Chapter 4

Jeff knocked on the locker room door as he and Matt waited for Jay or Adam to answer the door. After a few seconds the locker room door opened and Adam was standing there in a pair of his wrestling pants and a towel around his neck.

“Hey guys!” Adam said smiling as he opened the door wider so they could come inside.

“Hi,” Jeff said as he walked past Adam.

Matt smiled at Adam and slapped him five. “Hey Adam,”

“Hi dude!” Adam said enthusiastically smiling at Matt.

Matt walked past Adam into the room following Jeff. Adam closed the door behind him and came into the locker room. Matt sat down on a couch next to Adam while Jeff sat on the other.

Jeff looked around quickly and asked, “Where’s Jay?”

“He’s in the shower.” Adam said sighing.

They sat in silence for a second until Jay entered into the room.

“Hey guys!” Jay said as he started to pull a shirt over his head. Matt looked up to find Jay wearing a towel around his waist and the shirt he had just put on.

“Jay.” Matt said softly.

Jeff waved a hand as Adam passed him a can of beer.

“Matt you want one?” Adam asked looking at Matt.

“Matt probably shouldn’t have one...” Jeff started to say, but was interrupted by Jay.

“Ohh right his match tonight sorry dude later maybe you can have one.” Jay said as he pulled on his wrestling pants and started to tape his wrists.

“No not because of his match.....” Jeff said chuckling

Jay and Matt then asked the same question at the same time, “Then why not?” Matt was staring over at Jeff very confused.

Jeff grinned, “Because he needs to have good breathe tonight because he might have some alone time with Angela!” Jeff said chuckling. Matt knew instantly that Jeff was joking on him. He smiled as he looked from Jay to Adam who both looked amused and confused.

“Wait a minute! Lemme get this straight! Matt has a thing for Angela?!” Adam asked laughing as he looked at Matt.

“Yup, bad!” Jeff said smirking.

Matt could feel all their eyes on him. He sighed.

“Yo Matty has a crush on Angela!” Adam said as he and Jeff started dancing around the room singing like idiots.

Jay pushed through them and came and sat next to Matt.

“Angela huh?” Jay said rubbing his chin.

Matt sighed shaking his head. “Yeah I guess.” Matt said shrugging.

“She’s cute, would you morons knock it off, your giving me a head ache!” Jay yelled at them as he threw a shoe that was near by at them. They stopped and came to sit down on the other couch again. Jay started to speak again as Jeff and Adam continued giggling.

“Like I had been saying...” Jay said eyeing them impatiently, “Angela’s cute, I can see why Matty would have a crush on her! Give him a break, lay off! Quit laughing!!” Jay said as he leaned over and slapped Adams arm. Matt sighed.

“So you gonna ask her out or what?” Adam asked looking at Matt.

Jay was staring at him. Matt thought about it for a few seconds and shrugged not knowing what to say, he wanted to, but it depended on certain things first. “I guess, I’d like to eventually!” Matt said looking at Jay’s eyes.

Jay smiled, “Well just remember Matt,” Jay said setting his hand on Matt’s shoulder, “Don’t wait too long, you need a girl to take up some of your spare time!” Jay said chuckling, as he smiled at Matt.

Matt grinned, and whispered a thanks. He sighed, he was hoping that he could win Angela’s heart, and get up the courage to eventually have a relationship with her! He smiled and sighed; he was even more excited and happy that he would see her tonight!

Chapter 5
Chapter 3