Chapter 55

That morning Matt and Angela said farewell to Las Vegas and rode with Lita and Jeff to the airport. They got on the plane and headed to Connecticut were they would work for the next several days to pre-tape the shows for the next two weeks so they could leave for the lodge up in Canada with Jay and the "gang."

Matt and Angela stayed close with each other on the long plane ride, and savored the time they spent with each other.

Once the plane landed, the next two days that followed where pretty crazy. Matt was busy taping matches and segments and doing fan meet and greets and promotional type stuff, while Angela was busy with photo shots and taping and they didn’t get to see very much of each other.

It was Monday afternoon and Matt knew that Jay and the girls had decided to leave 2 days early to get up to the lodge and buy groceries and get settled in, while Matt and Jeff and Shane and Adam and Chris finished work stuff and would leave Wednesday night to head up there to meet them. He knew that in the morning Angela would be leaving and he wanted desperately to see her before she left. He wanted so badly to find a way to be alone with her.

Matt was sitting at a table with Jeff in the catering room eating a sandwich when he heard Lita -she yelled for Angela. Lita was sitting at a table by the door with Trish and Matt looked up to see Angela standing in the doorway laughing as she turned to look at Lita. Matt sighed, he hadn’t gotten to see much of Angela in the last several days, and he was upset about it, he hated it.

When they found a few moments alone together it was rushed and went by so fast, usually a spire of the moment secret meeting in a dark hallway or somewhere private for a few moments- although Matt loved every moment of the short meeting’s they managed to have. Matt missed seeing her and he missed just being able to spend time with her. He had thought that having her working with him in a shared script would mean that he’d see her a lot, he had been wrong. They always seemed to be pulled in an opposite direction.

Jeff glanced across the room toward Lita, they had had an argument over something stupid and weren’t talking. Jeff sighed as he looked back to Matt who stared at Angela who now was sitting with Lita and Trish.

"Matt you know you wanna go see her, don’t stay because of me not speaking to Lita....go see Angela." Jeff said gulping down some juice.

Matt shrugged, "I’m not staying here because of you!" Matt said staring at Jeff.

Jeff raised an eyebrow confused, "Then why haven’t you run to Angela’s side yet?" Jeff asked stretching.

Matt shrugged, "I dunno, I don’t wanna get my hopes up that she has long to just hangout, I don’t wanna go over there and be excited about seeing her.... and then have her leave me right away..." Matt said running fingers through his hair.

Jeff sighed, "Well you’ll have plenty of time alone with her at the lodge, look forward to that." Jeff said rubbing his neck.

Matt grinned, "I can’t wait." Matt said smiling. "Are you and Lita going to be speaking by then?" Matt asked glancing back to the table across the room where the girls sat talking and giggling.

Jeff rubbed his forehead holding his head up with his hands, "I hope so!" Jeff whined.

"Go talk to her Jeff! Get over your big head and just go apologize to her so you don’t have to be so unhappy! Its not that hard you know!" Matt said as he stood to throw his plate and cup away.

Jeff groaned, "Ohh maybe your right, I’m gonna go talk to her......" Jeff said standing. "You want me to tell Angela to come over?" Jeff asked pulling his now light brown hair into a ponytail.

Matt sighed, "Nah thats ok. I’m gonna go get some more soda, I’ll meet up with you later and you can tell me how your apology to Lita went okay?" Matt asked as Jeff rolled his eye’s and shook his head turning to walk away.

Matt sighed as he looked across the room toward Angela who sat watching Lita talking. Matt stared at her as she twirled a strand of her long brown hair around her finger, biting her bottom lip and shaking her head grinning. Matt watched as she looked toward Jeff as he walked over to the front of the table leaning against it, his attention on Lita.

Matt sighed as he started over to the table where soda bottles and styrofoam cups lined 2 full tables. He reached for a bottle of Pepsi and poured him self a cup. He stood there staring off into space as he drank a cup and poured himself another. His attention must have been else where because when he heard a voice from behind him he jumped a little startled. He turned and sighed and smiled seeing Angela.

"Matt I didn’t mean to scare you......." Angela said giggling as she watched Matt holding his hand over his heart.

Matt shook his head and grinned, "Its okay, I wasn’t thinking.... I... never mind, its okay." Matt said as Angela smiled at him.

