Chapter 34

Matt was in the bathroom combing his hair when Jeff came in and went to the sink staring at him in the mirror. Lita and Angela had left a few minutes before and were gonna see them at the arena, Angela still had to go down to there room and change.

Matt glanced over at Jeff, looking confused at him, "What?" Matt asked bewildered.

Jeff sighed, "Nothing, what happened between you two last night, why was Angela upset?" Jeff asked now looking confused himself.

Matt sighed, "I dunno she says she doesn’t want to talk about it with me yet, I wanna help her, but I can’t if she doesn’t tell me whats wrong! I can see that whatever it is thats bothering her, that it’s obviously hard for her to talk about it..... I don’t wanna force her to tell me anything she doesn’t want to, I want her to want to tell me." Matt said softly closing his eye’s remembering how upset and scared she seemed early that morning.

Jeff sighed turning out of the room, "Don’t worry about it Matt, just kiss her already!" Jeff said chuckling as he walked out.

Matt sighed staring at himself. Matt followed Jeff out of the bathroom and got his wrestling bag and suitcase together and packed. Jeff called down to the lobby and told the front desk that there bags would be in the hallway for later when they came to be picked up.

Matt left an outfit on his bed and a pair of good shoes to wear for the Underground. Later would be there last time in this hotel room. Matt was sort of sad, this was where he meet Angela, he felt sad leaving, but as long as she was gonna be with him, that made up for it! Later....

Matt was reviewing old wrestling tapes in there locker room, when he heard the door open. He glanced up to see Jay and Adam and Jeff walk in.

"Hey Matt." Adam said smiling at him.

"Adam, Jay." Matt said grinning at them

Jeff came over and sat down on the couch next to him.

Jay smiled excited, "Matt I was just telling Jeff, and Adam about my super great idea!" Jay said smiling.

Matt raised his eye’s brows and looked from Jeff to Adam smiling, "Jay’s got a super great idea? Ohh I gotta hear this!" Matt said chuckling. Adam and Jeff laughed, as Jay flicked him off. Matt laughed, "Sorry, okay I’m listening what’s this super great idea you’ve got?" Matt asked smiling.

Jay sighed loudly, "Morons! I’m surrounded by morons!" Jay threw his hands in the air annoyed. They all laughed.

"No seriously Jay, I’m listening, tell me..." Matt said looking at Jay

He sighed, "I started telling Jeff how I think it’d be cool if you guys came up to Canada with me an Adam..... were gonna go up to the lodge and spend Christmas there! You can stay for New Years.... I figured seeing as were gonna work overtime the next week and half to pretape the shows for 2 weeks to have the holidays off, that we could get a head start and leave after we tape Smackdown next Tuesday." Jay saw Matt grin, "I mean we can go skiing, hangout, we can snowmobile, party, the new lodge I bought up there is huge, we can do anything we want, it’ll be great! Trish is coming, and Adam’s bringing Torrie, Jeff’ll probably more then likely bring Lita, you can ask Angela to come, hell I’m sure she’d wanna go, Matt dude, guys..... we could have a seriously jolly Christmas you know what I mean," Jay paused as they all laughed , "and New Years is gonna be hott, hell we could have the best time!" Jay said looking around at them.

Jay for once had a good idea. Matt smiled, "I’m in." Matt said smiling at Jay as he slapped him five.

"Yes!" Jay laughed. "Jeff you?" Jay asked looking over at Jeff.

Jeff shook his head, "Hell yeah, you better believe I am!" Jeff said smiling.

"Yeah! Boys get ready to have the best vacation of your lives! The lodge is gonna be all ours!" Jay said thrilled. "Merry Christmas to me!" Jay said as they all laughed. A while Later......

Matt was reading his script, lying on the couch when the door opened. Jeff had gone and Jay and Adam were asked down to the ring to rehearse there scripts. Matt looked up as he saw Angela standing in the doorway, holding her script. He smiled at her.

She was wearing a pair of dark navy blue jeans and a brown long sleeve shirt matching ths stitches on her pants. Her hair was down with 2 barrettes on both sides. Her feet like usual were bare, and she wore her cross around her neck. She looked really pretty.

Angela stared at him biting her bottom lip. Matt grinned sitting up, as he closed his script. "Hey come on in." Matt said softly clearing his throat.

Angela closed the door and walked over toward the couch. She set the script down, on the arm of the couch and sat down next o him. Matt smiled at her, "Whats up?" Matt asked reaching for her cold hand. Matt grinned squeezing her hand gently.

Angela shrugged smiling shyly, "Not much. I thought I’d just come an see what you were doing....... I thought that maybe we could just run through the script before we do the whole ring rehearsal thing......." Angela said softly looking up into Matt’s eye’s.

Matt grinned - he could tell that she was nervous again. He sighed, "Sure." Matt said smiling.

Angela smiled, sighing. She looked relieved. Matt chuckled softly as she reached over for her script.

"Okay." Matt said opening his script.

"What do you usually do to rehearse the script, say with like Jeff or Lita?" Angela asked curiously.

Matt thought, he shrugged, "We usually just read it and make up little things to do to make it more interesting or funny, you know, things to spice it up.... you know." Matt said smiling.

Angela sighed smiling, "Okay." Angela said softly.

Matt took a deep breath, "You ready?" Matt asked as she stared at the script nervously.

"Yeah." Angela said clearing her throat and shrugging.

Matt grinned. "I’ll start." Matt said as he ran his fingers through his hair and swallowed, staring down at his script. ***

Matt and Angela were on the last page of the script when some technical guy knocked on the door and told them they were wanted in the ring for there rehearsal.

Matt took her script and helped her to her feet. "You nervous?" Matt asked staring at her tense smile as he slowly slide his arms around her.

Angela took a deep breath, giggling softly, "I’m petrified!" Angela said meeting his eye’s.

Matt smiled as she snuggled against him. "Don’t be, I’ll be right there....." Matt whispered holding her tight.

She sighed, "Okay, I’ll try to calm down....." Angela softly.

"Just have fun!" Matt suggested smoothing her hair. Angela hugged him feeling him breathing, he felt so incredible, she didn’t want to leave his arms. She knew she couldn’t do that as much as she wanted to, she’d have to leave his arms. She frowned burying her face into his shirt and taking a deep breath smelling his clean, sweet scent.

Chapter 35
Chapter 33