Chapter 44

Matt, Jeff and Shane sat together talking for awhile. Matt sighed after a few minutes and stretched as he stood up. "I’m gonna go get another drink..." Matt said glancing at Jeff.

Jeff grinned shaking his head. "I’ll be back." Matt said running his fingers through his hair.

"Were gonna be over at the pool tables, do you wanna meet us there?" Jeff asked looking up at Matt.

Matt sighed, "Yeah, I’ll be there." Matt said smiling as he turned to leave.

Matt got to the bar and sat down on a stool. He watched the bar tender making a drink, and waited for him to come wait on him. After a few minutes the young guy came over, "Hey what can I get you?" He asked counting some money in his hand.

Matt sighed, "Gimme’ a brandy please." Matt said grinning at the guy. The guy shook his head and turned toward the row of different alcohol’s to prepare his drink. Matt reached into his pocket and pulled out a 10$ bill. Matt sighed setting the money on the counter.

As Matt waited he looked around, the clubb was getting really crowded, and it was hot, and the smoke made everything seem darker. Matt rubbed his head, he was getting tired. Matt yawned as he scanned the dance floor to see where Angela was. He finally saw her laughing as she stood with Lita and some of the other girls. She looked happy and Matt smiled seeing her laughing and seeming comfortable with the people she’d meet in the last several days. Matt was very happy that he’d meet her, he was crazy about her.

Matt paid for his drink and sat at the bar for a minute or two watching Angela dancing and laughing with the girls. Matt rubbed his arm yawning as he got up and headed for the pool tables.

Matt took a stool next to Adam and Jay and watched as Shane and Jeff played. Chris and Ruby who had made up sat close together at a table off to the side of the pool table area. "So who’s winning?" Matt asked setting his glass down on a table near him and looked from Shane to Jeff.

"I am." Jeff said grinning. Matt smiled. "I play winner!" Matt announced smiling.

"Your on!" Jeff and Shane both said in unison.

Jay and Adam laughed as Matt watched them finish playing there game. Jeff won. Matt stretched as Adam rooted for him. "Kick his ass Matt!" Adam said laughing as Jeff threw a handful of peanuts at him.

"Jeff!" Jay said whining as he wiped peanuts off of his shirt and pants. Matt laughed as he walked over to get a pool stick.

"You know your gonna lose Jeff!" Matt said confidently as he leaned against the pool table waiting for Jeff to finish setting up the balls.

"We’ll see about that Matty!" Jeff said glancing at him grinning.

Matt smiled shrugging as he waited for Jeff to finish setting up. "Okay." Jeff said pulling his hair up as he glanced at Matt when the table was ready. "Since I won, Matt you can go first!" Jeff announced walking over to a stool and taking a drink.

Matt smiled taking a deep breath. He had played pool against Jeff so many times that he knew he could win if he was able to get Jeff’s attention focused on something else. Matt sighed as he leaned over and lined up his shot, hit the cue ball making the other balls roll in all directions across the table. Matt got 2 balls in the pockets. He looked up at Jeff who smiled trying to pretend not to be impressed.

The game slowly progressed until Matt and Jeff both had 2 of each others balls left scattered across the table. Matt was sitting with his drink watching Jeff studying the table for his shot, when Matt looked up and saw Torrie, and Trish followed by Molly, Lita and Angela walking toward there table. Torrie, Trish and Molly walked over to Jay, Adam, and Shane and sat down with each of them. Matt smiled at Angela as she walked over to the side of the game area and grabbed another stool for herself. Angela set the stool down near his and smiled at him as she sat down.

"Hey..." Matt said softly meeting her eye’s.

Angela smiled, "Hi." She said softly watching him. Matt sighed as he glanced toward Jeff who was talking to Lita quietly as they leaned against the pool table.

Angela watched his eye’s as he looked over at Lita an Jeff. Matt was so cute! He had these incredible eye’s and an amazing smile, she felt happy to be near him. Angela pushed her bangs away from her eye’s and sighed. She noticed that both Matt & Jeff were holding pool sticks. She smiled.

"Whose winning?" Angela asked looking at everyone, as Matt looked back at her.

Matt grinned, "I am.......!" Matt said chuckling as he glanced at Jeff who threw peanuts at him. Angela and Matt both laughed. Matt looked back at Angela and smiled as he noticed a peanut in her hair. Matt smiled at her as he reached up taking the peanut out of her hair and threw it to the floor. Angela giggled smiling at him.

"Thanks." She said softly smiling at him. Matt shook his head winking at her. Matt watched as she blushed glancing away. Angela looked up at him slowly and smiled.

Matt grinned as he got up and leaned against the pool table, "Okay Jeff, come on go already!" Matt said as he watched Lita giggle as Jeff stared at Matt -Lita moved out of the way and went to sit next to Angela. Matt wasn’t facing Angela, but he could feel her eye’s on him. He grinned knowing she was watching him. Matt looked down at Jeff who met eye’s with him.

Jeff grinned as he looked back down to line up his shot. Matt watched as the cue ball hit the first ball bouncing off and rolling own the table and hitting the second ball into the pocket. Matt stared at Jeff. Jeff shrugged as Lita cheered and Angela booed. Matt laughed glancing back at her. Angela smiled and motioned for him. Matt grinned as he walked over leaning close to her face.

Angela smiled whispering, "Matt...... I want you to win!" Angela said softly as Matt smiled, gently touching her cheek. Matt smiled as he turned back to the table as Jeff leaned over to try an make the winning shot.