Angela met his eye’s and shivered getting lost in them for a moment. Then she sighed, "I’m sorry I haven’t been able to see you more lately, everything’s so hectic you know?" Angela said as she followed Matt to a table near by and sat next to him.

Matt sighed shaking his head, "Yeah I know I’m sorry too.... I hate not seeing you, I miss not being alone with you....." Matt whispered as Angela smiled taking his hand.

"I miss it too." Angela said softly meeting his eye’s again.

Matt took a breath, and grinned. "You have a few minutes?" He asked brushing her bangs away from her eye’s.

Angela giggled, "Yes!" She whispered excitedly, smiling devilishly at Matt.

"Come on." Matt whispered getting to his feet. Matt reached for Angela’s hand and left his cup at the table. Angela stood and followed Matt out of the room.


Matt shut the door to his locker room once he and Angela were inside. The light was off, but the light in the bathroom was on and cast a shadow across Angela face, almost like the fireplace would have, as she turned to see Matt, waiting for her eye’s to adjust to the dark.

Matt smiled as he stepped toward her and reached up touching her cheek. Angela’s heart beat faster as she felt Matt’s soft incredible touch. She smiled snuggling against him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and felt his breath on her face. Matt slid his arms slowly around her driving her crazy. Angela closed her eye’s and sighed, she was very happy to be back finally in Matt’s arms.

"I missed this so much...." Matt whispered kissing her cheek softly.

Angela smiled, "I know, I have too, I can’t wait to be with you at the lodge Matt. We’ll be all alone and it will be so nice........" Angela whispered pausing. "I can’t wait for you to hold me and keep me warm, I love the way you hold me tight in you arms, I dream about it, I just miss you. I’ve missed this so much....." Angela whispered hugging him.

Matt hugged her tight and smiled pushing her bangs away from her eye’s, "You know how incredible you feel?" Matt asked as she blushed smiling.

"Your so cute Matt." Angela giggled as she touched his cheek. "I hope I feel as good as you do......." She said seeming to glow as she smiled at him.

"To think your leaving me tomorrow, I won’t see you until Wednesday, do you know how hard that is going to be for me?" Matt asked as he started to kiss Angela’s cheek again.

Angela giggled, "It’s going to be hard for me too! But at least it will give me time to go buy you a Christmas present!" Angela said smiling as she watched as Matt looked up at her a sparkle in his eye’s that wasn’t usually there.

He chuckled, "What do you want for Christmas?" Matt asked touching her cheek gently with his finger tips.

Angela stared at Matt. He was what she wanted, not a single thing but him. Suddenly she giggled feeling sort of silly. Did she have him already? She wasn’t sure.... She suddenly wondered exactly what kind of relationship there was between them. Angela wasn’t rushing into anything, she didn’t want to, she had already decided that, she just hoped that Matt would agree and respect her decision. There was no need to rush into any type of relationship they have. Without even asking or consulting Matt Angela decided that she’d soon enough find out what the type of relationship it was. She cared about Matt, very deeply actually, but after Ray and the things that Jack did to her, a sexual relationship wasn’t something that she presently didn’t think she was ready for. Maybe eventually, she would love to have that type of relationship with Matt! But now just didn’t seem like the time. She’d be happy to wait. Angela stared at Matt knowing he was waiting for an answer. She grinned. "Matt, all I want for Christmas is to be alone with you and for us to spend a lot of time together!!" Angela whispered as Matt chuckled watching her turn red.

"Good......" Matt whispered, smiling as he leaned down and brushed a kiss quickly against her lips. Matt moved back to say something to her but Angela silenced him before he got to speak. Her lips gently kissed Matt’s, begging for him to satisfy the desire she had to feel his arms around her, to taste the tenderness of his soft kiss. Matt gave in to her and began to fill the desire she showed and what he felt.

He kissed her softly, savoring the touch, the sweet taste and the wonderful smell of her clean breath. She felt incredible in his arms, almost unbelievable, as Matt continued kissing her he tried to comprehend the feelings he felt. Unsuccessfully. He sighed quickly against her lips and they continued kissing. Matt as well as Angela felt delighted that they were alone and that they shared these moments together. Matt loved being with Angela and he knew he was in love her.

Chapter 56
Chapter 54