Chapter 42

The group waited a few more minutes outside and then they finally got inside. Matt and Angela walked throught the clubb, and went back to the table where they had sat at last time they came. Matt helped Angela take off her coat and was about to ask her if she wanted to go get a drink at the bar when he saw her turn and Lita took her arm and pulled her off to the side and said something to her. Matt sighed waiting for them to finish.

Matt watched Angela shake her head and sigh. Then she said something and turned and walked over to him.

"I gotta talk you......" Angela said leaning close to his ear. Matt looked up at her and followed her off to the side.

"What’s up?" Matt asked rubbing her cool hands between his somewhat warmer ones.

Angela sighed, "There’s sort of a situation....... Ruby and Chris just go into a huge argument, she’s upset, Lita, an some of the other girls and I are gonna go see what we can do to cheer her up, and try to get them together again. I’m sorry.... I’ll be back as soon as I can, are you gonna be okay without me for a little while?" Angela asked smiling at Matt.

Matt frowned sighing, "I guess I’ll manage without you for a few minutes......." Matt said softly sliding his arms around her waist. Matt grinned at her joking.

Angela smiled giggling at him. She hugged him quickly and smiled, "I’ll meet up with you some where in a little while okay?" Angela asked as Lita yelled to her from the table where she was talking with Jeff.

"Yeah, good luck." Matt said softly letting go of her.

Angela smiled at him as she turned and went to Lita, Matt walked back to the table and watched with Jeff as they walked away throught the crowd.

Jeff sighed. "We better go find Chris in a little while when he cools down to talk to him." Matt sighed shaking his head. "Hey, I’m gonna go get a drink, you want anything?" Jeff asked as he reached into his pocket and pulled out some money and started couting it.

Matt rubbed his forehead, "Sure, bring me back a..... I dunno, umm just bring me a San Gria......" Matt said glancing up at Jeff as he sat down.

"Naw dude, your coming with me, get up!" Jeff said montioning for him to get up.

Matt groaned, "Fine!" Matt mumbled pulling himself to his feet. Then he followed Jeff throught the crowd towards the bar. ***

Meanwhile.... In the ladies room.

Ruby is sitting on the couch in the middle between Molly and Torrie crying and upset. Molly is gently rubbing her shoulder to try to comfort her when Lita and Angela enter the bathroom.

Angela moves across the bathroom over toward the couch and kneels down in front of it. Lita looks from Molly to Torrie who both shrugg. "Ruby what happened?" Angela asked softly touching her arm gently. Then Lita knelt down next to Angela and sighed.

Angela waited a few moments so Ruby could finish crying. She picked her head up tears running down her cheecks, "Chris got mad at me because I was watching this cute couple and I pointed them out to him and he got made when I said that I wished we could be more like that, he got pissed because he said I didn’t love him, so I called him a jerk and he stormed away, and now he’s mad at me!" Ruby said as she began crying into her hands again.

"Ohh Ruby..." Angela said softly standing more to hug her.

Lita sighed, "Do you love him?" Lita asked getting up to get some paper towels for Ruby to use to wipe her tears.

"More then anything! You should know that!" Ruby said glancing at Lita, before sobbing as Angela let go of her.

"Why did you tell him you wished that you guys could be more like them?" Molly asked clearing her throat.

Ruby sighed looking up at her friends. "I dunno, all we seem to do lately is argue, he’s always talking to somebody when I want him to pay attention to me.... sometimes I just need his undivided attention and I feel like I don’t always get it when I need it...." Ruby said as Lita handed her the paper towels.

"I know how that feels!" Molly said grinning.

Lita giggled, "Yeah, but Shane has an excuse! He’s always got his mind someplace where its not supposed to be at the wrong time, but I can understand what your talking about!" Lita said smiling.

They all giggled even Ruby managed to laugh. It was pretty true of Shane.

Angela sighed, "Ruby I think you should go find Chris and tell him how you feel.... I’m sure you two can work things out, you both really care about each other, that’s obvious, just go and be honest with him, tell him how you feel...." As Angela said thoes words to Ruby she realised that she should be taking her own advice and telling Matt how crazy she is about him. She cleared her throat sighing, she wished she could be brave enough too...

Ruby stared at Angela a moment rubbing her forehead, then she cleared her throat and shrugged, "Yeah, okay your right, I’m gonna go find Chris and talk to him......" Ruby said wiping her eyes as she got to her feet slowly.

Angela smiled an touched her arm, "Just tell him how you feel Ruby!" Angela said softly smiling at her.

Ruby shook her head and glanced at the other girls. "I’ll see you all in a few minutes then I guess..." Ruby said clearing her throat as she glanced in the mirror and walked for the door.

"Good Luck..." They all said in unision.

Angela sat down where Ruby had been sitting and watched her leave. Once the bathroom door was closed Lita sighed.

"I hope everything works out!"Angela said softly.

"It will I’m sure...." Lita said grinning.

"Where’s Trish?" Angela asked just now realising that she hadn’t seen her earlier.

"She had to stay and meet with Vince about her script, she said if she felt like it she’d come..." Molly said yawning.

Angela shook her head, "Jay’s probably bored without her." Angela said giggling. Molly smiled.

"So how are things with Matt going?" Lita asked turning to smile at her.

Angela knew she blushed, she grinned and stared at Lita who laughed at her. "He’s so incredible!" Angela said as all the girls giggled. Angela sighed thinking about him.

Torrie sighed standing, "I think I’m gonna go find Adam, Molly you wanna come?" Torrie asked stretching.

Molly shrugged, "Sure, you two coming?" Molly asked as lita sat down next to Angela.

"We’ll be out in a few minutes......" Angela said smiling.

Molly grinned following Torrie, "Okay later......." Molly said grinning.

Once Molly and Torrie were gone Angela looked at Lita. "I’m coming to the lodge....." Angela burst out excitedly.

Lita stared at her giggling, "You are? Matt asked you to come?" Lita asked laughing happily.

Angela shook her head, "I was thrilled, My heart was beating so fast, he’s such a sweetie pie, ohh my gosh!" Angela giggled.

Lita grinned, "Aww thats so cute! This is gonna be so much fun!" Lita said smiling.

Angela grinned, it felt really good to feel so happy, she hadn’t felt so happy in such a long time....maybe ever...!

Chapter 43
Chapter 41