Chapter 60

About 10 minutes later Matt returned to Angela’s room and set his bag down on the floor by the closet. Lita and Angela were still on the couch, as Matt walked in they were both laughing.

"What’s going on?" Matt asked as they both turned to look at him. Angela smiled, then fell back onto the couch and continued to laugh and Lita rolled her eye’s. Matt started to ask again when Jeff came in and dropped Matt’s bag down on the end of the bed. Then he plopped himself down next to him.

"Matt dude what is in there?" Jeff asked taking deep breaths.

Lita giggled as she got up and walked toward Jeff, "Jeff there’s nothing in there except clothes and stuff." Matt said as Lita sat down next to Jeff. Matt sighed as Jeff continued to take deep breaths.

Matt who heard Angela still laughing walked over to the end of the couch and watched her as she lay there laughing as she looked up at him. "Hey. What’s so funny?" Matt asked smiling at her as she sat up and took a deep breath trying to calm herself.

Angela sighed as Matt sat down next to her. "Lita...... she’s so funny, I just couldn’t stop laughing..." Angela said as she glanced back at Lita and began to laugh again.

Matt shrugged, and glanced back to Lita, "What’d you say?" Matt asked as Lita giggled.

Then Lita grabbed Jeff’s arm and started for the door. "Come on Jeff let’s go, remember dinners in an hour... get dressed!" Lita called as she shut the door leaving.

Matt shook his head confused, and looked back to Angela who giggled softly, as she got up and moved closer snuggling against Matt. Matt held her gently and sighed. "So what did she say? It obviously must have been about me that’s why she left so soon, so what was it?" Matt asked softly hugging her.

Angela smiled as she looked up meeting Matt’s eye’s. "Lita said that when you were downstairs looking for me you looked like a lost little boy and just the way she said it made me laugh......" Angela said giggling. Matt stared at her a moment and groaned.

"I’ll kill her...." Matt mumbled as Angela sat up touching his cheek.

She smiled softly and sighed as her eye’s met Matt’s. "I thought it was flattering!" Angela said softly watching Matt’s confused expression.

"What about being thought of as a lost little boy is flattering?" Matt asked touching her hair gently running his fingers down its length.

Angela giggled, "Not for you, for me silly!" Angela said pausing. "I thought that you looking for me that way was flattering, sort of like you can’t stand to be without me, it was cute, and sweet...... its nothing to kill Lita over." Angela said snuggling back into Matt’s arms. Matt sighed.

"Hearing that made you happy?" Matt asked whispering close to her face.

Angela who was hugging Matt smiled as she closed her eye’s sitting with him peacefully. "Yeah it did." Angela whispered as she looked up at Matt and leaned close to him kissing him gently, then closing her eye’s and listening to him breathing and to the sound of the warm crackling fire place.


After a few minutes Angela and Matt got up and she helped Matt unpack his stuff. Angela was folding a shirt as Matt set his empty bags down inside the closet.

Matt turned and watched her and he couldn’t help but smile, she was great. "You should probably go and get changed for dinner." Matt said softly as Angela glanced back at him and smiled. She set the folded shirt down and turned as she came toward him.

"Okay I probably should. We should go downstairs soon any ways." Angela said softly snuggling against Matt. Matt shook his head and mumbled okay as he hugged her and sighed, it felt good to hold her.

Matt moved away after a moment and stared down into Angela’s face. "Hey, I think in my excitement to see you I forgot to wish you a Merry Christmas...." Matt whispered as he brushed his finger tips across Angela’s cheek softly. Angela closed her eye’s briefly and grinned. Matt brushed her hair away from her eye’s and smiled. "Merry Christmas Angie...." Matt whispered as Angela giggled.

She sighed and smiled, "Merry Christmas Matt!" Angela whispered as Matt pulled her closer to him and kissed her delicately, feeling the incredible surge of excitement between them both.


Matt was lounging on the couch when Angela came out from the bathroom wearing long black dress pants, and a long sleeve white sweater. She had her usual cross on and her hair was down falling around her. She had on no shoe’s or socks and she smiled at Matt as she came to the couch and sat down snuggling against him.

"You look nice..." Matt said softly as he leaned over and kissed her cheek. Angela giggled noticing that while she was in the bathroom Matt had changed too. He was wearing dark jeans and a navy blue sweater and he had his usual chain on and his smile was amazing.

"So do you." Angela whispered as she leaned closer to Matt and kissed him, it was a short, sweet kiss, but it felt good.

Matt grinned, after he moved away smiling at her. "Jay came up to see where we where and I told him we’d be down as soon as you came out, Trish is gonna start setting the table, so we should probably get down there. You ready?" Matt asked sitting up as he looked over at Angela who shrugged.

"Almost." She giggled as she leaned over kissing Matt again. Matt couldn’t resist he kissed her back gently.


About 5 minutes later Matt had walked downstairs with Angela and they went into the kitchen where Trish was rinsing some dishes, and Jay was pouring everyone glasses of wine.

"Hey Matty" Jay paused smiling at Matt, then he looked at Angela who held Matt’s arm standing next to him. "and the lovely Miss Angela." Jay said smiling as he looked up at them from pouring the wine. Angela giggled as she took a glass from Jay and left Matt’s side and went over to see Trish. Matt grinned as he sat down on a stool at the island in the middle of the kitchen where Jay was pouring the wine.

"So how ya doin’?" Jay asked quietly leaning against the counter opposite Matt.

Matt stared past him at Angela and smiled, "I haven’t been this good in a long time..." Matt said smiling at Jay.

Jay grinned. "That’s great Matt." Jay said standing up straight.

Matt smiled and watched Jay turn around looking at Trish and Angela standing at the sink smiling and laughing quietly. "So are we ready to eat yet?" Jay asked interrupting Trish in the middle of a sentence.

Trish finished saying something to Angela who smiled and sipped her wine. Then Trish looked back over to Jay, "The spaghetti will be ready in about 20 minutes, but we can start on the rolls and salad." Trish said smiling.

"Sounds great." Lita said from the dinning room doorway. They all turned around to see her leaning there smiling. She glanced at Matt and then over to Angela who smiled.

"Do you want any help?" Angela asked looking back at Trish who had started toward the doorway with a big bowl of salad.

"No, I want everyone to go sit and get comfortable, now all of you go!" Trish said leaving for the dinning room with Lita following her.

Matt looked at Jay and sighed. "Let’s go." Matt said smiling as he went over and took Angela’s hand and they followed Jay into the dinning room for a delicious home cooked holiday meal.

Chapter 61
Chapter 59