Chapter 57

Two days later... The next 48 hours went by so slowly. Matt and the other guys worked hard to get up to the lodge early but by the time there plane landed in Toronto, they were three hours late and everyone was anxious to get up to the lodge.

Matt had felt horrible without Angela being around. He was so glad he’d be seeing her in a few minutes, he couldn’t wait to hold her, and kiss her, and be alone with her to keep her warm. Matt felt exhausted from missing her.

Matt was staring out the window in the back seat of the Jeff’s van looking out at the falling snow and at the mountains all around them as the drove up the to the lodge. Adam was sitting in the front seat next to Jeff and was giving him the directions. Shane was asleep next to Matt. And Chris was reading in the far back seat. It was almost 1:30 pm in the afternoon and it had already started to slowly get darker, there was supposed to be a bad snow storm tonight and Matt wanted to get to the lodge to be with Angela as fast as he could.

"Are we almost there..... yet?" Matt asked staring out the window impatient to get there. "

Matt dude would you chill please! Angela’s not gonna melt away don’t worry!" Jeff said chuckling as he glanced at him in the rear view mirror. Matt groaned and sat back looking at Jeff in the mirror.

"I know that, I just wanna get there!" Matt said sighing.

"I wanna get there too! I wanna see Lita just as much as you wanna see Angela you know, but I can only drive so fast," Jeff said Matt interrupting him.

"I know Jeff! How much longer?" Matt asked rolling his eye’s.

Jeff glanced at Adam who spoke, "Maybe ten more minutes..." Adam said telling Jeff to turn off this rode and take a left up the mountain trail.

Matt sighed and rested his head back against the seat and watched the tree’s pass by.

After a few minutes of silence Jeff spoke suddenly. "Hey Matt are you gonna ask Angela out or not out of curiosity?" Jeff asked looking at Matt in the mirror.

Matt shrugged, "I was planning on it for tomorrow night. I thought I’d ask her on Christmas Eve." Matt said pausing. "You think she’d say yes?" Matt asked stretching.

Jeff sighed, "I think so." Jeff said shaking his head.

"Adam?" Matt asked.

Adam sighed, "Yeah I think she would too." Adam said glancing back at Matt. Matt sighed and grinned.

"I hope so... how bout’ you Chris?" Matt asked turning back to look a Chris.

Chris yawned, "Ohh yeah Matt, dude I think she’d say yes. I really think she likes you a lot..." Chris said smiling as he turned his attention back to what he was reading.

Matt grinned, "I really like her, I think she’s incredible, she beautiful, she’s so sweet, her smile makes me so happy and to hold her is like a dream come true, I think I’m ......" Matt paused his mind wondering to a vision of Angela when he awoke to find her sleeping like an angel next to him. Matt got lost in his thoughts of her and it was Jeff who spoke bringing his mind back to reality.

"Huh?" Matt asked not hearing what Jeff had said.

Jeff groaned, "You were saying.....?!" Jeff asked staring at Matt in the mirror.

Matt sighed, "I think, I think.... I’m in love with her...................." Matt said softly feeling silence settle over the van.

Chapter 58
Chapter 56