the arm of the couch yawning.

Matt sighed glancing at Angela. She met his eye’s and spoke, glancing at Lita and Jeff, "I was nervous...... Matt and I were just helped....a lot....." Angela said softly. Lita got up moving away from Jeff - she came around and knelt near Angela. Matt gently let go of Angela as Lita reached to hug her, "I’m sorry I wasn’t here, I should have been here, ohh Angela I’m sorry I feel so bad, I’m sorry! I knew you’d be nervous, I’m glad Matt was with you!" Lita said hugging her, Lita met eye’s with Matt and winked, Matt smiled rolling his eye’s.

Angela giggled hugging Lita, "It’s okay, Matt was with me I’m okay now, I’m not so nervous anymore......" Angela said turning back to Matt’s eye’s. Matt smiled squeezing her hand.

Jeff got up and yawned, "Ohh I’m goin’ to bed, Lita you gonna stay?" Jeff asked stretching as Lita got up and started toward Jeff.

"Yeah I might as well, I’ll be alone if I leave!" Lita said giggling as Angela snuggled back into Matt’s warm strong arms. Matt hugged her feeling her breathing.

Matt sighed. About 10 minutes later............

Lita had changed into something of Jeff’s and Jeff had come out of the shower and got into his bed with Lita giggling about something under the covers. Matt hugged Angela who had started to fall asleep.

"You okay?" Matt asked whispering softly near her ear. She smiled hearing his voice, so soft and gentle. She sighed letting her eye’s meet his as she looked up at him.

She shook her head and smiled sleepily at him. Matt touched her cheeck softly, and whispered, "Goodnight!" Matt said as Angela laided on the floor infront of the fireplace with him holding her tight -she was shivering and he had no problem trying to help keep her warm

Chapter 33
Chapter 31