Chapter 38

Matt had just finished filming a backstage segment with Jeff. Jeff was talking to Matt insisting that he liked Angela. When the shot ended, Matt drank some more water and sighed walking back down to his locker room, so he could take a shower. Jeff had a match so he left Matt an he took Lita, and headed out to the ring.

Matt rubbed his head, as he opened the locker room door. He pulled his shirt off and tossed it toward his bag. He pulled his hair out of its ponytail and sat down on the couch drinking the last bit of water left in the bottle.

Matt closed his eye’s- he was so tired. He had a feeling to that he was going to have a long night ahead of him. He sighed thinking about Angela.

She was so unlike anyone he’d ever meet, and that was what he was so attracted too. She was so amazingly different, and he was falling head over heels in love with her, he loved her sweet smile, the way she hugged him, he loved her eye’s, there was nothing about her he wasn’t crazy about.

He wished that he was more brave when it came to actually being in love, he used to be, but its something he almost seemed to grow away from. After Lita he didn’t have such a good track record in the love department. He didn’t feel as confident, and he wasn’t sure why. He knew that there were tons of girls obsessed over him and Jeff, and he could have anyone of them he wanted. But he wanted Angela. He smiled imaging her snuggled warm in his arms in front of the fireplace up at Jay’s lodge. He pictured them horseback riding through the mountains, Matt holding her tight as they rode along. He grinned, that was going to be a great trip after all. Just then a thought occurred to him, should he get Angela a Christmas present? What would he get her if he did? He sighed trying to think. He had a great idea for first kiss that night, but then he realized he knew what he was going to give her for Christmas, he was going to ask her to go out with him, to be his, to be with him......always! He smiled, continuing to think about her.

He got up stretching as he headed for the bathroom to take his shower. ***

Matt got out of the shower and began to get dressed, he was hungry, he decided to get his stuff together an packed, and then go get some food, then maybe hangout with some friends for awhile.

Matt put on a black sweater and a pair of dark pants and pulled his hair back up. He sighed rubbing his arm. It hurt, he landed on it the wrong way when he jumped into the ring during his match. He left the locker room and went quickly to get his arm checked out.

His friend Jose was sitting on floor stretching. Matt smiled down at his friend, as he took a step into the room. "Hey do you got a few minutes?" Matt asked as Jose looked up at him.

He smiled, "Ohh Matt, hey sure, come on in, get comfortable, your arm bothering you again?" Jose asked as Matt sat down next to him.

Matt sighed rubbing his arm, "Thanks, it kills!" Matt said rolling up his sleeve.

Jose looked at his arm for a few moments, "Matt how did you land on it?" He asked examining his arm, rubbing it gently, trying to see where it hurt the most.

Matt thought a moment, "I feel down hard on it, it hurt so bad, now its just sore...." Matt said looking at him.

"Its awful swollen that’s why I was wondering." Jose said as he got up and went over to the cooler in the corner. Matt watched him take out an ice pack and he grabbed a pillow from the couch. ***

After about 10 minutes Matt got up thanking Jose for helping him with his arm.

"Aww Matt dude, no problem, any time, you know that. Hey before you go make sure if it gets sore later, that you elevate it and put some ice on it okay, don’t rub it though! That’ll make it hurt more okay!?" Jose asked patting Matts shoulder.

Matt grinned at him, "Yeah. Hey thanks a lot Jose!"

"No problem, see ya later..." Jose said smiling at him as Matt turned toward the door.

"Later man." Matt said smiling as he walked out of the room and down the hallway.

Chapter 39
Chapter 37