Matt held his breath, miss miss miss! Matt watched as Jeff hit the cue ball sending it down the table hitting the last of Matt’s balls and rolling towards the pocket. Matt gripped the pool stick in his hand and stared at the ball as it hit the side wall and rolled off the corner to a stop. Angela giggled and Adam and Torrie were cheering, everyone else looked pretty surprised that Jeff missed. Jeff met Matt’s eye’s and sighed as he leaned against the railing behind him and watched as Matt stared at the table trying to figure out a good shot. Matt only had 2 balls left to shoot for. If he got those 2 in he’d win.

Matt took a deep breath as he leaned over hitting the cue ball gently into the one ball making it roll into the pocket. Angela sat giggling with Lita, when Matt leaned over to shoot it was the best position. Matt looked up at Jeff as he smiled shaking his head. Matt heard more cheering from his friends behind him and glanced back at Angela who smiled excitedly as she met his eye’s. Matt smiled winking at her as he looked back to the table. He had only one more ball to get in and he would win.

Matt felt nervous, but confident. He took a deep breath stretching, then he leaned over and line up his shot. Matt took a breath and hit the cue ball sending the 8 ball into the opposite corner pocket... winning! Everyone was cheering, even Jeff. Angela jumped up as Matt set the pool stick onto the table and turned as Angela ran to hug him. Matt wrapped his arms around her hugging her tightly as she laughed excitedly because he won.

After a few minutes of celebrating and talking about the game Matt sat down and gulped down the last of his drink. Angela snuggled against him still giggling excitedly

"Matt you won!" Angela giggled smiling at him. Matt grinned at her, holding her closer. ***

A few minutes later........ Everyone was hanging out talking. Angela was talking with Lita on one side of the pool table, while Matt and the other guys were talking about the show earlier that night. Matt was laughing when he heard his name. Matt and the other guys looked towards the pool table. Matt smiled a little confused as Angela stared at him, holding a pool stick.

Matt met Angela’s eye’s grinning, he stood up slowly and watching her cautiously. Angela grinned devilishly at him. Matt watched as she threw the pool stick in his direction and Matt caught it not even looking away from her. Her eye’s were very intense and he didn’t dare look away from them.

Matt walked slowly toward the pool table leaning against it staring at her. Angela smiled slowly clearing her throat, "Matt I wanna play..... against you!" Angela said as Lita giggled standing behind her. Jay who had just put a handful of peanuts into his mouth started choking. Matt glanced back to him as Adam laughed histerically as he hit Jay in the back to help him from choking.

Matt grinned staring back at her. His plan was working perfectly! He smiled, "Your on! Ladies first!" Matt said motioning for her to begin. Angela stared at him, her eye’s sparkling, a huge smile across her face. She giggled as she started around towards the end of the table.

"Hold it!" Matt called to her making Angela stop dead in her tracks and look over at him. Matt knew everybody was waiting to hear what he was about to say, Lita was holding her breath and Jeff stopped drinking to listen.

Matt took a breath wetting his lips quickly, grinning as Angela pushed her bangs away from her beautiful eye’s. "What would you say to making an interesting deal?" Matt asked watching Angela’s smile turn very intense.

Angela took a breath, trying to remain looking confident. "What kinda deal?" Angela asked leaning against the pool table staring hard into Matt’s eye’s.

Matt grinned leaning against the pool table himself - staring back at her. "If I win...... I get to name one thing I want, and then I get it!" Matt said as Angela stared at him not bothering to look away even if she was blood red from blushing. Angela let her mind wonder momentarily. What could Matt want? Her she could only hope. She smiled thinking about how sweet he was, and how she longed to feel his lips delicately kissing hers. She shivered at the thought turning her attention back to Matt. She stared at him. They both knew the whispers from there friends around them were excited and eager in wonderment of what would happen depending on who would win.

"And if I win?" Angela asked smiling as Matt sighed staring at her smiling.

Matt shrugged running his fingers through his hair, "That’s up to you......." Matt started to say when Angela interrupted him.

"I name one thing I want, and I get it!!!" Angela said as she smiled devilishly giggling.

Matt met her eye’s and took a breath smiling, "Deal. Milady you may go first!" Matt said smiling as he turned back to sit on his stool against the wall to wait for Angela to take her turn.

Matt sat down a took a sip of his brandy. Matt watched Angela studying the table and he couldn’t help smile, she was so cute! Matt sighed leaning over close to Jay. "My brilliant plan is working perfectly! That was plan A, now onto the second part, plan B! A romantic kiss is soon to come!" Matt whispered as Jay laughed histeically.

Matt grinned, he knew what he wanted - if he wins... that incredible kiss from Angela is all he wanted.

Angela lined up her shoot and watched as the cue ball rolled across the table sending balls rolling in all directions. Angela got one ball in as the girls cheered and Adam and Jay laughed. Angela looked up her eye’s locking with Matt’s. Matt stared at her, she looked like an angel, she was staring at him smiling so beautifully. Matt’s heart pounded as he watched her.

Lita who was giggling & jumping excitedly ran around to hug Angela. "Good job Angela!" Lita said softly hugging her.

Angela smiled. "Lita’s there’s something else I never told you...... when I was running away, I learned how to play pool, and eventually got pretty good at it.... I used to enter pool tournaments to win money to live off of, I think I can beat Matt!" Angela said biting her bottom lip as Lita laughed.

"Go for it girl!" Lita said giggling as she hugged Angela quickly and went to sit again.

Angela glanced back at Matt who was holding his glass watching her. Angela took a deep breath and lined up the next shot missing. Angela sighed leaning against the railing. She watched as Matt set his glass down, stood and walked around the table studying the possible shots. Angela couldn’t take her eye’s off of him, something about the way he looked so determined to win just made him even more sexy

Chapter 45
Chapter 43